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Messages - Jet Blankett

Quote from: FireArrow on January 12, 2014, 08:14:53 PMHaha, as a thanks for letting me use this thread, I'll take your request Jet Blankett. :3
no prob. Thanks!
Quote from: fingerz on January 10, 2014, 05:59:07 PMI have to agree with you there. I was surprised at the complete lack of melody in many of the battle themes... They were nowhere near as nostalgic as the music from Black/White. I must admit, they are yet to find a good balance of orchestral and techno in the series. BW was bordering the techno side too much and BW2 just went over the top... XD To date, the most exciting soundtrack I've heard would be Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and HeartGold/SoulSiver soundtracks. THEY were great! So, when they do another remake, they should be even better, OR ELSE! :P
Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 10, 2014, 07:12:39 PMThere is literally zero melody in the gym leader battle theme, it's just boring chord changes. The beat and percussive sounds keep things okay but from a musical standpoint, that piece is terrible.
100% agree with you both! And I enjoy the music from Diamond/Pearl overall probably the most, but I enjoy R/S/E and B/W (except Alder's battle theme...not impressed) as well. X/Y ruined my Gym Leader and E4 battle themes...I want percussion, sure. But melody!! And I agree that B2/W2 were beginning to get too techno (e.g. the Team Plasma theme from B/W was awesome, the one from B2/W2...not so much...still better than Team Flare's, though). A perfect illustration of the difference from Gens I-V to Gen VI can be found here (listen for melody):
I found myself in the X/Y E4 theme to be expecting a cool melody to appear out of nowhere...and was sadly disappointed...X/Y music was hit or miss for me. A lot of misses, but a few really good hits (Emma's theme for example)
Fulfilled requests / [3DS] Pokemon X/Y - "Emma's Theme"
January 10, 2014, 12:33:14 PM
Completed by FireArrow

ok, I just got to this part in the game, and up to this point, I thought, while some songs were quite good, Pokemon X/Y had some of the worst music in the franchise, especially when it came down to the E4 and gym leader battle music. Then I hear this song, and my heart just shattered into a million pieces! Could somebody plz put this into sheet music?? It's not a very long song, but it's incredibly powerful. Thanks
Quote from: Bubbles on January 08, 2014, 08:44:38 PMThis is my favorite song from the anniversary CD, so I double request this :D
yeah, I understand it's quite a long arrangement, but it's worth it. If me and my friend had time, we might attempt it, but sadly we do not...I was curious if anybody got far into this (at least a significant start) and would either like to finish it, or me and my friend might be able to, depending on how far they got. One of my favorite Zelda games

I've seen just about every other song from this amazing CD on here except the two Symphonic Movements. I was wanting to know if anybody has even attempted putting this Symphonic Movement into sheet music? Piano duet (2 pianos, 4 hands) seems best. If nobody has started, would somebody like to? Me and my friend would absolutely love to play this together
hmmm...probably have the beginning part be just that organ part (bass octaves in the left hand and the blocked chord in the right hand) until right before the main melody, and just glissando into it.
Quote from: FireArrow on December 09, 2013, 10:11:42 PMOH MY GOD SO MUCH YES
Haha ikr? Been wanting to play this for so long...forgot how much I loved this show! Best show Cartoon Network sad to see it go...

love this theme (and the show), but can't seem to find the sheet music for it there anybody willing to put it into sheet music? For piano
Music / Re: [MOVIE] The Incredibles - The Incredits
November 27, 2013, 08:30:10 PM
Quote from: Yugi on November 27, 2013, 08:11:02 PMDidn't we already tell you that this has to go into a different board?
This is the first time to my knowledge this has occurred with me. Since this is just in general "Music" discussion board now, let's just stick with the actual Incredits from the movie (see YouTube link). I believe the game is different, and this is the version I like. Thanks for pointing me to the right board
Music / Re: [MOVIE] The Incredibles - The Incredits
November 27, 2013, 08:09:08 PM
if it needs to be from a video game, this could "technically" be from the Incredibles video game (at least parts of it) lol
Music / [MOVIE] The Incredibles - The Incredits
November 27, 2013, 08:03:48 PM
hey guys, I know this is a 'Nintendo sheet music'-based website and all, but do ya'll do occasional non-Nintendo (and by non-Nintendo, I mean 'non-video game') stuff? I love this piece from the Incredibles and was wondering if someone could put it into sheet music for the piano? Two pianos would probably work better than just solo piano. If ya'll don't do any "movie" stuff, no worries. Do you know someone who does? Thanks  :)

Hey JD, wow, nice catch! I posted the wrong vid on here lol. Thanks for finding the right one. Sorry about the confusion...