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Messages - hoggers

Quote from: EveningSun720 on July 11, 2019, 10:07:18 PMWe'll see, sir.
i play mafia to make friends who understand what it mean to be a true hero. much fun along way, winning not as important as long as learn something.

are you true hero or are you wolf trying make me feel bad?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 11, 2019, 09:47:52 PMSaying "town is probably gonna mess up a bunch along the way" is not the same as wanting town to fail.
you are hurting morale so your team can sweep in and take us from behind when we feel low

no think i see not your play villain
Quote from: EveningSun720 on July 11, 2019, 09:46:36 PMYou are the scum, yes?

Let me just say this. I don't know who you are, but call me by my name. It's EveningSun720. I expect you to remember that, hoggers.

If you ever call me EveningBum again, I will not only reign on your parade with the help of the moderators, but I will destroy you with my two hands.
i sorry, i really bad with nicknames. if this what make you so mad in chat i mean no disrespect. you can be friend yes?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 11, 2019, 09:37:37 PMGood, I like the analysis.

Also, keep in mind that because of the life system, lynching someone isn't a permanent goodbye, unless the wolves really hate someone, or unless some wacky life shenanigans go on. We still need to be careful, but at this point in the game, a mislynch isn't catastrophic.
you plan for failure for town to fail. you no helpful, you seek catastrophe hoping disaster, but only disaster will be for wolf team. you better run, pppepperoni, or you suffer big loss today. i give you head start.
i'm sorry i mean BlackDragonMan

i say i stop messing name up
what you people doing? the dingdongdragon boy should be dead already.

hey eveningbum guy, who you doing? where you come from? i know no eveningbum, i no see you anywhere. you cheating?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 11, 2019, 04:36:27 PMI'm judging based on what times MadDemon has posted, which is, of course, visible to everyone. MadDemon even admitted to being inactive recently.
i look facts and facts are you look evil. you no even shoot yourself and you scared to fight. you think i no notice your shifty eyes and scaredy tactics?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 11, 2019, 04:23:26 PMplease talk normally

Also, since you don't seem to have eyes, I'd like to point out that I was referring to night phase activity, not current activity, since night phase activity is what mattered in determining whether a wolf was online to submit a wolfing or not.
typical american make fun of people have to learn their dumb language. you lucky i speak to you with these words instead of in home tongue.

how you know when he was on? are you cheating?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 11, 2019, 03:35:05 PMexcusez-moi

who is blockdongdragon

Also, voting for MadDemon because in the case of an inactive wolf (which is likely at this point, IMO; I see no other reason why the wolves would have foregone their second shot), they're probably the most likely to have been the inactive wolf.
you have eyes? you are you, and you are ignoring maddemon post. how he inactive if he posting?

this guy gotta die. we need to punish excellence
funnygurl took the brave man pledge. rest of you are COWARDS. you may try to hide color of your soul, but never hide the extent of your heart.

i challenge BlockDongDragon to a duel!
i am truth
where are you cowards

come fight me

i am here

i am waiting.


run little pepperoni babies
/vote hoggers
the point of game is simple revealing. we must all shoot ourselves until everyone has one life, and then true game begin. it show coward from man, and man always good guy. good guy having no fear prove game is broken. es merde tu your death, i not. who is coward here? let the games begin.