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Messages - askalice23

How is that a reasonable strategy? They wolf someone last night then wehave the potential to knock out 3 people and then they wolf again. That drops us already down to 7 players and the odds are heavily stacked in their favor on taking out 5 humans plus the bombs may or may not explode, so they have very little to lose. Doesn't make sense to me.
I highly doubt he would throw himself away like that. Unless the quality of play has drastically gone down since I played last. I'm gonna say let's wait for the first wolfing to play the guessing game lol. On that note time to review some old games to see play styles.
Could it be could it be... the return of askalice??? in
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXII: Theatre
November 22, 2011, 06:00:18 PM
Woah very sorry about that. This is my first time on in quite sometime. Totally forgot about this game. So im going to recap a bit and go from there.

Again sorry about that
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXII: Player Sign Ups
October 31, 2011, 04:07:20 PM
send a mass message out asking to play see if we can get more people to at least take a look at the thread.

maybe, if we can get a lot of people, we can make numerous games at once. Just so no one will have to wait to get involved.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXII: Player Sign Ups
October 18, 2011, 06:14:00 PM
I realize quality over storyline but some people on the site kept coming back for the story even after they were killed... I agree a compelling story is nothing with an unbalanced bad game, however, I think if we incorporate a story people will be more opt to check the forums and read whats going on. Also it may attract new players.
We have to make the game intresting again and enjoyable to play. If we look back at the original games on the site, you find that they were very intresting games to play. The hosts did a wonderful job with stories and keeping the players intrigued. If we can get back to the roots and get some of the old players back im sure we can revive this game.
Yeah yeah I know I must work on the grammar. Good game played by mashi and SFK. Other than that the inactivity of most of us (including myself at times) killed many day phases.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXI. A Lesson in Etiquette.
October 16, 2011, 03:03:40 PM
I see everyone quickly siding with you. I have almost come to trust you a few times this game but have learned from earlier games that trusting you fully is a bad idea.

when ever anyone suspects you it goes like this...

I suspect player A the most
player B 2nd most
and mashi but no wait i think your human too

Also in the chat log you were very quick to defend dude and try to switch SFKs suspicions on to me. You said why does inactivity make someone a wolf and then tried to make him believe i was the wolf because of my inactivity. You just called it lack of caring.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXI. A Lesson in Etiquette.
October 16, 2011, 02:52:14 PM
Is it dumb to go off stats.... yeah kinda but if we do not learn from the past we will repeat it. Yes slow is a good player on this site but if i were a wolf you would be the first to go. That is all I am trying to say. I dont think everyone should jump to trusting you. I am not voting for you right now i just dont trust you and i am slowly seeing you gain control of the game. If your a wolf than game over.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXI. A Lesson in Etiquette.
October 16, 2011, 09:24:38 AM
In my opinion, Mashi is one of my big suspicions. This is why...

He is a very good player and everyone seems to trust him very quickly. This allows him to easily take control of the game which he seems to be doing. Also he is one of biggest targets when it comes to wolfing somebody because he is one of the better players on the site. Yet he is still alive this far into the game. He said it himself on night one that he most likely would die. So i guess i suspect him based off of past games where ive trusted him and it turned out he was a wolf because he is a sneaky sneaky man.

Also, I am not avoiding chat. I can get on however it makes my computer extremly slow and causes it to crash at times. Its not just the chat frojm this site but most chats (aim, etc)

so safety on dude for now
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXI. A Lesson in Etiquette.
October 13, 2011, 10:31:21 PM
Not Mashi's fault here. It was the oracles....

This is yeah wow... idek what to say other than this just got harder for us
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXI. A Lesson in Etiquette.
October 13, 2011, 04:56:17 PM
Sorry i haven't been on. Yes jub i realize what you were saying, but I could see it being a trap thats all. You seem mostly human to me. Big turn around this game as opposed to last game. Your posts just seem overly planned to me if that makes any sense at all.

The fact that mashi is alive leads me to believe that he may possibly be a wolf. I do not want to go off because he wasnt wolfed, but in the past in this site one of three people die first phase. Mashi, Mastergamer, or Nakah. Not my vote now because I'm looking past that.

For some reason SFK just doesnt sit well with me this game. His strategy feels different than last game. Only one of his posts really contributed anything where as last game he was helping out a big amount.

I think my vite will be set on dude he is trying to fly under the radar imo. His first post was to vote for jub and then switched to SFK. In past games when he was a wolf he tried to play the same way. So for now that is what I'm going with and it is subject to change.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG XXI. A Lesson in Etiquette.
October 10, 2011, 08:13:08 PM
hmm I could easily see Jub framing some inactives here. Asking the oracle to come out and then making the list of people who posted and saw that maestro claimed. Just a thought for now