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Messages - gremhiilzoone

Quote from: Harvest on July 29, 2008, 08:55:38 AMIf someone stole my 360 and games, I would track them down, torture and kill them.

Me too, if someone touched my nintendo 64 I would puch his face!!! And have all your 360 robbed must be relly bad, I would go to my street and scream >:(
Nintendo / Re: has anybody cpmleted the pokedex?
August 08, 2008, 07:02:14 PM
Quote from: PseudoMario16 on August 04, 2008, 03:48:24 PM
Quote from: gremhiilzoone on August 04, 2008, 09:55:50 AMI have on emerald:

Abosolutely no gameshar pokemons or help. It's a pure and complete pokedex ;D
nowthats cool!!..!! but what happens when u complete the pokedex???
+how many hours did it take 4 you to do that

Aparently nothing happens, Prof. Birtch don't say anything... I have taken 290 hours to do that, counting with the time I spend doing other things ;D
Nintendo / Re: has anybody cpmleted the pokedex?
August 04, 2008, 09:55:50 AM
I have on emerald:

Abosolutely no gameshar pokemons or help. It's a pure and complete pokedex ;D
I also prefer Super Mario 64 than Banjo Kazooie. But is fact that in general aspects, Banjo Kazooie wins. But opinio is opinion, everyone has your own ;D
Gaming / Re: your Games Collection
July 25, 2008, 06:09:55 AM
Well, it's very difrent... Before 2002 Nintendo had a contract here that it was selling the games for the same price of USA here on Brazil. There the games were 59$ and here they were about 100R$ (BRL). But after 2002 the DOLLAR was very expensive, abou 4x times the BRL. So a GC game costed about 300R$ on my country that time! I needed  to buy my GC on 2005... but now the dollar is REALLY CHEAP, USA is having economics problens and the games are costing cheaper than 2002! A wii game costs about 120R$ here. But it's still very expensive, because of this I don't have many... :-\
Quote from: B-Kpianist on July 23, 2008, 01:42:13 PMMario has been milked way too much. How is SM64 better than B-K? B-K had better graphics, better music, and better characters. I liked SM64, but B-K was much more colorfull and it has a special that special charm that Mario lacks.






Graphically, You make the decision. I personally think banjo wins this one.


Mario has the same story every time! "Mario visit's the princess, but OH NO! SOMEONE HAS STOLEN THE PRINCESS! Who could it be? OH NO, BOWSER! Where have i heard that befoe?". Banjo constantly has a new story-line.
That's two for banjo.

Well, Mario 64 has around 7 different tunes, used throughout different levels. Each one of banjo's levels, has a unique, catchy and different tune, along with interiors, underwater, and other places (Mumbo's Hut, Nabnuts House, etc.). Banjo has over 40 tunes within the first game alone. Now, i can't compare the new music to mario galaxy (cuz we haven't heard any), but Kirkhope always makes amazing music, so i'm sure it'll be better. Compare these two vids:
Final Bowser Battle (SM64)
Final Gruntilda Battle

I think they're both great musically, but epically? Banjo Wins yet again!

Yes, Mario wins this one (at the moment), but... the Mario Franchise has been Milked waaaay too much. All these stupid spin-offs, sick of it...
And Banjo may become the mario of xbox so to speak, Check this article out:
Banjo is the Next Mascot for the 360 Article

And remeber this: "Banjo was the only game at E3 that threatens mario's throne". I think we'll be seeing much more of banjo after this game's release ;)

Do I need to say more?

I agree with you. Mario 64 was extremely funny and it represents much for me and my childhood. But its music is really worse than Banjo kazooie, I personally think that Mario 64 final battle theme is better in all the aspects than BK final theme. I think what makes BK better tahn M64 is that its graphics and world size and details defy the Nintendo 64 limits, it really seems you're playing a GC game look:

Now see some banjo screens

Banjo wins here. And the Popularity is worse because Mario is a 22 years old franchise and have new games every year... We can't compare this. Anyway, 3D Marios and Banjo are really same games, but Mario is epical and linear, banjo is funny and REALLY HUGE.
Gaming / Re: your Games Collection
July 23, 2008, 02:33:47 PM
Quote from: Mike on July 22, 2008, 12:40:49 PM
Quote from: gremhiilzoone on July 21, 2008, 09:08:51 PMI can't belive the size of some guys's games collection :o

Do you completed all these games!? ( I do you have time to play all these games ::))

Yes I have completed every single one, except Battletoads, too fucking hard. As for the time, I've been a gamer since like 1992.

