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Messages - iLikePiano

Ok I did some edits. Please let me know if there is anything else that should be changed.
Could you give me any example of what looks odd to you? What is it about those staccatos/accents that you think should be fixed?

Ok I made some changes. Please take a look, hopefully it looks a little better now.
Thank you!
Oh sorry, I will post videos in future submissions.

-Yeah I had trouble deciding if the music was in 4/4 or something else... I really feel like the music is in cut time that begins with a pickup sort of thing. The second note of the drums in the very beginning sounds to me that it is a little stressed or accented which is why I wrote it out the way I did so the second note of the drums would land on a strong beat in the first measure. But yeah writing it in 4/4 will make the score look a little cleaner so I will change it.

-That's right I forgot to change the key signature... I knew it was in E minor... oops.

-I like the idea of writing that run in measure 5 more subjectively. I will work on that.

-Will fix some of the formatting things too.

Thank you! I will fix all these tonight.

Thanks Jompa!

Here is another one that I just finished a couple days ago:

---The Battle for a Future --

I wrote it in FL Studio. I feel like it doesn't flow very well from section to section. I wanted to do more with it but my computer reached a point where it just couldn't handle any more sounds/automation so I had to settle with what I had.
I sure hope someone enjoys it!
It's been over a year since I posted in here.
I would like some help with this arrangement of "Lakeside" from Shadow of the Colossus. It's very, very short. I think I have most of it pretty close to the original music but I know I'm not quite spot-on with the bass notes(the whole notes in the bass clef), it's hard to hear what those notes are in the original music.
Would it be possible for someone with a good ear to help me out with that? Thanks!

---Shadow of the Colossus: Lakeside --- [MUS] [PDF] [MID]

Here is a link to the original music:
Hi everyone,

I love composing a lot (although I don't get to compose to often) so I thought I would share some of what I have created.
Any comments and suggestions are very welcome.

---The Battle for a Future --

My latest addition. A very high energy battle kind of music.

---A Sorrow Moment (a short piece for choir) --
---Under the Tree (piece for whistle/harp) --

These are two very short pieces although they're very pretty (or at least I think so).

---"Mind in Another Place" (piano) --

My most complex piece so far. I wrote it for a piano recital that was featuring music by only American composers. I could not find a piece by an American composer that I was interested in learning for the recital so I decided to write my own piece. My playing in this recording is not the best, I only had 4 or 5 days to practice the piece after I finished writing it. Also, I had just learned Alexander Scriabin's 9th piano sonata at the time I composed this so this piece was influenced a ton by the Scriabin sonatas.

---"The Forest Beast" --
---"Buzz par la mer/Buzzed by the Sea" --

These two were a blast to create! These were both a project for a class I took.
For "Buzz par la mer/Buzzed by the Sea" I took a sound sample of a bird call, a water drop & the ocean and manipulated those sounds in various ways using the DAW software, Pro Tools. It doesn't really have any sort of rhythm but it has some really cool sounds.

Now for "The Forest Beast" I recorded myself playing some short little random things at the piano and manipulated those in Pro Tools. Everything you hear is me playing the piano, even the percussion noises were me hitting the inside of the piano lid.  :)  I'm very proud of this creation.

Thank you very much for listening!

[iOS] Angry Birds - "Main Theme"
I'm here!

Angry Birds:

Main Theme  [Mus] [Mid] [PDF]

-This needs to be written on a grand staff for piano, not just two lines.
-If the dynamics are different per hand, write each one outside their staff(RH above the staff, LH below).
-Dynamics for the RH are rather sloppily written. Get them out of the staff.
-Needs measure numbers, and a mini title on pages 2 and 3.

iLikePiano: Okay, those adjustments were made. Maybe I have too many dynamics on page 2, should I clean that up?
Submission Archive / Re: Submissions for All Updates
March 31, 2013, 08:32:46 PM
Angry Birds - Main Theme [ZIP]
Thanks you two! I don't plan on arranging anything else right now though... Arranging is very time consuming.
I thought about possibly attempting to arrange "U.B." from Parasite Eve sometime in the Summer. But that might be a very difficult project.
Submission Archive / Re: Submissions for Weekly Update #4
December 20, 2012, 02:17:35 PM
Angry Birds - "Main Theme" [ZIP]
Arranger: Ryan...

Olimar: Why are K-NiGhT and two others credited? It seems kinda sketchy...

iLikePiano: Well, because I don't have the greatest ear, I used their arrangements of the Angry Birds Theme to help me a little with mine. So I thought it would be the right thing to do to mention their names.
Haha! Yeah, I've played it! It was also the starting point for my arrangement. So, thank you!
Hello all!


I have been working on "Counterattack" from Shadow of the Colossus. I started it several months ago but had no time to finish it until now.
It is in the polishing stages now and it would be very helpful if someone could look at it to look for any issues with formatting or whatnot before I submit it to the site.

Shadow of the Colossus: "Counterattack" [MUS] [MUSX] [PDF]

I know some of the slurs need adjusting, I will get to that...

Some things I would like people to look for:
  • Are there any incorrect notes/harmonies/rhythms?
  • Is there any notes that could be added? (ex. filling in harmonies, adding missing notes)
  • Any notes that you think are completely unnecessary?
  • Was my choice of hiding most of the tuplet numbers to make the score look cleaner okay and would it all make sense to someone reading the score?
  • How can formatting be cleaner?
If there is anything you notice that could be fixed please let me know!

Thanks for any help!

Finished Arrangements:

Angry Birds:Shadow of the Colossus: