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Messages - askalice23

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXI: Player Signups
October 06, 2011, 07:00:36 PM
Same as slow chat and my computer do not get along too well... IN
I'm beginning to believe I trusted the wrong person. Slow you're trust is very jumpy. A few posts ago you said I was definitely not a wolf and now your saying jub isn't a wolf either. You've also done so without accusing anyone. I believe this is your attempt to stay on both our good sides. Idk like I said before I'm pretty sure after the working tonight we lost because of the ratio. It wouldn't make sense if it continued because there would be 2 players left 1 wolf and 1 human.

The wolf wouldn't vote himself out neither would the human
We lost if he wolfs one of us 1 wolf = 1 human means wolves win... humans lost.

Maybe he misses the wolfing.
Maestro screwed us -_-

Well that right there makes me believe maestro is the wolf.

1. He tried insta me
2. Slow immediatly changed his vote
3. Jub didnt try to insta me

If Slow and Jub were wolves they would have allowed me to be instad and Im pretty sure slow's reasoning for voting you was so i wasnt instad not because youre his prime suspect because i would be his major suspicion.

Also it adds up. Im taking a bullet for the wolf? If youre human why would you do that. He never defended himself even when people explained why they voted for him. Also when it seemed like he was going to be wolfed he said good game guys. Also making it seem if he dies then the game will end.

Maestro is the last wolf.
Well there is one wolf left or the wolf hasnt found the shamen. If i had to guess its maestro and slow as the wolf duo but if there is one left im going with maestro on the sole reason that once he thought he was getting lynched he said good game making me believe that if he had died the game would have ended.
Well if there are 2 wolves left we just lost.... Hooray for activity -_-
I agree with you on Jub. His style of play usually is more aggressive than the sit back and wait ETF sort of style. However,I'm starting to see why everyone is saying this game is starting to die on this site. All the inactivity could just very well be lack of intrest.
Alright well here are my thoughts...

Slow/SFK- I really do not know what to think of you right now. Its a tough call for some reason I just cant seem to trust you in this game. Well I cant really trust anyone in this game right now.
Shadowkirby- Dead I dont believe he was a wolf and if he was good thank god for jumping to conclusions.
Jub- inactive and may futr
Dude-wolfed Human
Maestro-very suspicious imo... active in a sense he is posting. inactive because its irrelavant
Gzgregory- I suspect you may be a wolf however not as much. Dude was one of your biggest targets and he was wolfed. It wouldnt make sense to wolf one of your targets because you could wolf someone else and then try to convince us that dude is a wolf and have two dead humans. This doesnt rule you out as being a wolf because my thought process could be what you wanted all along but I dont see you doing this based on previous games.

With that said Im going to vote Maestro because 1. I view him to be the biggest suspect and 2. It may get him to start posting in the game
True. Although i do recall playing with him or at least seeing him post somewhere on TWG. I could be wrong though.
Something i just sort of noticed, Maestro is playing a very low profile game right now. He is posting, but the posts are very short or do not pertain to the game. Makes it seem like he is taking a cautious strategy. Would be a good strategy if you were a wolf and didnt know who your partner was. Just a thought and my vote will stay where it is.
hmmmm tricky seeing how only one of the wolves can wolf for the time being. Seeing how there are 8 players and only 4 of them were active in the first night phase (well made some sort of post at the start) it sort of narrows it down to 4 possible suspects.

However we can't overlook the fact that the wolves do not know eachother so not wolfing someone could actually be a smarter move at this stage in the game. If no one is wolfed next phase it would lead me to believe that it is inactivity but no wolfing on the first night phase in a game like this doesn't make me jump on inactives just yet.

gzgregory you are acting a bit strange to me. You bandwagon voted with slows 25% safety and youre reasoning was dude and shadow are the two most logical suspects. If you were to base your vote off of inactivity you would have to throw in jub who imo is the least active because his only post was "lolwat" or slow.

I do realize that shadow has missed numerous wolfings in previous games however, like i stated above, the wolf's best move was to not lynch someone 1st phase.
Alright here goes nothing
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XX: Player Sign ups
September 20, 2011, 09:37:19 AM
Im backkkkk.... IN
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XIX: Mind Games ~ Post Game
September 16, 2011, 10:16:42 AM
I will make a return next game if there is one. I got really busy for awhile so thats why I sort of disappeared :P