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Okay, so far we have Nocturne lynched and BDS vigi'd. I'd say we have 3 possibilities here:

1. Nocturne was the Nemesis, and BDS had a position that could be vigi'd. -possible
2. Nocturne was Fenrir / on a team with Fenrir and agreed to vigi BDS to make it look like NoS is the Nemesis. -possible
3. Nocturne was a regular god and the wolves vigi'd BDS for unknown reasons. -improbable

If 1 is correct, I don't see BDS as a wolf. That's too much risk. -improbable
If 2 is correct, BDS is not a wolf.
If 3 is correct, BDS is not a wolf.

I believe BDS is not a wolf, whichever way we go with it.

Let's check the votes:
NoS: lommy, Bubbles, BDS (3)
AwesomeYears: Latios212 (1)
Latios: AwesomeYears, Bird (2)
Maelstrom: NoS, Davy (2)

People who didn't vote: Maelstrom (1)

That's 6 people who didn't vote for NoS. 5 people we know who aren't Agni. 4 people who might.
I'm pretty sure Nocturne was a red color.
BDS is not Geb, Nox, or Kumbhakarna. I personally believe he is not a wolf. (I'll probably make a chart later)

Suspicions list (assuming Nocturne is a wolf):

BDS: You seem okay. At first I thought it might be a Nocturne/BDS match but now that's impossible. Post 32# seems like a very human response. So I don't really have any suspicions against you.

AwesomeYears: Probably human, possibly wolf. There's not that much information from you. Do you mind posting a bit more? Also did you win the buff?

Bird: Offline when it really mattered, which is why I think you are not a wolf with Nocturne. If you are a wolf, then you are Bakasura, which is improbable but possible. I would have liked to see you vote for something.

maelstrom: Inactivity is understandable, but you've been posting on different threads. Along with that, you said very little. Probably not a wolf? Although it's possible that this whole thing was to avoid suspicion or looking like a team. I do agree that NoS's vote was very weak against you but post more man.

Bubbles: You're the only person who voted for NoS who I think might be a wolf.

I'll finish later. In the meantime, can everyone post whether they won the buff camps or not? I didn't. Also I'd like to see a more experienced player make one of these.
Why are we voiting for Latios212? I think Latios is more human than AwesomeYears so far.
I'm okay with Lommy.  8)

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 18, 2015, 07:23:55 PMis your vote a safety or not

Safety for right now. I'll change it if other people start voting for you. But that still doesn't answer my concerns or Maelstrom's comment... Or Davy's. I don't know if this is just how you play, but why aren't you refuting our suspicions right away?

Quote from: the_last_sheikah on March 19, 2015, 10:04:28 AMOther things I think need clarifying:
-The player who won the buff will get a PM informing them that they got it.  The thread is told who attacked which camp, not the winner.

In that case, forget my last post. Our first plan should be to find out who Bakasura is and then Fenrir. As long as everyone votes for something, we should be fine.
Ok guys, after some time I have a strategy for using camps (early-mid game at least):

Gods should all agree to choose 1 buff, and then everyone should try to get that buff.

This should eliminate a possibility of coincidence, because with 4 gods voting for 1 buff, and another 4 voting for another, there's like a 1/16th chance that I could get a buff each night.

With my strategy, there is very little chance that 1 human will get two buffs in a row. (1/72 or something like that)

So the two possibilities are:
1. A human gets the buff
2. The wolf gets the buff, and doesn't dare getting the next one to appear suspicious.

But for this plan to work, we all need to agree to use it. And we all must vote together consistantly.

Another thing with this strategy is that humans choose what the buff will be; the wolves can't just calmly sneak up and take a great buff.

I believe as gods we should NOT go for the Damage Camp buff. If Ah Muzen Cab got it, that would take 3 gods to reverse the power, and we would be inclined to bandwagon on an innocent. Or make a rushed decision, at least.
Let's all go for Attack Speed. That should give us no harm.

If everyone agrees with my strategy, I will vote for Attack Speed by tommorrow.

