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Messages - kirby_superstar

Music / Re: What are you listening to right now?
February 26, 2008, 09:17:00 PM
Sabre Dance - Aram Khachaturian
next on my playlist is...lemme see here
Schism - Tool
GASP, you forgot starlight!!!!!!!
Quote from: G-Han on February 26, 2008, 11:06:14 AM
Quote from: ZeldaFan on February 26, 2008, 11:00:46 AMWorst and most over-played song ever: "Big Girls don't cry" by Fergie
stupidest song ever...they play it like 2 times a day on every radio station!!  >:(

You forgot 'Please Don't Stop The Music' from Rihanna, it was played like two times an hour. And the lyrics are very.. profound: Please don't stop the music, please don't stop the music, please don't stop the music, please don't stop the music, please don't stop the music, please don't stop the music, please don't stop the music, please don't stop the music, please don't stop the music, please don't stop the music *and repeat!*
you forgot the part where it just says please dont stop that,please dont stop that, etc, music.
....the "f" word *shudders*
and im so glad that mariah carrie died out again, rappers i actually dont mind(if not overplayed anyway); Kanye West, Kid Sister, and Lupe Fiasco. and lil' john cuz hes dumber than...everything? pretty much, and hes funny. Especially when dave chapel makes fun of him
my friend mike was high on coke today at lunch time, he skipped block 6 to go do some....not very smart indeed, of course he is still my friend(well at school), but the funny thing is although i disapprove, hes alot funnier when hes high(and hes more fun to be around)....but the thing that makes it not bother me is the fact thhat he doesnt do it to try to be kool around his other friends or my friends, like other friend/acquaintances i have that smoke tobacco just to try to be kool, like seriously wtf? tobacco is dumb it tastes like ass, ive tried before and i regret it, they do it to be kool for like my one friend colton that smokes, they all secretly idolize him, and hes my close friend, once again wtf?
i drink, cuz its fun and no im not of age yet, and i dont drink regularily at all but if given the opportunity....and i know some people on here disapprove of that(my parents dont let me but they dont know), alcohol consumption is not a sin, its overindulgence thats a sin
I like a huge variety of music (Satie, Alexisonfire, Debussy, alot of other romantic era crap, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, etc,too many to name) but
my worst is.....
the Jonas Brothers,
anything played on the family channel
most country
hardcore rap
fabricated hip-hop(by saying that i mean i like people like K-os)
Avril Lavigne
you get the pictur3
....strange i didnt need to make a new account, more or less, when i got to the forums page i just had to log in
but what makes me depressed is i no longer have my beautiful avatar..... :(