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Messages - mastersuperfan

Nintendo / Re: Nintendo Music Challenge
October 23, 2015, 07:56:01 PM
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on October 23, 2015, 07:08:53 PMthey sounded the same to me :P
And you have way too much mario compared to the other 3

Do I? I always feel like I'm a little short on Zelda, but too much Mario never occurred to me. I'll have to check later.
Nintendo / Re: Nintendo Music Challenge
October 23, 2015, 06:17:26 PM
Glad you played it! Yes, the Pokémon themes often have a very distinct soundfont... But I love throwing people for a loop by putting in PMD themes, which are quite different from the mainstream Pokémon games.

I'm probably not fooling nearly as many people on NSM with that, though. :P
Nintendo / Re: Nintendo Music Challenge
October 23, 2015, 03:30:08 PM
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on October 22, 2015, 08:34:12 PMI'm not very good at dealing with zip files, can you tell me how to run the program after downloading it?

If you're on Windows, I'm not sure on the details, but you extract it, go inside the folder, and run the .exe (I believe).
Nintendo / Re: Nintendo Music Challenge
October 22, 2015, 06:08:55 PM
If I bump this again, will anyone notice? I'd really like people to try this. :)
No puedo hablar mucho español porque estoy en primer año de la escuela secundaria, pero todavía sé bastante para hablar un poco con otras personas. :P

On the subject of the arrangement itself, much of the piece needs to be changed to show the third beat of the measures through all that syncopation. Additionally, the measures should be spaced more evenly throughout (it looks awfully cramped in the last line). Also, in m7, it doesn't look right--I would think that it would be better to swap the parts into opposite layers (e.g. half note in layer 1, other notes in layer 2). The last measures should also be notated with layers instead of using a tie to string those eighth notes together.

I feel like the 8vas should span the whole measure instead of leaving out the first two notes, but that might just be my inner OCD speaking--I don't know if that's how it should actually be done.
Remove Pno., first of all.

I find it odd that in m12 and m16, the last note before the pickup to the next measure is left out of the 8va. I think it would look nice and clearer if the 8va spanned past that note as well. Just my opinion, though.

I'll give it a shot, if only because I'm hellbent on improving the amount of AA music.

Then again, I don't think anyone cares about playing this piece because... Well, those of you that have played AAI know why... Ugh.

EDIT: Never mind that last sentence... Why the heck is everything thinking this is from The Kidnapped Turnabout? This is actually the intro theme to Turnabout Reminiscence. O.o

EDIT: If anyone remembers this topic at all... I don't have the time right now to work on this. If this is still around when I'm less busy, then maybe I'll give it an actual go.
Alright, I've edited a few more things, including removing an extra note from the LH, adding staccatos in the LH where needed, a little bit of formatting improvement, and adding "Magical" as an expression. (I always hear people describe it that way. :P) I've also put in cautionary accidentals over the dotted bar lines, though I'm not sure if they're necessary. To me, though, they feel like separate measures, so I thought it'd be helpful.

Any other suggestions? Is this good enough for acceptance?
Help! / Formatting Issues with Layers
October 17, 2015, 11:38:37 AM

So, today I created an arrangement of "Pearl Fey ~ With Pearly" from PW: AA: JFA, but since there are three or four voices close in pitch throughout the theme, the layers overlap and make it look kind of ugly. Notably, there's one thing that needs to be fixed, but I'm not sure how. In m11 and m15, in the right hand, when both notes play the G, the one in Layer 1 is dotted, but you can't see the dot because the other G is blocking it. Any help on this?

Also, since I don't use layers too often, let alone so conflicting like this, I'd also appreciate other advice on how to improve the formatting in this arrangement, notably what I should do the rests.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All --> Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations --> Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations

- Cross Examination is a duplicate sheet with Testimony Moderato. They're arrangements of the same theme.
- Investigation ~ Cornered --> Pursuit ~ Cornered
- Testimony Moderato/Allegro --> Cross-Examination ~ Moderato/Allegro 2001
- Logic --> Logic and Tricks
- Objection --> Objection! 2001
- The Steel Samurai --> Steel Samurai
- Trial Begins --> Trial
- Turnabout Sisters --> Maya Fey ~ Turnabout Sisters' Theme 2001


- Objection! --> Objection! 2002

PW: T&T:

- Furio Tigre: Swingin' Tiger --> Furio Tigre ~ Swingin' Tiger
- Fragrance of Dark Coffee --> Godot ~ The Fragrance of Dark Coffee (for some reason BrawlBRSTMs3 has Dark-Colored Coffee instead, but just Dark Coffee seems to be the official since everyone else uses it)


I don't know what exactly is going with this one sheet here. I think it's supposed to be an arrangement of Cross-Examination ~ 2007 Allegro, but the entire thing seems to be transposed to the wrong key.
Request / Re: [NDS] Ace Attorney - Multiple Songs
October 17, 2015, 09:42:33 AM
This topic is old, but I just wanted to say that I've started arranging With Pearly, and I also have a near-complete arrangement of I Just Want Love (just missing the beginning part).
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on October 15, 2015, 02:32:16 PMalso I think "Examination ~ Allegro 2002" is the correct title.

The thing is, BrawlBRSTMs3 has every Cross-Examination theme listed under a different name (Testimony, Examination, Questioning, Cross Examination, Cross-Examination), and all other sources simply use Cross-Examination for all of them. Maybe those different titles were taken from the official soundtrack? I can't find it anywhere, though, so I've changed the name to "Cross-Examination ~ Allegro 2002."

Also, I've noticed that JFA and T&T are incorrectly listed as "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - JFA/T&T" instead of "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: JFA/T&T." Could this be fixed?

Also, the time of my last post O.O
Music / Re: What are you listening to right now?
October 17, 2015, 05:08:58 AM


Nintendo / Re: Nintendo Music Challenge
October 16, 2015, 06:58:22 PM
Seems like this topic isn't very noticed... Maybe a small bump would help? :P
Any other suggestions?

Also, should I put cautionary accidentals in the second half of measures after dotted bar lines? (specifically, the low F#'s in m5 and m6 and the low C# in m7)

Is the formatting all right? It seems like it wouldn't be a bad idea to lower the music a little bit and leave some more space near the top. Other opinions?

One last thing, should I put an additional expression with the tempo marking?