I'm a gamer since 1999 and I completed all the games I have, some I rentaled I didn't finished... If the games weren't too expensive maybe I could have a bigger collection.
This game will be awesome!!! I really hated the cars, but at least some plataformer elements will continue lie the kazooie atack and the swiming. But anyway, just to play on Spiral mountain and banjo level this game will make me happy.
Gaming / Re: your Games Collection
July 21, 2008, 09:08:51 PM
I can't belive the size of some guys's games collection :o

Do you completed all these games!? ( I do you have time to play all these games ::))
Gaming / Re: your Games Collection
July 18, 2008, 09:13:41 AM
Ok,I'm waiting to see your collection ;), Thanks!

P.S: What movie will you see?
Gaming / Re: Best Game of E3 2008
July 18, 2008, 09:11:10 AM
Well, nintendo games were really bad this year, I think the best E3 game of this year was Banjo Kazooie 3 ;D
Gaming / your Games Collection
July 18, 2008, 09:06:37 AM
Well, let's try:

I have really a bit, because they are very expensive in my country...

Nintendo wii:
Wii Sports
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Paper Mario
Super smash bros brawl

Virtual console/wii ware:
Super Mario Bros
Internet channel
Defend your castle

Nintendo Ds:
Pokemon Pearl
Tetris Ds

Super Mario Sunshine
Rayman 3
Metroid Prime (with MP2 bonus disc)
Pokemon Colosseum
The legend of zelda master quest
The legend of zelda collector's edition
The legend of zelda wind waker
The legend of zelda Twilight Princess
Sonic Adventre DX
Sonic adventure 2 battle
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
Resident evil 4
Mario Kart Double Dash (with bonus disc)
Sonic Heroes
007 everything or nothing
Preview disc
Super Monkey ball
Pac man world 2
Pac man VS
Billy Hatcher and the giant egg
Donkey konga
Crash bandcoot and the warth of cortex
007 Agent under fire

Game Boy Advance:
Pokemon Ruby
Pokemon emerald
The egend of Zelda Minish cap
Kirby and the amazing mirror

Nintendo 64:
Super Mario 64
The legend of zelda ocarina of time
Mystical ninja starring goemon
The legend of zelda majora's mask
Banjo kazooie
Mario Kart 64
Super Smash bros
Shadow man
Donkey kong 64
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Buck Bumble
Chopper atack

Super Mario World
Donkey kong Country
Donkey kong Country 2
Donkey kong Country 3
The legend of Zelda A link to the past
Super Game Boy (acessory)

I have a very big wish list, and this year I'll buy a X box 360 in my birthday

see ' em folks:


cube games!!!:

opened cube games:

best console ever games!!!!!!:

old school consoles which rest in peace:

SNES Games :


Wii and DS games



Wii and GC



uhh, I stayed doing this for hours
Off-Topic / Re: Where do you come from?
July 18, 2008, 08:59:22 AM
I actually have seen a lot of canadians on this topic... The only guy who doesn't come from USA,Canada or Europe here who I saw is Egnio (page 11 of this topic). He lives on Mexico :P. Canada seems a great country, even being very cold on the winters...
Quote from: PseudoMario16 on July 17, 2008, 05:52:37 PMi will admit that kirbay was pretty good in the first 2 smash bras, but what about brawl?  he was WAY
worse in brawl than in the first 2 games

I actually noticed that ALL the old smash bros characters were very more worse in brawl than in the other smash bros games, mainly link and mario. But for some reason I still play best with Kirby, I've stoped playing with link,ness etc... but with Kirby I still thinks he's the best. :P
Off-Topic / Re: Where do you come from?
July 17, 2008, 02:53:38 PM
I live in Brazil since was was born,  in a city called Belo Horizonte

I think I'm the only man here who doesn't live in europe or america :P, but anyway here's a nice country.