
Local man invests life savings into turnips. When asked whether it was a wise decision he responded, "Eh. I'm sure someone will buy them."

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Messages - Toby

You certainly could run some man hunts or 2v4 with seer/guard

If the next host signups plans for a manhunt that'll be easiest to adjust accordingly 
I think BDS mentioned it too but I do find it strange that Davy who was so active at the beginning of the game, didn't even cast a real vote and missed the last 24 hours of day 1.
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on January 09, 2024, 08:37:03 PMAt work again, but I just wanted to say one thing. I am 100% confident in my assertion that BDS is the Grinch, so I'm saying this now so no one can claim it comes out of nowhere. My first post in the day phase is going to be a vote on BDS. You can not convince me otherwise, unless someone does a major slip-up. That is all, I'll see you guys after work.

How can you be 100% certain of anything? This feels like a double down by grinch to act like grandma to not be lynched. I want to believe if THC is grinch he would be trying to act less sus than he does naturally as a human. But it's possible he's playing up to try look like grandma.

I'd be interested to see if THC survives past day 2
Some skimming thoughts

Math - clutched at TZP and THC for asking Grinch questions. Asked for everyone's thoughts on TZP missing a grinch thing - is that too obvious that he's trying to rally people against TZP? I'm not leaning wolf on  him for this

THC - is being weird. sus of davy for being pro grandma while admittedly being pro grandma. Given his weird takes I'm inclined to believe if he was a wolf he may try act less weird. Asked if the wolf had a wolfing while recognising talk about a wolfing. Could see him being grandma possibly but not wolf lean

TZP - asked a grinch question. Don't think he'd do that as grinch honestly. I can see how it could be reverse psychology but I'm leaning he wouldn't. Seems to be retaliating against math  who voted him first and I think wolf TZP would avoid that angle but I'm quickly glancing

Oricorio - has been largely invested in the game. Doing GTH first post reads again and also insulting at times. Could be grandma but not leaning wolf

BDS - gave an early human lean on TZP. Wanted me to consider a davy/THC grinch/grandma pairing (odd). Don't think these are wolf takes

Davy - Gave an insightful take on Oricorio talking about grandma a lot. Nothing much else to make me think not wolf. His sus list was largely throughing suspicion on most of the players

I would be between Davy or Xiao so i'll go Xiao
Quote from: Oricorio on January 08, 2024, 08:54:17 PMTime to start digging into people's ISOs (frustrating here due to a lack of multiquote and a real ISO feature), starting with Toby:

Basically, their only two posts are just saying they'll post later, I mean come on man. Wolflean if he keeps this up

I just literally haven't had the time or mental capacity and I probably shouldn't have signed up for this game due to that but I didn't want it to not go ahead and was hoping for the best

My activity isn't alignment indicative nor is my contribution so far
Im working all day today but will try catch-up on my breaks on recent events and post some thoughts
I think the take that the grinch might have claimed to grandma is a bit absurd. There's a 50% chance to be wrong, and you also don't know if Grandma can be trusted to pair with the wolf

I just think it's a weird take, I'm wondering if BDS is grandma
Hi sorry I haven't managed to catch-up I've had a heavy few days staying with family but I'm back home and can play catchup tomorrow

Does anyone want me to look at someone/something specific and I can focus myself on that when I get home tonight
Hi I'm here I've a busy day out today but I'll try catch-up before phase end
I was going to miss a game but i want the game to fill up

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXX Host Festive-Ups
December 13, 2023, 01:35:28 PM
There's probably a voting strategy players can do to find out who the Grink is

Something like vote the player below you and see who dies. It may be better to allow the Grink to choose how many votes they want to use from the vote pool at any point of the phase rather than the start

Or what may even be better is allow them to give votes from the vote pool to any player, including themselves at any point of the phase. That would eliminate any trickery and also force humans to have to try come to a consensus on votes as to not have the Grinks votes overwhelm. Sounds strong but think it balances the Grink not even having a wolfing

Or if you don't like that maybe make it so the Grink can't be lynched in a KitB 
Very nice post game and analysis Davy. Thanks for all the work put in.

Great game!
Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on December 09, 2023, 04:00:52 PMToby, was your initial plan (SL claiming, CO claiming to them in PMs) a ploy to gain town cred, or was there ulterior wolf motives?

At the time, Waluigi hadn't slipped, so I figured there were way too many places for the wolves to stick their hand in. Such as counterclaiming SL, or even counterclaiming CO to the SL. That's why I wasn't too high on the plan.

Just to gave town cred. Multiple people usually spot the best plan so if I didn't say it someone else probably would have. However it was awkward as I only spotted it late in the phase and in actual fact, I'm not sure if anyone else would have suggested it given it wasn't noticed until late

The thing is if the plan went ahead night 1, wolves couldn't counterclaim without getting one of them killed. But I was able to counterclaim as THC which delayed the alliance forming. I don't think it would have been worth it for the wolves to counterclaim otherwise

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on December 09, 2023, 03:44:08 PMI'm just digging a bigger hole for myself aren't I.

IIRC, N1 TZP made two posts. The reason I figured TZP could have made the slip (which I mentioned in my D1 suspicion list as well) is because it seems as if he was preoccupied early game.

TZP has definitely proved himself to be a more than competent wolf in THREE of the revival games at this point (two of which were back to back which puts extra pressure on someone). Again, apologize for poorly wording my earlier comment.

Either one of us could have made the post, TZP only made it as I was initially wanting to avoid going on during my time zone since my zone is more unique than his

It was pre planned and agreed before the phase started. I initially suggested it. I don't think it says anything about how competent either of us are, we just didn't pay attention to detail on the human seer.

It didn't actually matter too much anyway as one of the twg accounts would have been deemed a wolf at some point, so i liked using it to our advantage to provide more chaos and throw the scent off us
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on December 09, 2023, 03:37:00 PMI apologize, I didn't mean it that way. I'm saying that Toby is a good TWG player and when I analyze Toby, I analyze him through that lens.
ok now apologise to TZP cause u basically said I'm too competent to make that mistake so it must have been TZP lol