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Messages - SlowPokemon

So what's everybody's teams for HGSS?
Y'all are going to think mine sucks:
Meganium, Ampharos, Slowking, Heracross, Ninetales, and Dragonite. :P

Used to have Pidgeot, but I swapped it for Dragonite. Now it just sits in my PC. T.T

...I feel bad for it.
Quote from: Roz~ on May 22, 2010, 09:25:58 PM
Donphan > Ursaring
Arcanine > Ninetales
Ariados > Ledian
Gliscor > Skarmory
Kyogre > Groudon
Oh, and you can get Lugia and Beedril in HG, so it doesn't matter.

...Okay, Donphan and Ursaring are both beast. Ninetales I love. Ariados is far better than Ledian, agreed. Skarmory and Groudon>>>>> Gliscor and Kyogre.

Aah, forget it, I don't really want to get in a fight over this. Not really worth it.

Let's face it... you can't post anything about Pokemon without having someone disagree with you. :P
Completed and on site

Okay, this may be a little extreme before the game is even out (4 HOURS AND 47 MINUTES on my clock), but I'm requesting "Bowser Jr.'s Fiery Flotilla" from Super Mario Galaxy 2.

I like the song. It's pretty Bowser Jr.-ish...playful and yet dangerous, maybe even a little unnerving. Bowser Jr. ftw.

Here's the song:

Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 22, 2010, 04:04:04 PM
SPOILER ALERT, but this is cool.


Click on the video at the bottom, called "Transmission 15", or something like that. Made me laugh and anticipate tomorrow even harder.

If you're wanting the new aspects to be a surprise, don't watch the video.

Universe-x - you do know that's just the Honeyhive and Maple Leaf song from SMG, with added instruments?
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 22, 2010, 02:27:20 PM
The orchestra is amazing.  T.T
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 22, 2010, 07:55:24 AM
Sorry. Maybe should have posted the song.  :-[

No, seriously, doesn't this sound like something Danny Elfman would come up with?
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 22, 2010, 07:51:15 AM
Also like the Bowser Jr. song. Partially because he's amazing. ^.^

It sounds like an evil little kid. Hey, wait a minute... :-\
No. Cooler are in SoulSilver.
Teddiursa, Skarmory, Vulpix, admittedly Ledyba and Beedrill, and LUGIA and GROUDON.

Though apparently some people like Ho-Oh and Kyogre. :P Go figure.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 22, 2010, 07:46:42 AM
Nintendo / Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 21, 2010, 05:30:47 PM
Game comes out Sunday - been listening to some game tunes on YouTube.

Throwback Galaxy is exactly same as "Bob-omb Battlefield" from Mario 64 and the Bowser Lava Lair is same as classic path to Bowser Battle in Mario 64.

Looks like this game comes with a free dose of nostalgia. :)
To Nintendude -
Don't get your hopes way up about this song, it's not as epic as Gusty Garden - but you might want to listen to the whole thing. Makes me remember what it was like to be in elementary school again, playing Pokemon with my friends...

It's a heartfelt and adventurous song. ^.^
Completed by Bubbles

Oh, and I'm requesting one more... (don't kill me.)

Pokemon SoulSilver/HeartGold - Lake of Rage/Route east of Ecruteak.

Really love this song, kinda nostalgic. Makes me want to go out exploring or something.  :-\
Here's the song...
Fulfilled requests / Re: Pokemon requests...
May 20, 2010, 02:20:18 PM
Oh btw - FINALLY downloaded FINALE.

...IT was a joke. T.T
Fulfilled requests / Re: Pokemon requests...
May 20, 2010, 02:19:43 PM
Your arrangements are good. Feel free to do Veilstone if you want. I'm not begging you. X )

Thanks! ^.^
Fulfilled requests / Re: Pokemon requests...
May 19, 2010, 02:49:21 PM
God, you are on a roll.

Dahans = epicness.

Oh, and just wonderin'...

How do I edit my profile?