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Messages - SlowPokemon

Which one was ugliest then? I love all Pokemon, I'd never call any of them really ugly or weak. I even like Magikarp, though I'd never use it. I feel sorry for it. lol.
Legendary usage seems cheap to me.

I'd never use an uber team - the most fun thing in the game is the Battle Frontier, and you can't use half of the legendaries there - none of the good ones anyway. :P

In my Platinum I like to train a random Pokemon up to Lv50 for the Battle Frontier - I've done that with a Hitmontop (not all it's cracked up to be) and a Shuckle (useless because I don't have the TM Toxic) in my SoulSilver.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 27, 2010, 10:14:05 AM
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on May 26, 2010, 09:18:25 PMIf there is no supermassive black hole I will be severely disappoint.

There are not many black holes. If you fall off, you're dead.
Oh, and Star count 68.
Quote from: Roz~ on May 26, 2010, 06:41:50 PMThose games were so... childish. Okay, I know that maybe RBY and GSC were not any better, but since I grew up with them, I don't care. But when I saw RSE, I was sooooo disappointed. The game were too "colorful", the Pokemon were effin ugly (with a few exceptions including Metagross and Gardevoir). To me, the teams were just lame compared to team Rocket. So yeah, I didn't really like those games.

Metagross was like the ugliest one from Hoenn. lol.
Wow! I thought I was being ignored! Apparently not! ^.^

If those three were done, I would be really grateful.

I have another request, but I'm thinking I should wait to post it since I have two unfulfilled requests already, plus this one.
Quote from: TheLegend on May 26, 2010, 04:48:38 PMYeah, legendaries aren't really that great sometimes... I personally don't like Ho-Oh, I should've gotten heartgold so that I could get lugia at lvl 70 :P  Skarmory, Dusknoir, and Blissey are awesome, but Lugia is also awesome.  My team...

red Gyrados

I basically just have all the different types.  I think that makes a good team... any suggestions to me?

I have a suggestion. Don't use legendaries, shiny Pokemon, or more than one starter. That's a turn-off with me at the very start. Also, read above posts after I posted my team - Roz's post, actually. Pointed out that a bunch of Types isn't the only thing that counts. And you really don't have all that many Types.

Also, @Ruto - I'm not using Lugia. I have a perfectly good team that I love, however apparently weak it is. As for Signal Beam, I use that with my Ampharos in SoulSilver and my Gardevoir in Platinum and it's beast... But I prefer Megahorn.

@Roz - I have a level 86 Dusknoir in my Platinum. Training it was one of the best choices I ever made. It's Defense is beast.

Sorry about the long post.
I think Hoenn is my favorite region. Before y'all shake your heads, Ruby was my first Pokemon game EVER.

The vastness of Pokemon... A new one to be discovered every day... Heroically battling Team Magma (the best team ever) to stop their nefarious plan to expand the landmass...

It was so amazing, seeing the world with endless possibilities. I just wish I could feel that again.

I remember I only trained my Sceptile. Never did that again.

After I finally beat the Pokemon League (with a Sceptile Lv 84) I started to train some other Pokemon.
I had a Gardevoir, Salamence, and Cradily in their 60s and 70s in addition to my Sceptile. It was a terrible team, but I loved them all so much. ^.^

I look back and shake my head because my Sceptile knew Cut, Dragon Claw, Hyper Beam, and Solar Beam. All Tm/Hm. lol.

I think I could rant on about Pokemon Ruby forever if I wanted to.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 26, 2010, 06:37:09 AM
The Supermassive Galaxy is supermassively fun. I love the art in this game.

They pushed the Wii's potential.

No spoilers about the galaxy for those who aren't there or don't know about it... But it's really cool.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 25, 2010, 04:55:07 PM
I'm in ninth - should be in eighth though. Skipped a grade. Oh, and star count 58.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 25, 2010, 08:27:09 AM

I'm at 49 stars. Was on the third world Bowser Jr. level and my Wii turned off. :P
Movies & TV / Re: Movie Lovers?
May 25, 2010, 06:45:24 AM
Quote from: Maretocks on May 19, 2010, 04:48:56 AMKick-Ass, Iron Man 2, Robin Hood. I must see these.

Anyone wanna comment on The Nightmare Before Christmas for me?

Dude, I was just going to! That is my ALL-TIME favorite movie! In sixth grade, the first thing I would do EVERY day when I got home was watch the Nightmare Before Christmas!

As a result of this obsession, I now have it memorized, songs and all; I can play all the songs on the piano; and... Well, the list goes on and on.

I don't know if you wanted me to rave about it or, if you haven't seen it, recommend it, so I'll just do both.
That movie is pretty epic. I would recommend it if you like artistic and strange movies. And if you can put up with amazing songs by Danny Elfman. Many *cough* narrow-minded *cough* people say it sucks and it's the most boring movie they've ever seen. It's not.

 Sorry if this reply is too late (or too long). XD
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 25, 2010, 06:36:02 AM
Quote from: universe-X on May 25, 2010, 06:28:18 AMThe green stars are sort of redundant and are only in hiding spots, but still worth the adventure.

And I'm just too busy lately to take care of this game (still in school >.>)

Well, technically my school year hasn't ended...

But I'm exempt from all my finals, so I don't have to come this week! GWAHAHA!

...What grade are you in?
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 25, 2010, 06:14:20 AM
Umm, if you want to get to Bowser, you could really be done in a matter of hours.
But I... and, I'm assuming, all of you... milk the game for all it's worth, beat all stars in all galaxies, that sort of thing.

Plus, don't forget about the Green Stars - there's another Bowser message after you get 120 stars and beat him again.

Now, that I don't know.
I'm so totally mad at you now!

...jk :D
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 24, 2010, 06:36:18 PM
Oh, I already knew about the, uhhh... longtime friend... part. I have the guide. It wasn't all that bad.