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Messages - SlowPokemon

Yup, you're right about Darkrai and Giratina. Forgot about those.

Okay. Looking back, there is one thing that irritates me about gen III:
There were SO MANY water routes. Not that that's always a bad thing; but those Tentacool can be pretty darn irritating. The other thing is Sceptile - Grass-Type starters are my favorites. But Sceptile - despite the fact that I choose him most of the time - is weak compared to his partners. Blaziken is unfairly strong, and Swampert has an amazing Type combination. Sceptile's Speed is one of the highest in the games, but does that really account for it?

Nintendo / Re: Nintendo 3DS
May 24, 2010, 01:24:57 PM
I got called "clever"! :D

And my name's SLOWPokemon. lol.
I agree (well, duh, you already know that). As far as legendaries go, Diamond and Pearl had more, but they weren't of high quality.
Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie weren't great and, despite their size, really weren't as cute as Jirachi or Celebi. Dialga and Palkia had horrible, robotic designs, and besides, nothing can compare to Groudon's and Kyogre's... overwhelming epic-ness.
Heatran, Cresselia, and Regigigas were the only really good legendaries in D/P/Pt, and even so, Regigigas was based off of Hoenn legendaries.
Latias and Latios are really cool, as are Rayquaza and Deoxys.
And Jirachi is, well, awesome.
My only bad comment about the legendaries are the three "Regis," Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. They weren't designed well, nor were they...good.
Nintendo / Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Criticism
May 24, 2010, 12:50:40 PM
Okay, I'm not sure if this is worth asking or starting a new topic, but I have a question:

Ruby and Sapphire are the most-criticized games in the Pokemon series. However, maybe because my first Pokemon game was Ruby, I don't really see anything terrible about them. To those of y'all that don't like it, do you not like it as a game, or just because it didn't live up to Gold and Silver?

I like R/S. They introduced Abilities, new Pokemon, double battles, coolest legendaries (except perhaps Ho-Oh/Lugia), and berries with actual names, not to mention finally distinguishing between the Special stats...

Just a thought.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 24, 2010, 12:45:11 PM
Okay, so I'm stuck on the Flip Swap Purple Coin level. (You don't need to beat Bowser to get Purple Coin levels, yes they are there) Have any of you gotten there? If so, could you lend some help? For those who AREN'T there, know that so far it is the hardest level in the game. (Star thirty-two or something like that.)
Have you read any of this post? Haven't I just said I have a Heracross with ridiculous Attack??? And Close Combat???

Plus, Porygon-Z isn't the only highest non-uber Sp. Atk. It's tied with Alakazam...

But maybe you meant its the highest power Sp Move with same type...
I prefer Sp. Attack over Attack also. I picked up Heracross because it's been a while since I trained a Bug or a Fighting type.

Favorite types = Psychic, then Grass. Not a huge Exeggcute fan though. XD
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 24, 2010, 10:43:55 AM
Will it erase my data if they fix it?
Sure. Whatever you say.  ::)
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 23, 2010, 04:37:40 PM
1.) 242 stars - 120 regular stars, 120 green stars (hidden stars in all levels after getting first 120), and 2 stars on the last galaxy, only obtainable after getting 240 stars.

2.) That's not a glitch, Yoshi can flutter as many times as he wants in the air. For me, at least. :P

Okay, you know my faulty Wii? Beat the 26th star - Tree Trunk Galaxy, or something like that, second star. Took me like twenty-five - thirty minutes. It's a SLIDE. They remixed the music of Princess's Secret Slide from Mario 64. It's really hard. I beat it, and the screen was just zooming out of Mario's face - but before the game could save my Wii turned off. >:(

...*mutters under breath*...
Nintendo / Re: Nintendo 3DS
May 23, 2010, 02:35:40 PM
Hmm... This may sound completely idiotic, but there you are...

Maybe the games are shown in a way that you would need glasses, but over the screen there is a plate of the same material that 3-d glasses are made of. Not the red-blue thing, the real-d 3-d newer stuff they now show in movie theaters. Just a thought. :P
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 23, 2010, 02:32:39 PM
I'm in World 2, Cosmic Cove, last star - would be farther but the game keeps dying on me (see above). :P

I've gotten all the stars I can so far, and all the comet medals (which probably summon prankster comets like Speed run and all that crap)...

Love the music in Bowser Jr.'s Fiery Flotilla. My favorite piece in the game so far.
Scizor is waaaay overused. Heracross is much better. With a superb attack stat and a moveset of Strength, Aerial Ace, Megahorn, and Close Combat, plus the Guts ability, I have to say I really like it.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 23, 2010, 12:46:45 PM
I actually think it meets, perhaps even outdoes Super Mario Galaxy 1.

I wasn't crazy about the Yoshi thing, but it is EXTREMELY addicting. If you don't like it, good news - Yoshi is not in it a whole lot. Only had a couple levels with him so far.

Hardest galaxy so far? Flip Swap Galaxy. One star. I beat it, but it took me quite a few times.

About my Wii...

My dad and I did some stuff, cleared a few things up today, and now it still messes up... But I can play for about an hour - an hour and a half before it messes up. We think the fan in the back of the system is, I dunno, dusty or not working.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 23, 2010, 08:29:49 AM
Got the game today. No spoilers, only advice: GET. IT.

It's amazing.

But, more importantly, I have a problem with my Wii. I'll be playing for like a half hour, and it will, I don't know, overheat or something and turn off. Does this happen with any of you?