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Messages - mastersuperfan

Quote from: Bespinben on November 25, 2015, 02:54:46 PM

Am I the only one who hears it this way? To me this seems undoubtably like the correct notation.

As for the left hand notes in the beginning not falling on the beat in 3/4... that's just syncopation. This comes up multiple times throughout the course of theme, but the main melody in areas such as m8-11 is a giveaway to the 3/4 time signature.

Am I alone in thinking this?
Quote from: Bespinben on November 25, 2015, 02:54:46 PMAre you telling me you hear this song like this? (Btw, it would be 120 bpm if done this way)

That is simply not correct. There are several indications that the beat falls on each dotted quarter instead of at quarters. Look at the LH of m. 1-3 for instance. In the 3/4 version, the beaming of the RH doesn't match up with the LH pattern, indicating something amiss.

Yes, that is what I mean. It becomes much more clear as the theme proceeds past the introduction in my opinion.
November 25, 2015, 06:54:06 PM
I got PSMD yesterday and started it today with a boatload of HYPE! Team is Riolu (Superfan) and Snivy (Flora), and I've just finished Chapter 3. I actually love the story so far, even though some parts are a little bit cliché in the world of PMD, and it's definitely a unique change from Red/Blue and Explorers (though I can't say much for GTI since I never played it; maybe I should).

I'm glad I picked Snivy for a partner, since I've always imagined her as mischievous and adventurous, which is especially so in this story. Maybe it's the small bit of Poképark 2 that I played at a friend's house a long time ago.

As of now, the music hasn't particularly stood out to me... but I'm hoping that will change. I've heard great things about the soundtrack. In general, this game is looking up right now, and I'm hoping it won't disappoint me. Maybe it'll be better than Explorers.

...Oh, who am I kidding? Nothing can top Explorers.
Quote from: Bespinben on November 25, 2015, 02:41:46 PMWhile what you have sounds amazing (truly), the way it is notated makes it unwieldy for human use. This is not to say the arrangement itself unplayable, but that the accumulation of disorganized layer usage, ambiguity of hand placement, and (here's a biggie) planning triads on 16ths creates serious roadblocks.

I think before you do anything else though, the biggest hurdle that needs to be done is halving all your note durations so that your 6/8 time signature will make sense. Here's what I mean:

See how much cleaner this is? Not only do you see the beat patterns easily, but now all the accompaniment figures all neatly beamed together.

I disagree with that picture and say that the entire thing should be in 3/4, with each 6/8 measure displayed in 3/4 instead with quarter note = 80.
Well, Fallen Down (Reprise) has been submitted by someone else already, so looks like I won't be doing that one. I don't particularly mind, but I hope nobody takes my Dating Start! and Undertale...
I guess you didn't see it, but I posted a draft of Death by Glamour. This would take so much time to edit, though, that I'll probably just finish and polish up a lot of the smaller ones before trying to get this one submitted.

Also, someone else has already submitted Once Upon a Time...

Quote from: mastersuperfan on November 23, 2015, 05:07:52 PMIn this world...'s submit or be outsubmitted.
Help! / Re: What key/time signature is this song in?
November 24, 2015, 06:51:16 PM

I feel like I should notate this in cut time with half note = 112... Is it just me?
Forum Games / Re: Questions, Questions, Questions
November 24, 2015, 06:29:15 PM
Difficult question. Hmm...

Cheesecake > pumpkin pie > brownies > normal cake > cookies > all other pies > ice cream cake
Quote from: Th3Gavst3r on November 24, 2015, 04:56:34 PMDaaang, I just made an account trying to claim Dummy, I'd already managed to arrange half of it before finding this thread lol. Would you be ok with letting me claim it?  :-\

Go ahead. ;)

I think I'll actually claim Dating Start!, Fallen Down (Reprise), and Wrong Enemy all right now, but if anyone wants one, I'll be glad to give it to them. I'll probably leave Undertale until last, but I will get around to all of them. Eventually. I'll spend a while over Thanksgiving break working on them; it's not as if I have anything better to do.
Quote from: Nebbles on November 24, 2015, 03:45:56 PMI am sadly not skilled enough to handle a duet of Undertale. But man, it's such a beautiful song...

Oh, I misread--I thought you were suggesting that you do it.

Hmm, I might. I'll have to see. I'm not overly experienced in arranging, either.
Quote from: Nebbles on November 24, 2015, 03:41:22 PMMaybe make a duet version after the solo version? If you have time, of course.

That would certainly work! I was thinking about doing a duet myself, but there are some parts where only one or two hands are needed, so I didn't think it'd fit very well the whole way through. It really is too difficult to capture its character with just two hands, though, so if you want to do that, feel free!
I'll claim Dummy! With Thanksgiving break, I'll have a lot of time to have some fun do some arranging and do future homework. It sounds easy (but then again, that's what I thought with Death by Glamour). I'm surprised nobody's claimed it yet, actually.

I'll also keep working on that 6-minute long, tear-inducing theme. I think the hardest part won't be the direct transcription, but instead deciding what voices to include. There's no way I can fit everything in two hands.
In this world...'s submit or be outsubmitted.
Quote from: braixen1264 on November 22, 2015, 06:22:36 PMCould you point me to a few examples? I'm not exactly sure what "clashing notes" really means
Do you think I should just add pedaling for the entire second part of the song?
Over population of what? I don't know music :I
What is it and how would I fix it?

I believe they mean that the notes in the different staves are visually conflicting with each other.
Quote from: Zeila on November 22, 2015, 06:28:21 PMI can hear the rests. If you really can't tell, you could try placing a staccato on the notes followed by a rest. Since the two sections only differ slightly, what you could do is add the background synths (which are present in both parts) to the second part to give it more flavor

If it's not in the arrangement there should be a repeat sign. If you ever decide you want to make a few changes (namely dynamics) you can still put a repeat and just put it in the correct format. By the way, the key signature is actually B minor (or D major, idk)

You missed some harmonies from m55-end, although some of them may be hard to play, and others are 10th intervals so you can leave some out or put them up an octave. I also put m64 down an octave. The bass part in the last two measures are kind of hard to hear (for me anyways), so you could put it in another layer (in case you don't want to put the entire left hand into another channel and redo dynamics) and channel then change the dynamics. It might make more sense to lower the dynamics for the 1st staff, but it's your choice.

On another note, I'd like to claim 4 more songs:
030 - Undyne
041 - Chill
056 - Confession
083 - Here We Are

I can hear the harmonies some of the notes but I don't hear the ones on the others, since the harmony part (at least, the one I'm hearing), is a separate voice playing the chords: E G B, E A C#, E B D, E A C#. Not sure where you're getting the high F# and E from.

I think you transcribed the other voice, not the bass, into the left hand. I'm fairly certain the bass is only playing one note at a time.

Also, the key is in E Dorian, not B minor.

I'll keep working on this and polishing it throughout the week, though likely not as much as I did this weekend. And that bass part in the second-to-last measure is still... ugh. I can't tell what it is. Can anyone else?