
We seem to have trapped one of the mods within the forum's code... and we're not sure how to get him out. Oh well, he'll figure it out!

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Messages - kotorfanboy

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG V Signups
May 19, 2010, 05:26:24 PM
Alright, so it won't let me make the post game, so role reveal here and Nakah will make the topic (where everyone can talk and such) when he gets back.

Role Reveal:

  1. Master_gamer38 - Wolf
  2. Sir Awesomesauce - Human
  3. JaMaHa - Human

  4. Dude - Potion Keeper
  5. Jake3343 - Human
  6. SuperFireKirby - Sir Deku/Count Dekula
  7. Universe-X - Human
  8. Concerto - Human
  9. Pumpy_heart - Human

10. Kotorfanboy - Wolf

MVP: Jake3343
Nakah: "for contributing the most as a human when he was alive."

Wolves Win.

(Nakah will lock this when he gets back, he said to make the post game).
Music / Re: Being Open Minded is Cool
May 08, 2010, 08:47:31 AM
I just use Pandora and start a channel with Darude or something
No good leads to go on this day phase...I guess SuperFireKirby, then.
The second wolf could have sent in the pm. Or, perhaps he sent the message to Nakah via AIM?

Point is, Pumpy can still be a wolf. However, his inactivity in that case isn't just because he's a wolf lurking; he's just a wolf not doing anything.
TWG is a fickle game. Humans are most helpful when they are active and very visible in the topic, but that makes them an even larger target for wolves. I assume that Jake, the most active and helpful human of the game thus far, was killed for the same reason.

So, I ask that we continue undeterred in the light of this death. We must remember that TWG is a team game; while Jake has died individually, his team contributions remain.

With this in mind, who do we suspect? Thoughts, opinions, etc.
Universe-X. Basically, we've got the Jamaha killing to look at and the clusterfuck of contradictions that has been his posts and time in the chat including, but not limited to, saying he was the potion keeper then saying he wasn't.
Well I'm still not quite sure how this whole Sir Deku dynamic is going to play out, but I'm just using my standard approach to lynching people who are acting suspicious/are incriminated by things that happen. Thus far I see that Universe-X fits best into this mold.

Universe-X has been acting strange in several posts. Now, this could be first game jitters, but it seems like a little more than just jitters to me.

Also, Jamaha died night 1. If a new player is a wolf, and he wants to pick someone to kill, who does he pick? He doesn't know who is good and who isn't (and if he does, it's only a vague notion, no primary experience). So, he picks a position of power, i. e. administrator, to kill, assuming (perhaps subconsciously) that this powerful person must be skilled.

Coincidence? Possibly. But when coupled with his strangeness it seems a little more than coincidence.

No vote yet, though, because I want to see what Universe-X (and everyone else) has to say.

Also, Universe-X tells me he has no reason to vote for me other than "gut instinct", which is a little hard to go off of when we've only talked for mere minutes on #TWG. (By the way, I started to become suspicious of U-X before he voted for me).
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG IV Signups
April 29, 2010, 08:15:39 PM
b-b-blast from the past!

I'm in.
Off-Topic / Re: NBA playoffs!!!
April 11, 2010, 09:29:22 PM

Too bad they suck now :(
Movies & TV / Re: Movie Lovers?
April 11, 2010, 02:56:53 PM
Go home
Movies & TV / Re: Movie Lovers?
March 28, 2010, 06:36:02 PM
Well I don't love it, but I think technically, in terms of acting and character development and plot and the whole gambit, it's a great movie.

However, it feels slow and campy for the casual watcher. While I try to look past things like pacing in my movies, it could have used a bit more energy at points.