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Messages - TWG Link

Quote from: SlowPokemon on April 30, 2013, 07:01:26 PMNight Two is over. TWG Mario is dead. It is now Day Two. Day Two ends Thursday, May 2, 2013, at 10:00 PM EST.
Well then. RIP Mario. We hope you weren't a wolf, but we can't tell right now.
Quote from: TWG Mario on April 29, 2013, 08:14:13 PMWow!! Good thing you doubled checked!  we got rid of Falcon!!
Sure TWG Falcon and I didn't exactly get along (and at first, he tried to accuse me of making a vote during the middle of the night, so-to-say)... but I didn't want it to end like this ;_;

Everybody should try to contribute to their fullest potential if it's possible for them to do so.
Well, thank you my family, I guess I missed the vote. -_-

I said I'd be here at around earlier, but I wasn't. D:
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT, from one player to another:
Now is the time to end any charades and start getting into the true spirit of TWG! If you're a human, you'll have plenty of good reasons to do so, especially since WE NEED TO FIND THE WOLVES. If you're a wolf, you'll also have some good reasons to do so, because, if you don't, you'll probably be LYNCHED.

Please, everybody...?
Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 28, 2013, 05:20:48 PMThis is the argument.  You can forget about the whole "defense seeming like he's throwing as many possible defenses out there" thing because I think it's confusing Link and preventing him from responding to the more important part of the suspicion.  None of his defenses respond to this adequately.
Quote from: TWG Link on April 28, 2013, 04:22:25 PM1: I'm not that dumb
2: You make too many illogical assumptions; jumping to the conclusion that I would have voted for him at the specified time is extremely flawed and baseless.

Something that you're not getting is that I already addressed your bold, italicized, and underlined statement in the below quote. If the logic behind the vote isn't the main point, none of your supporting points have any logical basis.
Quote from: TWG Link on April 28, 2013, 01:53:13 AMI was going to suggest Waluigi before you because it IS day 1. But I figured that you wouldn't find my "preferences" to be suitable lynching reasons, even for day 1
There shouldn't be any question of why I didn't vote when I did. If you have questions, then all you're doing is ignoring everything aside from the bare-bones statement you are making.
I wanted extra time for day-phase discussion; however, I was concerned that there wouldn't be much to go on, until you brought up YOUR accusation of TWG Waluigi:
Quote from: TWG Link on April 27, 2013, 08:38:46 PMExtra time is always good, I suppose, Although there isn't much to go on for this day phase.

The TIME I voted is irrelevant: you could easily throw the same bandwagon accusation on me if I had voted directly after you. If I had voted before, you could use the "desperate accusation" argument.
Even if TWG Fox hadn't voted, I still would've voted when I did, since I was OBVIOUSLY already online during that time: however, since TWG Fox had already voted, with his reason being "because catchphrase stealer," it gave me another chance to add an even  more humorous statement: "cause all the above reasons + my 'reasons'."

AND ANOTHER THING. This makes me really, really angry:
Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 28, 2013, 05:20:48 PMFirst, he's flat-out lying when he says he didn't have time to vote in between my accusation and when he actually voted.
HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT MY SCHEDULE IS. Who are you to suddenly know what I'm doing 24/7!?!?! Are you psychic!? Look at the times between the posts (I'm going off of the times this account is set at):
09:37:41 AM      TWG Falcon posts TWG Waluigi accusation.
09:53:13 AM      I post my support of the accusation.
11:39:04 AM      TWG Fox votes.
12:03:31 PM      I vote. That's at least three hours after. THREE HOURS.

ALL of your accusations rely on assumptions and situational; two or more things would have to be true in order for your accusations to have any sort of reasonable base:
1. You would have to know exactly what times I was on this account and checked THIS thread, as well as WHEN and WHAT I was doing in times I was not online.
2. You would have to know WHO I was in order to determine if voting for TWG Waluigi WHEN I did would indicate that my reasoning behind it was "unscrupulous." As it stands, you are merely assuming I am an unintelligent wolf.

Finishing statement:
If I REALLY was intent on bandwagoning, I would've voted RIGHT after you did, to avoid any accusations such as this (since, if you're a human, you'd have no reasons to accuse me). There is a difference between suspicious wolf behavior and normal human behavior.

