
oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer

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Messages - TWG Luigi


Look, please just provide a tl:dr by tommorow, so I don't have to go and analize this.

And don't argue, it's annoying and makes it harder for me to judge..
ahh why did i say that
So it seems that I have to decide the game.

Everybody other than me, make a list on reasons on why I should keep you alive and lynch the other.
I'm in the chat, if anyone wants to talk.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
And it's entirely possible for there to be no wolfing tonight.
Sorry, I thought you meant Link and Luigi from that post.
Or the wolf could be you.

And how do you know that there won't be a wolfing tonight? There hasn't been a phase update yet.
Voting for Pikachu so that

1. I don't get a phantom.
2. He's the only person I'm currantly suspicious of, as everyone else seems human.
I'm in chat too.
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 08, 2013, 09:06:31 PMYou did not.
Because why would wolves wolf inactives?
Well it helps that you gave me almost nothing to defend against.

I did notice that Yoshi was replaced day 2 thank you very much, but I was still suspicious of him based on his behaviour on day 1.

I could have sworn that I had voted day 3 though.
TWG Luiji joined the chat 99 minutes ago
TWG Luiji: Hi Bowser
TWG Bowser: Green stache.
TWG Luiji: my mustache is not green
TWG Luiji: Damm.
TWG Luiji: Have to leave
TWG Bowser was timed out 38 minutes ago
TWG Luiji joined the chat
TWG Luiji: oh
TWG Luiji: bowser isn't here
TWG Luiji: damm

Sorry for leaving the chat Bowser, Parent teacher interviews were on tonight, and I had to leave unexpectedly, as I had to go pick up my sister and mother, and then go to my school, I expected half an hour at least, so I went to the chat.


Quote from: TWG Luigi on May 07, 2013, 10:57:31 PMAnd bowser, wern't you the one who said that we were beyond lynching inactives at this point?

I guess this is what I get for being inactive.

Anyway, can someone please gather all the different reasons people suspect me and put them in one post so I can make a defense?
Oh look, this works!

Anyway, I still think that Yoshi's a wolf, as he showed genuine unhelpfullness for the entirety of the first day phase.

And bowser, wen't you the one who said that we were beyond lynching inactives at this point.