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Messages - mastersuperfan

I've done nearly all of what's been suggested and also a few other fixes, but I'm still having trouble putting pedal markings in. I'm honestly not very good at knowing where to hold pedal and where not to--is it necessary that I put specific pedal markings in, or can I just suggest pedal at the beginning of the piece?

Also, does anyone hear another note in the bass on the second beat of measure 10?

Quote from: maelstrom. on November 03, 2014, 12:56:51 PMFor one, you need some slurs for the right hand.
-Chords should be Arpeggiated
-Pno. should be removed
-Please, make the composers two lines
-In measure 8, listen for the B flat. It's there.
-The violin has no harmony.
-Keep Lh chords in Lh
-Rethink some of your harmonies -- I don't think all of them are correct.
-Some pedal markings wouldn't hurt

Pretty good arrangement, btw.

Thank you! ^.^ Just a few things I don't quite understand.

When you say that the violin has no harmony, do you mean that there should be no other harmony in the right hand? Because I'm fitting another voice in the right hand as well--should I take it out?

What exactly do you mean by "Keep Lh chords in Lh"?

And also, I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that most of my harmonies are correct--the only thing I'm actually unsure about is the Lh chord in measure 12.

Also, when you say chords should be arpeggiated, on beat 1 of measure 17, is it okay to use one arpeggio between two different layers?

One more thing--the B flat in measure 8 is an octave and a half lower than the F in the left hand, should I move it up an octave to make it playable? If not, how should I change it?
If we do SSB4, I want to do dat epic Rainbow Road medley.
Quote from: maelstrom. on September 18, 2014, 01:50:40 PMThere's just not enough remixed tracks that sound different enough to warrant another arrangement.


That's mainly what I'm worried about if we did SSB4. The soundtrack is amazing, no lie, and I was completely astounded when I just found it online. However, there are quite a few themes that seem like they've been completely unchanged, such as MK7 Rainbow Road and Id (Purpose). Either way, I think we could make MK8 or SSB4 work.

To be honest, if it ends up being Xenoblade, I probably won't really work on it. :/
I'd like MKWii or MK8--I'd work on those for sure, but it doesn't seem too likely. I think SSB4 would be good, and since it seems like it's between that Xenoblade, I guess that I'll favor SSB4 over that if it comes down to those two.

Would really appreciate if anyone could possibly arrange this--this is one of my favorite VGMs of all time.
Is anyone doing "Memories Returned"? I'm thinking about trying it.
Request / Re: [MUL] Mario Kart Wii- Multiple songs
September 04, 2014, 01:17:22 PM
Just so you know, there's some book of Mario piano arrangements with Wii Rainbow Road in it, but I don't remember the exact name.
Tetris L-block. Oh goody. This'll make for an interesting night.
Forum Games / Re: The Drinking Game Game
August 01, 2014, 12:20:50 PM
Take a shot whenever you take a shot.
Forum Games / Re: The person below me is...
August 01, 2014, 12:20:07 PM
The person below me had to be rescued by a lifeguard.

I know I had to once. I don't quite remember because I think I passed out, but I went down a few feet and then several people with inner tubes kicked me in the head and blocked my way back up to the surface without even noticing me. D:
Forum Games / Re: The Drinking Game Game
July 30, 2014, 06:52:50 PM
Take a shot whenever Fire Emblem RNG screws you over. 99% hit rate = 50% and 1% enemy crit = 500%

Take a shot every time you die on Lunatic+ in Fire Emblem: Awakening.

Take a shot every time you get an extra life in New Super Mario Bros. 2.

Take a shot whenever you see a Ferrothorn in OU. Also Skarmory. Why not add in Charizard and Rotom-W as well. Throw Scizor and Chansey in there too. Did I mention Rotom-W? (Welcome to whorishly overused Pokémon v2.0--seriously, why is OU the most popular anyway?)

(For those of you who play Pokémon Showdown) Take a shot whenever you get a Rotom-S with an Air Balloon in Random Battles. (Baton Pass it Magnet Rise--I dare you. 16x Ground immunity OP.)

Take a shot if you haven't experienced any of these.

Take a shot when you read this sentence.

Take another shot whenever you take a shot from anything on this list (including this one itself).

I'd be dead by now.