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Messages - mastersuperfan

Quote from: Yug_Guy on November 22, 2015, 02:56:47 PMTo prove how serious I am when I say "I'll probably have these completed soon," here's "Run!"

The whole thing should be in 4/4. Those 12/8+2/4 parts are just two 4/4 measures. Convert the whole piece into 4/4, and you'll see what I mean.

I believe that the whole thing should be notated as a 4/4 with half the speed so that the eighth notes become sixteenths and the tempo marking is "Quarter Note = 125."

The formatting's gone a little wonky. "Pno." should be taken out, and there should be an indent in the first line. Also, "Piano" is in the wrong font.
Quote from: Enaryok on November 22, 2015, 12:44:19 PMI thought it would be harder, but I managed 027 - Dating Fight!, now In Submission. The panel says I've reach max submissions (2), even if one of them has been accepted...

Dropbox link instead, I don't think it need review but I'm still open to suggestions.

I'd love to do the two Mettaton's report songs but let's face it, Your Best Nightmare's gonna keep me busy a while and my semester exams are approaching... ;__;

Btw Pathetic House is a really slowed down version of Muffet's theme, if you want to spare yourself some time ;) (pun intended =P)

The 3rd and 9th notes in the left hand of most measures, turn them from an eighth note into two sixteenths tied together to show the beat clearly. Same applies to the right hand in m4, m6, m8, and m10-11--turn it from a dotted eighth into a sixteenth tied to an eighth.

Title should be in quotes.

Delete "Dating Fight!" in the top left.

Pretty sure normal pianists can't reach that far in the right hand near the end.

Beginning repeat is unnecessary.

Don't use a repeat sign at the end; use a D.C. instead. You already have repeats earlier on.
Well, it's certainly been a while since I submitted this one...

Mmm, probably not up to this myself, but I'm hoping that in the near future someone claims Turnabout Sisters Dating Start!
Not because I really like Ace Attorney music or anything
November 22, 2015, 10:15:16 AM
Oh, god...

I forgot about the release date and didn't pre-order it, so now it's coming on Tuesday. I'll get to play it over Thanksgiving break. :)

For some reason I still haven't ever played Red/Blue and GTI. Maybe I should. I know most of the story of Red/Blue and a good portion of GTI, but maybe I'll try them regardless.

Less grinding time? As in, less forced grinding time, or less grinding time completely? Because in Explorers, after the first few story missions, you could grind as long as you wanted before moving on with the story (the only exception that comes to mind is Spacial Rift, but you could store everything in the Kangaskhan Rock and keep grinding and dying).
Alright, for the most part, the arranging itself is done. I'm sure it needs a lot of revision, since I had to do a lot of balancing between playability and accuracy to the piece, and the parts are very difficult to discern from each other, especially the bass. Speaking of which, I can't tell what the bass is playing in m63 for the life of me. Can anyone help?

In m39-54, where I've notated rests in the left hand, I feel like the bass might be playing notes there, but I can't hear them well nor tell what they are. That section in general feels a little iffy to me. I would also use a repeat sign, but from what I could tell, m39 and m47 are slightly different by the first note of the bass, so I decided to notate it out. Also, even though they're currently notated the same in the arrangement, m46 and m54 are still technically different from each other.

One last thing: from m55-62, the arrangement consists of the same two measures played over again 4 times. Should I use a repeat here? I decided against it because in the original theme they're different due to another part coming in, but it's not in the arrangement. Other thoughts?

This took way too long to arrange; I'm glad I'm mostly finished with the transposing now. That was way harder than I expected it to be. O.O
Le bump?
Quote from: Zeila on November 21, 2015, 09:46:09 PMI don't have a piano near me (at least until I get home, but even then I'm not the best player out there), but what you could do is take out the bottom octave for the 2 sixteenth notes sandwiched in between the other two (or just remove the last two) if it's too hard to play for some people. Also, I don't know if you just left out harmonies starting at m29 until you finished the song and waited to add them, or if you omitted them for some other reason, but it makes the song sound much fuller.

Here's a picture showing the changes that I made (in blue). You could also apply them to the following measures since the changes are identical

Also, some other things you could edit are places like m19-20 where you have the 32nd notes. You could just choose to use grace notes instead so that it looks slightly neater, but it's up to preference I suppose. In measure 36, some people wouldn't be able to play that 10th interval unless they either arpeggiate it or use their left hand (I don't know if that is worth notating or not)

Other than those details, I think you've done a good job so far! Moreover, there is still time to make changes and improve upon it, so don't worry about it :3

I don't think I even noticed those harmonies. I still can't hear them that well, so I'll take your word for it that those are the correct notes. I inserted the notes into Layer 1 instead of using half notes for playability with octaves and neatness, but if it should be done like you notated it, then feel free to tell me.

I'm not really sure what to do with that tenth interval since there are some people who can reach it, nullifying the need of arpeggiating it. I don't the left hand should make a big jump, either. I'd say just leave it as is, but I'm not certain about that.
Quote from: dinos24SP on November 21, 2015, 01:47:06 PMThis doesn't really have to do with the arrangement project, but here's a cool secret I found involving "The Choice":


Oh, and I've finished most of Death by Glamour. Not all, though.

Not sure if those octaves are playable in m13-16 and m28-37, but without them... it just feels so empty. This theme in general sounds a bit off on piano to me.

I already took out octaves between m21-28 because it seemed way too difficult to play them there... This piece isn't coming out as well as I'd imagined.
I have a question about playability:

At 0:25, is the melody playable in octaves? Or would it be too difficult that I should just leave it out?

Also, what about 0:51?
Argh, why can't humans have three hands? I swear, the majority of these themes could be arranged perfectly for three... Now I have to debate on which parts to keep and which parts to omit.
Music / Re: Finale 2014.5 Discussion
November 19, 2015, 01:43:50 PM
The most notable change to me is that the playback line moves much more smoothly. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot else different, but I like the new icon. I was getting tired of the old one. :P
PC / Re: Undertale
November 18, 2015, 02:21:28 PM
Quote from: Waddle Bro on November 18, 2015, 02:04:00 PM
it's not chara, it's you. you're the one who killed all those people and you should deal with the consequences your choices resulted in. you're a souless bastard if you'd really want to kill everyone in the game. that's the brilliance. every time you gain exp that feeling is you and no one else.

You ARE Chara.
Some comments from me (on mariolegofan's version):

- The 32nd notes in m23 and m27 are played by both voices in the right hand from what I can hear, so the lower voice has to be added.

- I don't see the point of the simile markings in the left hand. The measures seem to be notated the same throughout those sections.

- The repeat sign in m1 is unnecessary.

- I don't think the left hand should be playing duplets at the same time as the right hand playing dotted eighths. Not positive about this one, but I think it would look better by changing the left hand to dotted eighths so that it's notated consistently with the right hand.

- Articulations should be added in m14-21. It should be similar to those in m22-29.

- It should have an expression marking. I know you're having a hard time thinking of time, but since this version of Undyne's theme is specifically about the cooking lesson, you should make a reference to that. Something like, "HOTTER!"
A large portion of the piece unplayable unless you use pedaling, in which case you should signify that.