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Messages - kirby_superstar

I'd vote green as well.

And we can be civilised. Geeeeeeze.
Well...I'm a jazz musician so I can't argue with Epic Yarn's OST.
You're not the first person to tell me this, but I COMPLETELY disagree.
I have, however, not played the game. So I dunno how exciting it is.
I like Black and White. It's got some stuff to do, but you're right, it is definitely lacking in material.
I almost never buy the "3rd Editions" so I always get shafted and get no Battle Frontier or the likes. >:P
My favourite place to spend time with games is usually RPGS for PS2. Level-5. Stuff like that. hahaha
It said I'm a liberal. ....LMAO.
On the political spectrum I'm a liberal, moreso of a socialist, but just because a party calls themselves liberal doesn't mean that they're "liberal".
Same with the conservatives. Our right wing (the Conservatives) are more left wing than the U.S.' leftest left wing.
I agree with Kefkatic though (can't I just call you gamer? T.T lol)
I'm moreso in the middle. We need balance.
Off-Topic / Re: Super cool NSM tinychat!
April 15, 2011, 10:41:25 PM
I figured it out on my lonesome, but thank you. :D
Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk.
Look at you, confirming my claim. xD
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
April 15, 2011, 08:09:10 PM
I didn't notice you sent a reply. But, I figured that all by myself like an hour ago just from lurking. xD
Didn't dekudude...kick him or something? Some silly reason...I can't remember...
Off-Topic / Re: Super cool NSM tinychat!
April 15, 2011, 08:02:03 PM
How does one change it?
I definitely didn't make my last post at 2:30am.
I'm not sure exactly how I feel about either of them, having been born much later than when they were figureheads.
My only thoughts or opinions of them are what older people around me say.
I see no immediate problems with the Canadian constitution...but I'm not as informed as I could be.
I certainly have problems with the House of Commons, the Senate, and budget though. >.< Not to mention healthcare. -.-
AND I'M NOT EVEN old enough to worry about those things. *sigh*

EDIT: People in Ontario might not understand this, but everywhere else people feel like Ontario thinks only itself is Canada.
Like there's a superiority complex. I've only lived in Ontario for a year, but I guarantee you, everywhere else the culture or perceptions of things is/are noticeably different, if not very similar from afar.
I don't want Québec to become a country out of love. :(
I dunno about everyone else though.
Also, I plan on living there some'd prefer it if it were still Canada.
I was born in Newfoundland, and let me tell you, Canada has pretty much fucked us since 1949 when we joined, but, I cannot deny, I still love it here.
Despite saying I hate it, I suppose I'm just as neutral as you. I make no claims of being a federalist but I definitely lean towards it.
I can't say that the government's always been fair with Qu--half the country.
Ahahaha, I thought so. But I wasn't sure.
I was thinking that's why it doens't do the national anthem either.
Honnêtement, je préfère beaucoup de ses politiques en ce qui concerne...presque tout.
J'ai une question à te demander. Est-tu pour ou contre le séparatisme?
Moi, je le déteste....mais....c'est vrai aussi que j'habite en Ontario, non pas Québec.
Every school I've ever attended has done the national anthem in the morning.
I don't quite remember if the first elementary school I went to did it...but I think it did.
I even remember watching something on TV once about parents making a giant fuss over a principal not doing the national anthem in the morning.
Do you go to a Catholic school?
Your school doesn't start the day with the national anthem...? o.O

Not even Gens du Pays? xD
Off-Topic / Re: Made mah day.
April 15, 2011, 06:34:25 PM
I find that funny but everything about it screams un-politically correct--and that makes me uncomfortable. Lol.
Okay, well then, Canadians, you know how the national anthem plays at school in the morning?
Does anyone else's school play a silly a cappella version on Fridays? xD
It's starts like "Dooooodut doooooo. Doooooooodut dooooooo. bahBAHbahBAH
Then starts the first verse. bahahahaha
I need more interesting things to discuss....
Off-Topic / Re: Super cool NSM tinychat!
April 15, 2011, 06:29:36 PM
I've never ever used the tiny chat....BUT, I might consider it.

P.S. I'm pretty sure it used to be in the news bar...but what time zone are our posts in? I live in EDT (GMT -5).