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Messages - BigDaddysPizza

QuoteMan, Im really tempted to take the opening but I know Ill screw it up

And for the youtube opetion to work, take off the "s" on the "https" in the beginning of all your links

Like so:

I fixed it. Thanks much!
These songs and this game are way too epic... the OST is amazing and here's just a few of the songs.
This game better get localized!!!
Opening Theme of Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney
Pursuit ~ Casting Magic
The Courtroom's Magician
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
January 02, 2013, 03:57:38 PM
Hello peoples I am BigDaddysPizza and I am new here. You can call me Big Daddy.
I love Nintendo Music and I have been downloading and playing them for a little while now. Now that I got an electronic keyboard for Christmas, just maybe I can try my hand at transcribing! So far I have figured out how to play the Donkey Kong medley... so that's a start!
I guess I'll be reading the help sections soon. Anything else I should do as a noob?
Completed and on site

Anybody think they can arrange this song? It's pretty good and not very long...
And hopefully I made this request correctly....
Someone is making a remix of this song on another website.
Here's a link to the page it was on: