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Messages - Toby

Good game

Sorry for my lack of activity

I think I'm just burnt out recently so will take some time away and hopefully come back like I used to

Still going to count that game as me not being lynched to continue my never been lynched since revival streak :)
I'll post this pm I got from Specs after I voted him for anyone else to analyse:

Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on March 08, 2024, 07:37:33 AMHello fellow lover. Hopefully my wife doesn't see this lol.

I don't hate your vote on me, although it strikes me as more of a reaction test, both for me and everyone else.

As mentioned in the thread, human!Toby see's me as 1/3 chance wolf, 2/3 chance human, and I see you as 1/3 chance wolf and 2/3 chance human. So ideally I'd hate to see us both go D1, but I am curious how this plays out.

He did immediately call it out as a reaction test, which I can see as more obvious from the pov that I'm voting my lover which will kill me off. But what's to say that I wouldn't be okay with that since my win con isn't to survive but lynch the wolves

I also don't love being presented with statistics as a day 1 defence in a social deduction game

My vote got little to no attention from Specs in topic, he ignored it. I recall Specs doing that previously as a wolf, but when voted as a human would respond to it (IIRC he did when I was wolf and voted him last game). I need to double check
I don't love any of the analysing of TZP being possibly a wolf at this point, I think it's pretty obvious he was a human

I don't love mfs throwing an early reaction test vote on Raeko, when mfs voted myself/specs at end of last day for not being looked at after a reaction test

@mfs why did you choose to vote Specs over voting BDS yesterday?
Sorry been busy today for Mother's Day in U.K.

I'm leaning towards voting Raeko today. I wasn't a fan of how she agreed with the Specs vote and some of her back and fourth with Nakah didn't seem too genuine

THC I'm human leaning on for calling out the Specs vote, and pushing against me for it

Nakah I want to human lean on at the moment for the amount of effort he was putting in to defend himself. I also want to believe he'd be more careful as a wolf with some of his word choice, and swapping his votes around was a bit too obviously suspicious.

Mastersuperfan I'm giving strong town leans for

I'm a bit neutral on Specs at moment, I'd like to lean human on him for giving Master praise, but it doesn't matter too much if we end up lynching Master via Raeko anyway
I find it very strange how much traction a Specs lynch suddenly got simply for not having being looked at before
Omg I typed up a post but the signal in this hotel is so bad

Sorry for not being able to invest much time today

Basically leaning towards Raeko/TZP for wolf

Feeling uncertain on BDS and Specs

Leaning human on THC and mastersuperfan

I'm going back and forth on nakah tbh

I'll stick my vote on BDS since I'm unsure on both him and TZP
Quote from: Nakah on March 09, 2024, 11:01:10 AMSince I'm being voted by Raeko, and she states that she's kind of unsure about whether to vote me(and is going to wait until close to end of day phase to decide about her vote), them I'm going to put a likewise unsure kind of vote on her as a reaction test as well to see what happens...

I feel like saying you're doing a reaction test defeats part of the purpose of a reaction test

Feels more like over explaining the reason for a vote
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on March 08, 2024, 09:01:57 AMWhy is Specs being voted? Specs is currently my highest townread (only by a small margin, though), and I don't see him having posted anything suspicious. If anything, I find raeko and Toby to be a bit suspicious. raeko's posts feel a bit like fluff, and Toby made a vote in only his third post, giving only one reason as to why. Out of those two, Toby definitely feels more sus to me, but I'm keeping my eye on both of them.

And I did ignore this because I was just fishing for reactions really and kind of just fabricated my reasoning for voting specs. So I didn't have much to say to defend it
Hi sorry I'm away today and not had much time to catch-up. I'll be back to my normal schedule tomorrow

My initial vote was purely a reaction test I just wanted to vote for Specs as my partner to see both his reaction and others

I was surprised more people agreed with my reasoning so I can't really be too sus of it.

Reading thc and Mario as town.

Going to try pop on and likely change my vote later. My contribution will be low today unfortunately

Quote from: raeko on March 08, 2024, 08:02:16 AMI like Toby's vote on Specs and I think the logic makes sense. Not sure if Toby's post about wolves knowing who the other wolf is was supposed to be a possible dumb tell?

No im aware the wolves know eachother,

I was just curious to know why it wasn't included in the role PM, mostly because I'm curious if Wolf A is told in their role PM on who Wolf B's lover is
Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on March 07, 2024, 07:05:23 PMIt's reasonable that a given player will defend their known partner in the interest of self-preservation, which as BDS mentioned, is one person per player. However, each wolf has 3 known players to guard: the other wolf, wolf 1's lover, and wolf 2's lover.

Im going to place a vote on Specs

I think starting the game off with his first post being inside the mind of a wolf is a bit sus. Maybe his only perspective is a wolves perspective
Quote from: Oricorio on March 07, 2024, 06:00:39 PMYou are a Wolf Lover. Your lover is _____, and if they die you will die as well. You win if wolves make up half the remaining players.

Is this role PM accurate or do wolves also get told who the other wolf is somewhere
Are cardflips on ??

Part of me feels like if we aren't revealing lovers with the idea to try sus out those who have extra information, we are going to start being suspicious of anyone who starts defending people.

I think master super fans plan is fine. I also don't mind waiting a phase before we reveal to see a contrast

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXXI Player Signups
March 06, 2024, 01:06:11 PM
I can be fully in
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXXI Player Signups
March 04, 2024, 04:43:33 AM
I'll say in but can fire me in as a sub if there is more demand than 8

My availability won't be best this week but be back to normal next week