Quote from: Maelstrom on March 18, 2015, 05:07:27 PMI'm here and don't understand NoS's terrible logic about voting for me.

I'm assuming that he just wants to get the game rolling. It does seem suspicious though. It feels like NoS is trying to act like a god rather than just be natural. Please don't bandwagon and vote just yet though because my detective skills are terrible. I just want to hear his defense.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 18, 2015, 02:12:38 PMAll joking aside, the wolves will probably steal damage buff so the plan for day 2 is to have everyone vote I guess, maybe even for themselves

Actually, if I was a wolf, the buffs I would want would be 1. the mana camp and 2. gold fury/fire giant buffs. I don't think I would care about the other buffs. Because of this, I don't think it's necessarily incriminating evidence to win a weaker buff. That is just what the wolves want us to think.

By the way, because of my unusual username, feel free to underline my name when you're specifically referring to me. them Otherwise, I will assume you're talking about something else.

Safety vote on NocturneOfShadow.
Music / Re: Hexameron - An Invitation, an Adventure
March 17, 2015, 09:17:06 PM
Wait... there are four voters and I didn't choose Freeze flame galaxy. Also I can't change my vote. Please look into this, MaestroUGC.

Edit- just remembered how to change my vote.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 77: Player Sign Ups
March 14, 2015, 08:29:41 AM
Music / Re: Hexameron - An Invitation, an Adventure
March 02, 2015, 04:53:50 PM
Hey all. Thanks for enjoying my arrangement!  :D

Here's a pdf if you're interested in playing it (a few fixes, starts with "con sordina," etc):

As for FierceDiety's arrangements... yes, I think Fierce is in the right because the original post did not state what a variation had to include (although it is understandable for the judges to mistake it for the theme). So I would say don't add on any extra rules once the deadline is in.

So should we recount, or go on to the next game? I already have a few ideas for the next contest!  ;D

Quote from: FierceDeity on January 27, 2015, 07:24:36 PMYou should be able to zoom in on all versions of finale, I believe. 2012 notepad definitely has the capability, though only to specific preset %'s. I think it should still be under the "view" tab? Though, no version (that I'm aware of) really has the ability to move around to different sections (in terms of parts, not measure #) of the score while playing; if anybody knows of a way to do that successfully in 2011 that'd be awesome

Yes... I forgot about that. Come to think about it I could have just made a pdf file, and then zoomed in. Well thanks for the help!
Basic edits, switched the voices so that the score can be readable, edited to .org, gave it a tempo (although perhaps the right tempo is a bit faster like 122). Basically I cleaned it up as much as I was able, while still trying to keep the original ideas perfectly.

Some parts (measure 35, for instance) are still unplayable for just one pianist. It would be best if this could be shortened to just 2 pages.
Excellent job everyone! I really like how cool these themes are.

It's really hard to pick a favorite. I like how hypnotizing Bloop's arrangement is, and I also agree with FireArrow how his piece works well as a waltz.

It's really a shame that I can't zoom in for the bigger orchestral arrangements, and how some of the Finale playbacks sound like a solo piano instead of different instruments (on my end, at least).

Thanks for the critique, FierceDeity. I get what you're saying, and I think you really get what my piece is about.

Good luck to all! ;D
Hey guys, I'm just here to say that I don't want to raise any false hopes up. I'll be busy for a while, and won't be able to change the formats. You all are free to do what you want with the sheet music though.

Thanks for the comments!
Piano Arrangements / Re: them's arrangements
October 13, 2014, 05:48:00 PM
I take it by the constant demand for more that my arrangements are all the rage.  :P

On a different note, I just bought a recorder from ebay. Pretty soon, you too can hear beautiful arrangements of timeless classics, like "The Adventures of Rad Gravity: Title Screen" played on this wonderful instrument!... That is, if you request that sort of stuff.

Now that the Musescore Beta is out, I can do a lot more with everything, so you might see a bit more activity!
Here's just something for today: