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Messages - tatormellow

Music / Re: Bassoon Quartet
June 08, 2009, 05:43:47 PM
Actually these guys are the people who "inspired" me to play bassoon. I was planning on learning one anyways but they just made me want to learn SO much more!!! I wish i were as good as them but bassoon/oboe is hard (well really just a double reed is hard)   :-\
Music / Bassoon Quartet
June 08, 2009, 12:57:53 PM
Hi sorry for making so many request  :-\ But this is the last for a while i promise  :P

It's a bassoon quartet i found on youtube that is AMAZING!
It doesn't have to be arranged for bassoons, or for a quartet for that matter, but it would be awesome if i could get the sheet music for it  ;D

Completed and on site
okay so what's the name of the song at the beggining of ???

I reconize it but i can't figure out what it is and i really want to learn it.
Thanks   :)
So i know you have a lot going on and this website only does piano scores... but i was wondering if you could make some SMG scores for a full orchestra! It doesn't have to be soon but if at some point you could it would be awesome!  :D
Help! / Second Time Only?
May 29, 2009, 07:45:17 PM
I was just wondering how make it so one instrument plays the first time in the repeat and another instrument plays the second time in the repeat. I'm not sure if I'm making sense... but i don't know how else to put it  :-\
Thanks  :)
the fate of the universe link dosn't work  :'(
Hey everyone :D

i've been lately playing ToS 2 for a while, and every time i turn it on i just HAVE to listen to the opening video!!! i just love the orchestrated version! ;D

I was wondering if anyone could make a version of the opening for the piano (or even for a full orchestra or really whatever instruments. Its all music to me  ;) )

So heres a youtube link

Thanks in advance  ;D ;D ;D
Help! / youtube to finale?
September 03, 2008, 06:17:59 PM
i'm new to this site and i saw that when people request music they put a youtube link in sometimes. How can you go from a youtube link to finale?

thx  :D
Help! / Re: Super Mario Galaxy
August 14, 2008, 10:00:48 AM
omg! if you could arrange all of the super mario galaxy sheets you would be my hero!!! ;D have you started any/finished any?