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Messages - WaluigiTime64


I know I've recently been really out of it when it comes to sheet music, and because of that expect slow responses, but I saw that tiny little Rhythm Heaven section and felt like making it a little less... tiny. So here's something I had lying around.
Woah this is cool.

Amazing work from the coding team, and all others who helped make this happen!

15 years... gosh.
Site News / Re: New Series
April 09, 2019, 06:11:32 PM
Ah. Duped by the port.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 09, 2019, 04:32:27 PM(I think.)
I checked the sheet and yeah it's of the GBA one.
Amusing that both versions have a track called "Treetop Tumble" that sound completely different to each other.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 09, 2019, 04:32:27 PMIt is confusing and looks like a mistake, though, so how about renaming "Donkey Kong Country 3" to "Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA)"?
That'd help, yeah. BrawlBRSTMs seems to use this format too.
Site News / Re: New Series
April 09, 2019, 03:29:15 PM
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 09, 2019, 03:22:10 PMEmm no? It's "Donkey Kong Country 3" and then "Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!". That's what I can see.
They're pointing it out because those are, in fact, the same game.
Quote from: cashwarrior1 on January 02, 2019, 05:52:57 AMThat's cool, though. I wish I was in a music class :P
My music class probably would've been more fun had there been less history-type stuff.

Quote from: FireArrow on February 11, 2019, 11:58:55 PMWhat you had a composition elective in high school im jealous >:C
It's funny because I didn't even know this until about 4 weeks before final internal exams.

So I'm randomly back to post something. If I can't spend enough time in the arrangement boards then maybe I can put a little more effort in here, by the very least. It's been a while so things'll sound quite different I think.

Original Compositions:
 - Generic Grass (Main): WAV

Yep, it's time for a full version. Figured a good one to pick would be the first level. Not the style I was initially expecting, but hopefully there's still some Yoshi-type vibes in there somewhere. The chiptune reminds me a bit of Yoshi's New Island actually.
I should probably tone down on the chiptune anyway, because I'm not going for the whole "retro-inspired" thing at all, but I just like working with chiptune and other synthesisers lol.
Quote from: Latios212 on April 06, 2019, 02:33:28 PMahoy, 'tis me, I'm making some edits as listed below:
Ah, thank you!

Quote from: Latios212 on April 06, 2019, 02:33:28 PMGood catch. It's an Eb. The following measure is also missing the quick jab of an F to parallel the right hand.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 06, 2019, 02:33:28 PMHow about just treble clef? The first chord in m. 45 is pretty palatable since it's anchored by the B flat on top. The only other place that's pushing it is m. 51 beat 4, but it's still not so bad since you can read the fourth from the G below the staff.
Yeah actually that works quite nicely.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 06, 2019, 02:33:28 PM- m. 42 LH beat 4 should be C, not D

Quote from: Latios212 on April 06, 2019, 02:33:28 PMLooking over the rest of the sheet/comments, I think we're in pretty good shape, although I do have one final concern. The beat 1 and beat 3 chord on the first page - I don't feel like the contour is right with the top line descending from C to Bb; rather when I listen to the original I hear the C leading up to a D. As such I would recommend including the top D in m. 8 to create a Gm triad for the downbeats in m. 1-12. (There's also an F up top I think but we can do without that if you want.) I haven't made this change yet, but I feel we should.
The transcribing gods using their powers to reveal what would otherwise not be heard.

I apologise, but I only hear it as a descending contour. I can barely hear the D at all (not even at M.8, though I'm probably misunderstanding something about that one). The only times I hear it as an ascending contour are between M.2-3, M.4-5, and similar, but when I do it's an ascension right up to that F. I believe the downward contour is actually supported by this F being present (and more prominent than the D, imo).

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When you factor in both piano layers (with me making assumptions about this D), it's a descending pattern, and to me it wouldn't make sense to pick specific parts of each layer just to produce a different contour. One part about this piece which really adds to how mystical it feels is the ambiguity of the layers and of course that's going to be lost in a solo piano arrangement, so I'm just following what seems to make sense between all layers.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm fussing but I just don't hear it.