You would rather chase after me like a mad wolf (no pun intended) than go after TWG FOx's reasons for voting, which are ENTIRELY a joke, and give no recognition of your accusations of TWG Waluigi. If anything, his reasons could more be seen as an early bandwagon than mine (and THEN he changed vote to you): as I said, I always intended to vote for TWG Waluigi:
Quote from: TWG Link on April 28, 2013, 01:53:13 AMI was going to suggest Waluigi before you because it IS day 1. But I figured that you wouldn't find my "preferences" to be suitable lynching reasons, even for day 1
To clarify it, TWG Falcon:
You seem to be taking advantage of two things in order to push accusations onto me:
1. The fact that this IS, in fact, a mystery game, so, in an odd and possibly unintended twist, I CANNOT defend myself by using my identity.
2. My support of your earlier accusations against TWG Waluigi; it's possible that you actually did detect my hint of earlier waryness and saw that you could easily capitalize on it, which is a less situational circumstance that those you accuse me of
Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 28, 2013, 04:06:39 PMtl;dr:  I'm voting for Link because his decision to vote Waluigi comes off as opportunistic and your defense of that vote comes off as trying to throw every defense he could think of after the fact rather than explaining why he voted when he did.  The defense is also at times contradictory to his actions and his own defenses.
They are not at all contradictory. If I were looking for an opportunistic vote, I would've waited for the lynch to rise to full potential, if it did. AS I SAID, I believe that you may be playing off of MY earlier wariness of Waluigi.

QuoteIf my suspicions were what gave you the "solid reason to vote for Waluigi" you're talking about, you would have voted for him here.  Your response to this is that you were trying to avoid rushing him.  That'd be fine, except the fact that you voted for him here.  Waluigi hadn't even had the chance to defend himself from the lynch.  Only four people in the game had even posted since the start of the day, one of which was you, and one of which hadn't even seen the reasons I posted.  All that happened was Fox voting for Waluigi, which is why I think your vote for him was a response to the growing bandwagon.
1: I'm not that dumb
2: You make too many illogical assumptions; jumping to the conclusion that I would have voted for him at the specified time is extremely flawed and baseless.

QuoteI'm not sure if you're using this as a defense of your vote or what you mean by it, so correct me if I'm misinterpreting this one.

Saying that you didn't want to rush and that it's partially a joke is pretty contradictory.  If the vote's a joke, there's no need to worry about rushing him with it.  If you wanted more discussion on the Waluigi lynch, you didn't wait for it or make any move to start it.
You are correct that you are misinterpreting it. YOu're completely missing these:
Quote from: TWG Link on April 28, 2013, 03:39:27 PMI made so many little "jokes" during the night that I suppose it was to hard to tell though
Quote from: TWG Link on April 28, 2013, 04:03:31 AMTWG Waluigi cause all the above reasons + my "reasons".
Quote from: TWG Link on April 28, 2013, 01:53:13 AMCause Waluigi is EVIL. I don't like purple; I like green (except when I am wearing the goron or zora tunic)

I was going to suggest Waluigi before you because it IS day 1. But I figured that you wouldn't find my "preferences" to be suitable lynching reasons, even for day 1
If I voted on joke reasons alone, all that would do is distract the humans (who would most likely completely miss the jokes and turn their suspicions on me, like now), which is not good. Don't pick-and-choose and take thing oout of context, ignoring some things yet factoring in others.

QuoteI've already explained why I think this is untrue.  Putting the third vote on someone less than six hours into day 1 without giving them a chance to defend themselves is absolutely rushing them.There was no discussion after I voted, only one Fox voting and giving no new reasoning.
But you explanation was flawed. That's the problem with the mystery game. Since you can't know who I am, and I cannot (and in all cases MUST NOT) tell you, you are more inclined to make assumptions of my reasonings.

QuoteNot true.  You had time to post after you read the accusation.  It was a fairly long post, too.
In order to explain my schedule, I would have to give away my identity, but let's just say that my computer schedule isn't certain, and is subject to change during the current time period.
Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 28, 2013, 03:25:14 PMI'm not really buying your defense, Link!

You say you were waiting for more discussion on the issue.  I'm not sure what discussion you were looking for.  If my suspicion convinced you, why didn't you vote when you posted 20 minutes afterward?  If Fox voting convinced you, how?

Saying that you were trying to avoid a vote rush is just false.  You were the third vote on a weak lynch in less than three hours after I posted, even before Waluigi had a chance to defend himself.
I cannot state how much you are completely missing the point here. Your accusations, in turn, make little sense. Don't start to merely grasp at straws: if you're a human, it'll only confuse us all more.

Even if TWG Fox hadn't voted when he did, I still would have voted. It's not that you, or ANYBODY "convinced" me. YOUR reasons just gave me a solid reason to vote for Waluigi, not merely shooting lynches at the wall (to be literal) and seeing what sticks, since I pointed out that we only have three day-night cycles to find the wolves.

Saying that it's false is false. Your accusations against me are unbased and more than situational. If I had to take a wild guess, I would say that you are trying to take advantage of my earlier warriness of TWG Waluigi. I made so many little "jokes" during the night that I suppose it was to hard to tell though
And another thing TWG Falcon. I assume that the fact that this is a mystery game might be used, at least in part, to remove bias that normal happens in games (such as voting for somebody based on usual playing style, even if your logic is faulty); you seem to be, to a certain degree, allowing that fact to obscure your judgement, such as in this case, when you act as if it's some big surprise that I'm weary and wary of Waluigi.
Quote from: TWG Waluigi on April 28, 2013, 02:08:53 PMWaluigi thinks you are being hypocritical.

Perhaps, since you had such poor reasons for voting for someone so amazing as myself, you can then explain why you chose to bandwagon a vote on me?
I think that I am surprised that you do not understand that it is a partial joke.

Also, I would have voted for you even if nobody else had. I merely did not want to rush with my vote, since this would give the wolves a chance to hide in the vote rushes.

Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 28, 2013, 02:28:26 PMLink, maybe I missed it in one of your posts, but can you explain why you voted for Waluigi when you did?  I'm more interested in the timing of the vote.  Why did you not vote in the first post but decide to vote after Fox did?
I think this should already be obvious, unless you mistake my jests for my statements, and the other way around. If I had voted for him out of the blue, even for a day 1 lynch, it would stir up too much "controversy," as one might say, creating a fog for the wolves to hide in.

Another few reasons why:
I wanted more discussion before I voted; we need to take advantage of the time given during the day phase. Hasty votes aren't always good.
I was online after TWG Fox voted, and was browsing the topic. In other words, due to my schedule, it was convenient to vote at a certain time
The thing is that we need to vote somebody. :(
Quote from: TWG Waluigi on April 28, 2013, 06:45:27 AMWahahahaha, you Players' intellects are much below than my genius. Watch as the Great Waluigi tactfully takes apart your petty arguments!

Wahaha, the logic here is simple (as in, I'm going to give my best guess), TWG Link was attempting to place a red herring on me as he planned to accuse me later on!
TWG Link, perhaps you should explain these "reasons" if you're to be taken more seriously, wahahaha.
I explain my reasons earlier, yet you ask for an explanation still. If I wanted to make you suspicious later, I would NOT try to lynch you now.

Quote from: TWG Falcon on April 28, 2013, 09:19:04 AMLink, why did you decide to vote Waluigi when you did?  For Fox, it might just be a bandwagon born out of inexperience maybe, but nothing changed about the accusation after the minute I posted it.  You had the chance to vote for Waluigi, and said you were suspicious about Waluigi too, but waited until after someone else did.  It'd make sense for either you and he to be wolf partners and you gauging the inevitability of his lynch poorly or for you to be a wolf and Waluigi to be a human and you waiting until others voted so you wouldn't be called out for bandwagoning alone.

I went to Fox's chat and nobody was there.
I already explain my reasons, but in case you need a recap:
1: Waluigi is EVIL
2: There IS nothing sigificant to go on, especially in a mystery game AND a game on day 1

NOT 3: TWG Samus does have a point, however:
Quote from: TWG Samus on April 28, 2013, 09:36:23 AMIf we're going to lynch people for having fun in character, then nothing is going to be accomplished.
And another thing to mention, although this is rather obvious!!

For the first night, we cant have any special or distinctive reasons why TWG Kirby was wolfed (I'm talking to you TWG Yoshi, yes YOU), but as we move into later phases, we might be able to form a few reasons from the wolfing.