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Messages - mastersuperfan

Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on July 01, 2024, 05:20:42 PMJust a rules check, the rules verbiage says wolves can chose a player to chill/burn. So they can pass, correct?

Yes. All night actions by wolves and seers are optional, and if no target is given for a particular action then no action will be carried out.
TWG CXXIII: A Dance of Fire and Ice

1. Arcanine, the Fire Wolf: Every night, can choose one living player to burn permanently and (from N2 on) one living player to paint red for that night only. The painted target is seered red by the Fire Seer that night (even if they are also painted by the Ice Wolf).
2. Ninetales, the Ice Wolf: Every night, can choose one living player to chill permanently and (from N2 on) one living player to paint blue for that night only. The painted target is seered blue by the Ice Seer that night (even if they are also painted by the Fire Wolf).

Players who are either burned or chilled, but not both, have their vote cut in half and are not told that they are burned or chilled. Players who are both burned and chilled die at the end of the night phase. Wolves are affected by these status conditions in the same way as humans.

The wolves are not told each other's identity and have separate wincons, but they may win together if they are the last two players alive.

3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human

Special powers:
  • Sear, the Fire Seer: At the start of the game, a player other than the Fire Wolf is chosen at random to wield the power of the Fire Seer (i.e. the Ice Wolf could also be the Fire Seer). Each night starting from N2, can choose one living player to seer. Seers red players red (even if also painted blue by the Ice Wolf that night) and other players green.
  • Icier, the Ice Seer: At the start of the game, a player other than the Ice Wolf is chosen at random to wield the power of the Ice Seer (i.e. the Fire Wolf could also be the Ice Seer). Each night starting from N2, can choose one living player to seer. Seers blue players blue (even if also painted red by the Fire Wolf that night) and other players green.

If both seering roles go to the same player, or if both seering roles go to wolves, then the seer role distribution is rerandomized.

Win conditions:
  • The Fire Wolf wins when (a) the Ice Wolf is dead and they have at least 50% of the voting power (or inevitably will by the end of the night), or (b) the Ice Wolf is alive and all humans are dead.
  • The Ice Wolf wins when (a) the Fire Wolf is dead and they have at least 50% of the voting power (or inevitably will by the end of the night), or (b) the Fire Wolf is alive and all humans are dead.
  • Humans win when both wolves are dead.

Host clarifications:
- N1 start.
- Instas are OFF. Lynching is required (no lynch is not an option). Phantoms are in play and will be awarded for any player who does not have a vote on a living player at day phase end.
- Real vote totals (e.g. including the halving from burn/chill) will be published following each lynch.
- Cardflips are off.
- First night phase will be 48 hours. Subsequent night phases will be 24 hours; day phases will be 48 hours.


1. Oricorio
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. SpecsFlyer17
5. XiaoMigros
6. Nana1Popo2
7. TheZeldaPianist


Oricorio was lynched!

True votecount (including burn/chill):
Oricorio: 4 (BDS, Specs, TZP, Xiao)
TZP: 0.5 (Oricorio)

It is now Night 3. Night 3 ends in 24 hours, at 8:00:00 PM EDT on Tuesday, July 2nd.
the phase is over do not change your votes

votes after 8:00:00 pm edt forum time will not be counted

on mobile so give me a few
Quote from: XiaoMigros on July 01, 2024, 02:46:40 PMmaybe the real werewolf was the friends we made along the way

Approximately 2 hours until phase end!

Quote from: mastersuperfan on July 01, 2024, 01:06:54 PMApparent votecount:
- Oricorio: 3 (Xiao, BDS, Specs)
- Xiao: 1 (Oricorio)

Votecount remains unchanged.
Apparent votecount:
- Oricorio: 3 (Xiao, BDS, Specs)
- Xiao: 1 (Oricorio)

(if it didn't, you'd be dead already)

Phase ends in a little under 4 hours!
Apparent votecount:
- Oricorio: 2 (Xiao, BDS)
- Xiao: 1 (Oricorio)
Apparent votecount:
- Oricorio: 2 (Xiao, BDS)
6 hours left in Day 2!

Quote from: mastersuperfan on June 30, 2024, 06:54:03 PMApparent votecount: (because I forgot earlier)
- Oricorio: 1 (Xiao)

Votecount remains unchanged.
Acknowledged, davy.

Phase ends 11 hours from now.
Open to considering another 24-hour phase extension if anyone would like one, but I don't want to prolong the game too much if it's going to wear down on people (and I don't want an extension to influence the game in a way that isn't fun / unfairly disadvantages one side or another). Feel free to PM me whether you'd prefer or not prefer another phase extension.

For the time being assume that the phase ends as currently scheduled (as I'm currently inclined to keep it at, given the amount of discussion in the thread), but I'll see tomorrow morning. If anyone has circumstances that will make it difficult to engage with the game tomorrow before phase change, do let me know!
Apparent votecount: (because I forgot earlier)
- Oricorio: 1 (Xiao)
24 hours left in Day 2!
Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on June 30, 2024, 02:58:10 PMIn my defense, the N2 seer activation was a later revision to the game rules. I agree that it's not the best look, but it was an oversight on my end.

For full transparency, here is a list of changes that were made to the game between when it was first posted in host sign-ups and when player sign-ups started:
- Burning/chilling no longer changes player color, and temporary paintings were added instead.
- Seers now only work from N2 onward, instead of from N1 onward.
- It is not possible for both seer roles to go to wolves.
- True vote counts are now released following each day's lynch.
Quote from: XiaoMigros on June 29, 2024, 05:57:52 PMmsf, will you share the .5 vote parts in the intermediate result posts? Or will we only find out who's affected at the end of the phase?

Only at the end of the phase. The intermediate votecounts will be apparent votecounts without burn/chill.
TWG CXXIII: A Dance of Fire and Ice

1. Arcanine, the Fire Wolf: Every night, can choose one living player to burn permanently and (from N2 on) one living player to paint red for that night only. The painted target is seered red by the Fire Seer that night (even if they are also painted by the Ice Wolf).
2. Ninetales, the Ice Wolf: Every night, can choose one living player to chill permanently and (from N2 on) one living player to paint blue for that night only. The painted target is seered blue by the Ice Seer that night (even if they are also painted by the Fire Wolf).

Players who are either burned or chilled, but not both, have their vote cut in half and are not told that they are burned or chilled. Players who are both burned and chilled die at the end of the night phase. Wolves are affected by these status conditions in the same way as humans.

The wolves are not told each other's identity and have separate wincons, but they may win together if they are the last two players alive.

3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human

Special powers:
  • Sear, the Fire Seer: At the start of the game, a player other than the Fire Wolf is chosen at random to wield the power of the Fire Seer (i.e. the Ice Wolf could also be the Fire Seer). Each night starting from N2, can choose one living player to seer. Seers red players red (even if also painted blue by the Ice Wolf that night) and other players green.
  • Icier, the Ice Seer: At the start of the game, a player other than the Ice Wolf is chosen at random to wield the power of the Ice Seer (i.e. the Fire Wolf could also be the Ice Seer). Each night starting from N2, can choose one living player to seer. Seers blue players blue (even if also painted red by the Fire Wolf that night) and other players green.

If both seering roles go to the same player, or if both seering roles go to wolves, then the seer role distribution is rerandomized.

Win conditions:
  • The Fire Wolf wins when (a) the Ice Wolf is dead and they have at least 50% of the voting power (or inevitably will by the end of the night), or (b) the Ice Wolf is alive and all humans are dead.
  • The Ice Wolf wins when (a) the Fire Wolf is dead and they have at least 50% of the voting power (or inevitably will by the end of the night), or (b) the Fire Wolf is alive and all humans are dead.
  • Humans win when both wolves are dead.

Host clarifications:
- N1 start.
- Instas are OFF. Lynching is required (no lynch is not an option). Phantoms are in play and will be awarded for any player who does not have a vote on a living player at day phase end.
- Real vote totals (e.g. including the halving from burn/chill) will be published following each lynch.
- Cardflips are off.
- First night phase will be 48 hours. Subsequent night phases will be 24 hours; day phases will be 48 hours.


1. Oricorio
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. SpecsFlyer17
5. XiaoMigros
6. Nana1Popo2
7. TheZeldaPianist


No one died last night. Hooray!

It is now Day 2. Day 2 ends in 48 hours, at 8:00:00 PM EDT on Monday, July 1st.

Seer result PMs:

The temperature feels normal. [player name] is green.

Is it just you, or is it hot in here...? [player name] is red.

You feel a chill in the air... [player name] is blue.