All the other edits are real good though, so thank you. I apologise for not being able to deal with this myself.
Off-Topic / Re: Made mah day.
April 02, 2019, 11:30:35 PM
oh i thought the blue scribble was his face
I'm great at this "responding" thing, aren't I?

Quote from: Static on March 13, 2019, 07:07:58 PMI edited some things, like the measure distribution, adding slurs to some of the grace notes, general spacing/formatting stuff, and notes are all good as well. I've updated the files accordingly.
Oh my. Thank you!

Quote from: Static on March 13, 2019, 07:07:58 PMm9-16: Already mentioned by Libera, but I would strongly consider adding in the upper voice here. If you're concerned about keeping the voicing, maybe get rid of the repeat to have the upper layer on the 2nd time through only to give the piece some more contrast and variety.
I'll be honest, it's all so confusing because the track has like, 4 piano channels which vary in volume independently.
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I really only hear particular issues with the lack of the upper voice in M.11+12, so I put a few notes down in NotePad (did not update the files though, as the beams come back if you do this in NotePad.

Quote from: Static on March 13, 2019, 07:07:58 PMm45-52 LH: You might want to consider thinning out the LH here since both hands are in the low register. Maybe get rid of the upper octave notes on beats 2 and 3.5.
I can see it going both ways (because I happen to like the bassy-ness of that section) but if other Updaters also want to change it then I'll happily let that happen.

Quote from: Static on March 13, 2019, 07:07:58 PMIf you still don't have access to Finale, just give me the word on what changes you want to see implemented and I'll go ahead and edit the files further.
It's been a while so I'm not sure if you're still bothered, but any Updater can feel free to update the files, because I'm bogged down with work right now. Apologies. Run things by me and I'll hopefully be able to give a "yes" or "maybe this instead".

(also maybe give a little attention to what Playful said a while ago)
Off-Topic / Re: Politics
March 28, 2019, 03:41:58 PM
There's actually numerous problems with cattle farming. Excess methane and deforestation (as two of you said), as well as the degradation of land in certain areas not suited for cattle (due to their hooves and weight), the ludicrous amounts of fresh water required to sustain just a single cow (multiplied by... many cows), and the overconsumption of grass (which threatens (other) native wildlife), among other things.

The problems with animal farming (cattle in particular) is the absurd inefficiency and rather silly distribution of the Earth's finite resources towards making it happen, which goes into and beyond climate change issues.
Off-Topic / Re: Politics
March 10, 2019, 06:37:59 AM
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Help! / Re: Vah Naboris Chord?
March 06, 2019, 06:56:42 PM
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yeah it's probably just someone smashing the keys """to a scale""" with a high-pass EQ filter over the recording
I usually see it as either "Marine Pop, Sky Pop!", "Marine Pop! Sky Pop", "Marine Pop & Sky Pop", or some other variation of that. I think anything like that should be appropriate, because the only official soundtrack of the game I could find listed it as just "Shooting", but that soundtrack doesn't follow the naming convention we usually use for Super Mario Land tracks anyway.
When I said performance direction I really meant an instruction for the performer telling them how to physically play those notes (because there's a number of ways one could make pitchless noises, such as tapping on the piano, etc.). Apologies for any confusion.
epic fortnite

Try this.

I've gone ahead and done those formatting things (layout, 8vb, etc.), as well as changed the intro to a percussion line (which you need to write a performance direction for yourself, because I can't decide that for you). I've also changed the dynamic marking to mf because that seems more appropriate, changed the time signature to 4/4, moved the RH up and octave, and changed the sound to "Piano Bright".

Didn't check any notes, but they seem good. I didn't change it to cut time either because the way you wrote it is probably more appropriate for the style.

Quote from: D3ath3657 on January 14, 2019, 02:27:20 PMI'd prefer if the composer was credited as Jun'ya Ōta, however.
In some cases, this would make sense, but there's probably a reason why ZUN refers to himself as "ZUN" in credits for all Touhou Project content (games, print works, etc.), as well as why almost all arrangements/remixes, artworks, fangames, and other assorted Touhou fanworks refer to him as such.

Every other sheet on-site refers to him as "ZUN" anyway so... yeah. I see where you're coming from, but sometimes composers/creators prefer to use a different name.

(as a side example, you could compare it to how we refer to Toby Fox as "Toby "Radiation" Fox")