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Messages - SlowPokemon

Random *Pokemon* thought of the moment:
God! Shedinja is useless!  >:(
Quote from: Oni-Link on May 27, 2010, 01:22:54 PMYou think someone with a nickname "SlowPokemon" would get it.


Umm. Okay. Would someone explain to this idiot why Oni-Link skipped so many lines?
Nintendo / Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs
May 27, 2010, 01:22:35 PM
Okay, you probably all knew this already, but they've announced a new Pokemon Ranger game. Any idea when it's coming out?

Yes, yes, I know... ANOTHER new topic.  :P

...Don't kill me...
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
May 27, 2010, 01:18:43 PM
I'm playing Super Mario Galaxy 2, I'm training a Spinda for the Battle Frontier like mad on my finished SoulSilver, and I'm going through Pokemon Emerald yet again.

Gaming / Re: Official E3 2010 Topic
May 27, 2010, 01:16:46 PM
Quote from: SuperFireKirby on May 27, 2010, 12:59:44 PMThe official troll of NSM. Who is fat. Just had to add that in there.


I'm really hoping for a Kirby Wii. Twould be epic.

Agreed. Extremely epic.
Okay.  :-\
Yup. How much does Finale cost typically?
Quote from: Oni-Link on May 27, 2010, 12:55:19 PM*sigh*
You don't get it, I'm guessing.

Umm... no. Is that some sort of Speed Racer joke?
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
May 27, 2010, 12:59:14 PM
I only just got to World Five. Gotten all stars/comet medals possible. 68 stars from where I stand. :P
Quote from: Cobraroll on May 27, 2010, 12:02:22 PM^^Do it!

Then go ride Maverick, Millennium Force and Magnum XL-200 before the queues get too bad. Spend the afternoon riding Millennium Force again, as it warmes up over the course of the day. Maverick and Millennium Force are apparently awesome at night, but the queues may prevent you from riding more than one of them before the park closes.

Based on my experience of a similar ride in England, TTD won't be as bad if you're new to coasters. It's all over in 16 seconds.
[/off topic]

You DO know that I'm not actually going to Cedar Point anytime in the near future, and that was just used in context? God, some people have a one track mind...
Double post, but still -
Umm, my computer apparently has a blocking system (even though it's never come into effect before lol) and won't let me go to that site. Reasons: Maliciousness, Hacking, other crap.

Any other way i can get it free? :-[
Okay. With the way you're talking to me, I feel like I'm working up the nerve to go... I don't know, ride the Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point. XD
Quote from: Cobraroll on May 27, 2010, 10:51:30 AMIn no particular order:

Plusle&Minun (damn Pichu clones. That's also why I hate Pachirisu and the electric rodent in Gen. V)
Spinda (especially Spinda)

Metagross is among the coolest out there. I mean, look at it!

Lombre is cool but admittedly ugly. I hate the Wingull family (mostly because that's all you ever see on the ocean). Can't stand Plusle, but Minun is adorable. I like Makuhita but Hariyama I can agree with you. Skitty is cute no matter how I look at it. I don't like Sableye, prefer Mawile. Meditite sucks. Not a huge Volbeat and Illumise fan, but they're cute. I am so frickin mad that you not only put Spinda, but ESPECIALLY Spinda. I could go on about Spinda all day because that's one of my favorite Pokemon EVER, and it's adorable, and has a really cute unsteady, tottering walk. Chimecho is cute. Snorunt and Glalie are THE ugliest Pokemon from Hoenn. Huntail is grotesque but Gorebyss is not ugly.

Just because Metagross is COOL doesn't mean it's not UGLY. The only really cute and cool Pokemon, non-legendary, is Dragonite. It has a cute face.
Quote from: dahans on May 27, 2010, 11:07:23 AMYou could try to arrange it yourself. What do you think? Just try it :D.

I have no idea whatsoever how to do that, if I need to download any software, etc.
I have arranged "Dimble Wood" from Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, but that's handwritten and so doesn't really count. :P
Why'd you skip a billion lines? That is not paper... umm, Internet space? ^_^