
Debate topic for next Tuesday: Are cannons truly valid instruments for an orchestra? Or should they be replaced with something safer, like Tesla coils?

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Messages - Mandrew!

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XLV: Host 1-Ups
December 17, 2012, 10:41:02 PM
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
December 17, 2012, 10:35:48 PM
yeah i know its been a while, just been really busy with school :(  want to play some TWG again
Awesome can you post the updated soundtrack for me?
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
December 17, 2012, 05:37:38 PM
hey, im back!  been really inactive :(
Kelsey wht route did you need a soundtrack for?
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXXVIII: Player Sign Ups
September 01, 2012, 05:01:21 PM
crap im toooo late :'(
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXXVIII: Player Sign Ups
September 01, 2012, 05:00:17 PM
 Guys i will be leaving today and wont be back till sunday afternoon. Ill try to get on if i can, and will post a safety before i leave today.
Nice try raymondbl  but im a HUMAN!!!! see what you were trying to do tho. clever and tricky.. but not true. 

My vote is Raymonbl -you were seered red
yeah it is.. :(
Your are dead KMAN!!!!!! stopp posting!!!  :-X
thanks Ray for understanding :)
@ blueflower...  it is inexperience not wolf like action. this is my first game.  but i can see where you are suspicious. I will eventually figure out how to play soon better, hopefully.  in the future ill watch and be more careful about how i say and post things..

 my rreason of being suspiocious of you is your inactivity, you may be playin sneakingly by posting little and only voting when necessary. evidence is you have never gottin a phatomn before an dont plan on getting one. as i dont blame you, but it isnt that hard to avoid getting one. (as i understand it is a hard time for all of us... with the all the finals and exams and  end of school, etc.) possible you just  sent who you wanted to be wolfed and  few post to blend with the group to hide who you truly are.
so i think you are using a sneaky tatic.. which i find suspicious
crap...  didnt bold look like an idiot now   >:(
safety on gzgregory
safety on gzgregory