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Messages - TWG Link

TWG Waluigi cause all the above reasons + my "reasons".
Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 28, 2013, 01:37:41 AMWaluigi because, even if the "Imma gonna win" post was made in jest, I'm not sure it was totally innocuous.  Humans would be more likely to say "we" because we're on a team, while wolves play more of an individual game. 

Even Verm, nominated for best wolf in the NSM Superlatives, has made this mistake.  It's a nearly identical scenario, and Verm was a wolf that game.

It's the best I've got right now, though I'm also curious as to why Link was disappointed that Waluigi wasn't wolfed.  He's been active for Night 1, and he did compliment how you looked in purple.
Cause Waluigi is EVIL. I don't like purple; I like green (except when I am wearing the goron or zora tunic)

I was going to suggest Waluigi before you because it IS day 1. But I figured that you wouldn't find my "preferences" to be suitable lynching reasons, even for day 1

Speaking of which, if we don't kill at least one wolf, we only have three day-night cycles to catch the wolves. Such as:
Night 1: 1 human wolfed. 8 humans left.
Day 1: 1 human lynched. 7 humans left.
Night 2: 1 human wolfed. 6 humans left.
Day 2: 1 human lynched. 5 humans left.
Night 3: 1 human wolfed. 4 humans left.
Day 3: 1 human lynched. 3 humans.
Quote from: SlowPokemon on April 27, 2013, 08:33:59 PMThe problem is that I can't update it at 11 PM, so it would have to be extended to TUESDAY at 10. Would everyone be all right with that, or would they prefer the 47 hour phase?
Extra time is always good, I suppose, Although there isn't much to go on for this day phase.
Quote from: SlowPokemon on April 27, 2013, 08:07:00 PMNight One is over. TWG Kirby is dead. It is now Day One. Day One ends Monday, April 29, 2013, at 10:00 PM EST.
It's to bad that Waluigi wasn't wolfed. :'( :'(

Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 27, 2013, 08:08:53 PMCan we have an extension because that's less than 48 hours from the update?  Is there a solution to the problem with no chat?
Either we could chat here, or find another chat.
Quote from: TWG Pikachu on April 27, 2013, 05:27:12 AMPika! Pika Pika Chu!

Still relevant?
Quote from: TWG Fox on April 26, 2013, 11:59:02 PMI seem to have changed bodies with some kind of a...furry. Ew... Hm. Wait a second, I am already a talking cat! :O
Quote from: TWG Mario on April 26, 2013, 10:24:00 PMIt's a me, Mario!!
Don't let TWG Mario get near mee!! :'( :'(
Ohoh dear I seemed to have missed much

Quote from: SlowPokemon on April 26, 2013, 08:08:49 PMMy recommendation would be that you do everything via PM for a while.

In the meantime, if anyone comes up with a solution, please notify me.
Use a different chat for now? Suggestions?

Quote from: SlowPokemon on April 26, 2013, 08:17:24 PMi wonder if anything will actually be accomplished in this game or if you are just going to keep yelling at each other, Brawl in the Family style
But I wanto yell that way.

Quote from: TWG Bowser on April 26, 2013, 08:30:13 PMThis is so BOOOORING! When's something going to happen?

AM I No Coll enough yet?
Uhoh forgot about Waluigi!!
I is the awesome account. Link  <3