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Messages - Ice

Good news, I was able to get a good start on the Nothing Set in Stone sheet music today. I hope to have it completed in a couple of weeks.

Akiro asked about some of my previous work. I don't have a website currently, but I do have some tracks you can listen to sitting around on an old server. Please keep in mind that these are improvs or demonstrations and not final "release-quality" remixes =)

This is a fairly "esoteric" remix I did of the Fairy Fountain theme:

A fairly dramatic Zelda 4 remix:

I did the Kakariko Village theme as if it were from an 80's TV show:

Just a real sombre piano piece featuring the Zelda 2 main theme:

The song that plays before you get your sword is the feature of this piano remix:

Thank you for listening!
Thank you for the warm welcome. As time permits I'd love to stick around.

Hello, my name is Ice (I also went by SecondChance for awhile on the remixing scene), and I'm the author of Nothing Set in Stone.

I had no idea there was so much demand for this particular remix. I can't promise a timeframe, but I will make an effort to put this remix into sheet music form for you.

The difficulty is that it was 100% improvisation. I basically sat down and decided to do a Zelda remix, and Stone Tower was the first thing that came out. One take for the piano, one take for the string section, and then I added the "monster" sound effects for good measure. With it being an improv, I'm not quite sure what I did, but I doubt it'll be difficult to figure out.

I have a couple more songs I tried my hand at lately, and I wonder if you'd enjoy them. Links are below:

And finally, it actually means a lot to me that people enjoy listening to my work. The feedback is great, and encourages me and others to keep remixing (which is often a thankless art).

Thanks for listening,