
Local man invests life savings into turnips. When asked whether it was a wise decision he responded, "Eh. I'm sure someone will buy them."

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Messages - Raymondbl

Off-Topic / Re: Made mah day.
June 07, 2012, 08:37:46 AM
never take naps.  Don't want to get a habit of becoming drowsy in the daytime.
should be back by next game, if not, definitely the one after that.
Never got made fun of... never bullied... all teachers were good... good friendships... got a girlfriend... top of the class on everything...  heaven!
My 6th grade experience was amazing.  Don't know what's wrong with it.
Off-Topic / Re: Made mah day.
June 01, 2012, 04:28:49 PM
Quote from: Ruto on May 31, 2012, 09:53:48 PMHaha, since it seems I'm not going to actually step foot outside to Japan any time soon
... isn't qipao Chinese?   I've seen too many qipaos, and that one seems to be okay, slightly on the fancy side but passable.  Would love to see you wear it!  I haven't even seen one picture of you...
Quote from: MasterProX on May 31, 2012, 11:19:40 PMbewbz
If it were me, I wouldn't post stuff like that on the internet.  Especially considering you're still in school, you're likely to be stalked. 
Off-Topic / Re: Relationships
June 01, 2012, 04:20:48 PM
Quote from: Jub3r7 on May 30, 2012, 08:32:35 PMActually for me it's the fear that the attempt of asking will just mess up a potential friendship. :/

I would ask her out.  If they ruin the friendship because of that then she's not very smart. 
Only got a 2010 on my online practice SAT score. Stupid computer scorer, my essay was perfect!   Damn the time limit.
Quote from: JaMaHa on May 30, 2012, 12:26:38 PMDamn it Amazon, why'd you have to change your delivery service.

The old one was fast and delivered the package right to the mailbox. Apparently the new one delivers it to a store more than a mile away and it's already been like 1.5 weeks.
? When'd they change?  I can't even imagine that being possible...
Music / Re: Perfect Pitch
May 30, 2012, 05:45:06 PM
I seem to have perfect pitch subconciously but when I'm actually trying to find the right notes it doesn't come.  Once I was having a haircut and was having fun humming chords, and somehow my fingers were playing a B-flat major scale.  Immediately after I found out at the piano the shaver was running at B-flat. 

The only pitch I can conciously find is A. 
Off-Topic / Re: Made mah day.
May 30, 2012, 11:07:11 AM
Received Ruto's postcard!  :D :D :D I must say, her handwriting is better than perfect.  Thanks so much! 
Quote from: MaestroUGC on May 21, 2012, 01:37:04 PMIt doesn't matter if you hold information until the final hour, if its revealing then it will change the game.
Unless there's not going to be any more night phases after that one. 
Quote from: the_last_sheikah on May 21, 2012, 12:15:48 PM1) Your claim.  You were reluctant to send one in, and when you did, you said:"only a 3/4th chance"?  Really? You would've been better off not saying that.
If it were most anyone else, than I wouldn't have been better off not saying that. Actually, I wasn't reluctant to send one in.  I just forgot after I posted, and then suddenly remembered later and gave you one.  I was waiting a few hours for counterclaims.
Quote from: the_last_sheikah on May 21, 2012, 12:15:48 PMyou said this after you said you were suspicious of jub.  Who feels bad at that point in the game for killing a suspicion?  Someone who's decoy argument failed.
um.... no? I kind of dropped the Jub suspicion later on, because there was next to no evidence he's a wolf, and he's one of the most distinguished veterans, so anyone would feel slightly uncomfortable he was lynched (unless there was much evidence against him, but it is the contrary). 
Quote from: the_last_sheikah on May 21, 2012, 12:15:48 PMGzgregory, that was an overly analytical thing on my part
You over analyzed me too, my actions in this game have been common in previous humans. 
Quote from: the_last_sheikah on May 21, 2012, 12:15:48 PMEDIT: BTW, what do you mean about talking about the guardian?  Blue said something about him, and I only said something in that big info dump exactly 1 minute before the phase ended so the info wouldn't be lost if I died.  The 1 minute part was incase someone else was wolfed so they wouldn't have time to switch.
OK then, but usually it's still better to not say anything at all.  I was keeping an eye on the game, and I would have done the same as Maestro, take my chances and wolf you. 
good game.  I love you all, see you in a month or so.

EDIT: Fine, I'll post my thoughts before I go. 

I am so so sorry Mandrew for doing that to you on your first game, but I just wanted to give the wolves a much needed edge and chose the most suspicious person possible.  Sorry again!

Maestro you did pretty well this game, although you are less experienced than me you did better than me in some aspects.  However at the very end I think you could've made yourself look more human with different wording. 

Quote from: MaestroUGCYou claim you're human, yet you don't prove it.

If it were me, I would've said -
Quote from: RaymondblI'm human too.  We both have no way to prove our humanness, and we have no way of proving each other to be a wolf.  Dude, the game is in your hands.

Mine might not neccesarily have been better though.  It depends on the thinking processes of who you're trying to fool. 

Sheikah,  you did pretty well this game.  However you would've done well to pretend the Guardian's still alive, or not mention the Guardian at all.  Besides that,  A++++++ job for seering me.  Why did you think I was suspicious, though?  I don't get it, I was doing so well!

Dude,you pretty much entered the game late, but good decision making.  I knew the humans were going to win the moment Mashi confirmed you as human.  Good job this game.

Vermillionvermin, I think you kind of got laid back and didn't participate since you knew you were going to get wolfed early.  You've basically given up on TWG.  Stop doing that!  We were nice and let you live for three phases  :'(

Sorry to anyone I didn't analyze, don't have enough info and gotta go!

1. Eevee -- 16
2. Flareon -- 16
3. Vaporeon -- 16
4. Jolteon -- 16
5. Umbreon -- 15
6. Espeon -- 14
7. Leafeon -- 11
8. Glaceon -- 15
Everyone state their favorites!  I'm going to be hurting anyone that gets in the lead (except for Espeon) so don't hurt Espeon only because I hurt your favorite, plz!