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Messages - BlueStone

Music / Re: Seeking nonstandard instruments
February 14, 2017, 05:01:29 PM
Well, yes, unfortunately. There's not really a way to profit from these sorts of videos unless you receive millions of views to make up for the cost of the licenses to perform the music, which can be upwards of $500 for each song. Really the best I can offer in return is credit on the video and maybe to collaborate on a video or project in return. So basically more traffic/exposure and networking. I really only work on vgm videos as a hobby of sorts myself.

I wouldn't mind paying to rent an instrument if the price isn't too bad and play it myself. However that'd hinge on how close they are to where I live, I'm sure. Trying to find a store for these instruments that's relatively nearby is impossible, but I have noticed that there are more musicians that perform these instruments than stores and closer too, although I doubt I'd have any success at all asking performers to lend someone they don't know their rare and expensive instruments. Hence I figure it'd be better to just ask if anyone would be interested or know of anyone who might be interested in performing online.
Music / Seeking nonstandard instruments
February 13, 2017, 06:32:44 PM
I'm not sure if this is the right subforum for this, but I have a few video game music projects that are on hold because rarity of instruments, more rarity of musicians for those instruments, and even more rarity of musicians interested in recording themselves for YouTube. I arrange and perform a lot of video game music, usually for piano (YouTube), but sometimes for other instruments as well. Unfortunately finding performers isn't exactly easy, especially for instruments such as uileann pipes or hammered dulcimers. I've put together a recording of a piece from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, but the hammered dulcimer player I know isn't interested any longer in recording her part for the channel. Another video game piece I'm eager to record requires uileann pipes (although a chanter would probably work just as good as far as audio goes). So I was wondering if anyone here has, knows how, or knows of anyone who has or knows how to play either of those instruments and would perhaps like to perform as part of a collaboration?