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Messages - chipmunk884

i saw wall-e, and i thought it was a great movie.  I personally thought that the graphics in that movie were the best that pixar has ever had.  it was a little strange because of how little dialog there was in the movie.
the video's are gone because of a copyright claim by toho inc.  this stinks, because i only got to watch the first part.
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
July 02, 2008, 01:53:56 PM
Sorry for not checking this thread often, because i saw that you posted your latest post an hour and a half ago.  Anyway, the starters should be level 5 and latios and latias above level 50.Just in case you didn't already see this, here is my friend code: 3952 3484 4697.  And thank you for doing this.  Finally, in order to trade, go to the bottom floor of the pokemon center and talk to one of the 2 people at the right and enter the wifi waiting room.  From there, if you don't already see my name, click invite, then click trade and i will join your trade invite and we will do it there.  Please try to do this asap. 
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
July 02, 2008, 07:27:22 AM
As long as it won't mess up my game, then i don't care if there hacked.  and also, i need a latios and latias.
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
July 01, 2008, 06:05:04 PM
Tgamer, please read all of the previous posts before you make a post, because if you did you would have saw that I already got a mew from Requiem.
Help! / Re: Question about the update system
June 29, 2008, 01:52:56 PM
sorry for double posting, but i found that the problem was that the php code was on an html page.  i changed it to a php page, and it worked!
Help! / Re: Question about the update system
June 29, 2008, 01:41:07 PM
Thanks for the info.  I was able to install cutenews onto my new website,   .  However, even though i have put in the php include code, it still doesn't display the news in the bottom part of the screen.  I have already added one news to the site, but it isn't displaying it.  could someone look at my site and help me?  It would be greatly appreciated, especially if someone like JaMaHa or GHan helped me, because i'm guessing that one of them put in the current system here at ninsheetmusic.
Help! / Question about the update system
June 28, 2008, 03:38:00 PM
I'm working on a new website with my friend, and didn't know how to create a system so i could post daily/weekly updates, along with having it posted in a forum, just like the one here at ninsheetmusic.  I was wondering if anyone knew how to implement something like the update system here on another website.
Nintendo / Need someone to trade pokemon
June 28, 2008, 09:53:49 AM
Event though i have obtained almost all of the legendaries, i still need someone to trade me the following pokemon that i can't seem to easily get: latios, latias, totodile, chikorita, cyndiquil.  I don't care if they were hacked as long as it won't screw up my game.  here is my friend code: 3952 3484 4697 .  i don't have any special pokemon to trade in return, so please be nice and let me trade you a random pokemon.  Please post your friend code if you can do it and we will try to trade. 
I'm not going to bother trying this now, because i just got a celebi from wifi, and i'm not beating the elite four 10 times and doing 100 battles just to get jirachi, which i don't even need for the national dex, because it doesn't count the event legendaries.  and btw, you know how legendaries are considered "ubers", well did you know that wobbuffet is also considered an "uber".
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 26, 2008, 04:16:00 PM
i know that you probably can't do this, but do you have any of the johto starters that you could trade to me.  I'm pretty sure that you can get them in emerald, but to get them, you would need to complete the normal pokedex three times, and i don't have the time or patience to do that.  so if anyone has any or all of the johto starters and was willing to trade them, it would be greatly appreciated.
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 26, 2008, 03:20:28 PM
Thank you so much, requiem.  this has greatly helped me complete my national dex.  now, once i get my copy of fire red, i will be able to complete my national dex with over the required 482.  WOOT!
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 26, 2008, 03:13:41 PM
after we complete these trades, if you had already had a few latios's and latias's, i'd love them, because after that, i will be able to complete my national pokedex.  it's ok if you don't have those pokemon, but they would be greatly appreciated.

btw i only need one of each, just in case you thought i wanted all of them.

EDIT: if you do have a jirachi or mewtwo, and just didn't list it, i still need those, but don't worry if you don't have them.
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 26, 2008, 03:00:10 PM
i'm ready to trade, but i already have a deoxys from the latest event, so bring the other six with you.  I'll be waiting on wifi, so post whenever you can do the trade.
Nintendo / Re: I want a mew
June 25, 2008, 04:16:40 PM
Requiem, it's wednesday night and i still haven't heard from you yet.  Post whenever you're able to do the trade.  And also, i can't do it after 11:00 pm and before 8:00 am because i'm sleeping then.