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Messages - blueflower999

Stuff generally happens in baseball. Soccer doesn't even have that going for it.
yay you're back <3
Nintendo / Re: The Mario Movie
May 17, 2018, 02:59:11 PM
The bar's set pretty low from their previous attempt in the 90s. Not much has been confirmed about this though.
Movies & TV / Re: Anime and Manga suggestions.
May 12, 2018, 10:36:25 PM
Initial D is really freaking good.
Quote from: Greg on May 07, 2018, 08:33:40 PMAnyway. If any of you have solid reasons why you can't be partners with people that I've partnered you with, I'd love to hear them.
If either of the top two were my wolf partners, they almost certainly would have convinced me to join the Discord for the sake of cooperation, especially Toby.

I'd love to hear a bit more from either THC or Tras before voting, but I'm not confident that I'm going to be around for phase end. THC I think is a pretty safe vote at the moment, but truthfully I haven't been able to read either that well. I might change this later if anything else happens.
Truthfully I thought BDS was acting really weird too and was also surprised by his flip. THC's reaction doesn't feel genuine to me, though. He seems overly accusatory and jumps to blame you pretty quickly.

That being said THC joined NSM when I was on hiatus so I'm not as used to his playstyle as some of you are.
Interesting statistics, but what conclusions are you proposing from them?
Shoot I tried to get a vote down during an intermission and didn't check the tallies (and got ninja'd by Greg changing votes). My fault guys.
While Toby is slightly suspect, I'm not sure he's our best lynch target. Tras, on the other hand, is acting very similarly to how he did in the Sombra game by sort of flying under the radar.

Raeko seems genuinely human to me, sort of unfortunate she wasn't around much Day 1.

I'm comfortable with a BDS lynch. He hasn't done nearly as good of a job defending himself that I've seen in previous games imo. I'll try to make a more detailed post later but I'm a bit tied up atm. Apologies in advance but I at least wanted to get a vote down. Feel free to message me on Discord if you wanna chat
I'm tempted to jump on the Toby bandwagon because I do find it more likely that he's a wolf than that the wolves somehow found out Olimar's role. However, I'll abstain for the time being to give Toby more time to defend himself.

Toby, do you propose a mechanism for the wolves to have learned Olimar's role, or do you think the wolves are trying to frame you with some kind of reverse-psychology business?
Truthfully the fact that Toby wasn't wolfed and Olimar leads me to believe that EITHER the wolves somehow found out Olimar's role (or had very good reason to believe that he was a special role) OR Toby is a wolf, because he seems like an obvious target (going around accusing everyone).
Quote from: BrainyLucario on May 03, 2018, 06:32:49 AMQuote that rule then
have you, like, never played TWG before
Quote from: Olimar12345 on May 02, 2018, 04:53:43 AMJust caught up with the thread. I've been discord-only until now.

@Blue this is what you get for not joining the discord chat.
*shrugs* If anyone wants to talk to me they can just message me personally. :P Reading the thread is much more important than joining a supplemental group chat. This is a forum-based game.

QuoteYour vote on me is extremely suspicious and bandwagon-y, because you know that I have been active there but choose not to peruse that before voting for me.
Uh, no? Firstly I specified that it wasn't a strong suspicion. Secondly it's not a bandwagon because I wasn't following in anyone else's footsteps. Thirdly I had no way of knowing whether you're active in the Discord or not because I'm not in it.

This is my general level of activity. Compare it to the previous game where I was a human. This in addition to the fact that there are less active players than me (one hasn't even posted in the thread yet) leaves me curious why I'm being targeted.

Quote from: BrainyLucario on May 02, 2018, 12:01:55 PMin my post criticizing blueflower
Where is this? I'm not seeing it.
Hey guys.

I don't see enough evidence to go on a Greg bandwagon at the moment. His reaction to Toby's jabbing seemed human enough. Toby attempting to stir the pot at the start is also pretty in character and human.

The only person who's being different than normal is Olimar, who I'll place a vote on now for no other reason than the stark contrast between his playing (or lackthereof) now and his extreme activity last game (when he was a human). This isn't really anything concrete but it's the best I've got at the moment.
Reporting in.