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Messages - TWG Link

Quote from: TWG Fox on May 04, 2013, 03:16:59 PMWhat you're saying is that in an unlikely situation, you should just give up.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that, if you're human, trying to lynch another human just to save yourself isn't a smart idea. Samus did not seem to be suspicious of TWG DK earlier, and appeared to agree with him earlier that my mistaken statement about TWG Mario was suspicious (specifically saying that it was "a little weird"), and then, later, wanted to go after the TWG Pikachu lynch.

But I do think, now, DK not posting the questions before TWG Waluigi died is either poor timing, or very suspicious.
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 04, 2013, 02:41:15 PM"yeah it's better I die instead of that unconfirmed guy he could be more useful to the human team"

My simple point is that it's better that a possible wolf dies instead of you, a human. You'd only hurt your team if you'd give up and let a possible wolf live!
But that's my point: TWG Samus, at least from what I believe, was/is more likely to be a wolf (though it's still possible that they're both wolves), meaning that the vote would have a different purpose.
For a human, it would be absolutely useless to cast a vote so late in the phase...
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 04, 2013, 02:24:16 PMwhoops I meant lynched

If you're a human, you should be doing anything that's possible to keep you alive. In a manhunt, anyone else dying is better than you dying. It's not suspicious.
Obvious, obvious; underlined statement is obvious! However, when it comes to lynching another potential (although I'm not too sure about TWG DK, I wasn't too sure about TWG Samus either) human (rather, merely voting for them) JUST for spite and trying to keep yourself alive, especially so close to the end of the phase, it eliminates the purpose of that.
Finally, somebody else posts!!

TWG Fox, I would say that TWG Luigi is more suspicious than TWG Pikachu, simply because TWG Pikachu gives absolutely no indication of being a player who's sufficiently active in most games.

Quote from: TWG Fox on May 04, 2013, 05:16:50 AMActually, it wasn't. It's a typical manhunt move. If you're a human, you should do anything to prevent you from being wolfed, since anyone else is better option for being lynched than you.
I assume you mean "lynched" instead of "wolfed"? Remember that I was referring to TWG Samus, the person who was about to be lynched... yes, that is rather suspicious. It seems like a desperate last-ditch attempt to keep themselves alive.
Quote from: TWG DK on May 02, 2013, 07:14:35 PMMy humblest apologies for not answering your questions, Samus.  I checked in at the end of the phase after attending to my studies when the phase actually ended before I could respond.  If anyone is interested in my answers to her questions, I would be happy to acquiesce and respond to her rebuttal just as if she were still alive.
I think that might be helpful...
Quote from: SlowPokemon on May 02, 2013, 07:07:33 PMDay Two is over. TWG Samus is dead. It is now Night Three. Night Three ends Friday, May 3, 2013, at 10:00 PM EST.

That vote on TWG DK was awfully suspicious.
As you can see from my previous list, I am currently suspicious of you, TWG Samus, as well as TWG Fox and TWG DK (DK to a slightly lesser extent currently).

That being said (rather, despite), may I ask, what your reasons are for voting for TWG DK?
Quote from: SlowPokemon on May 02, 2013, 05:04:15 PMI really hope you guys are planning on actually showing activity in the next two hours.
Thank you for reminding me that I need to vote.

Looking over the current votes, it seems as if Pikachu is going to be lynched (unless somebody changes their votes), which, if my suspicions are correct, would give us one day to kill a wolf, lest we perish (lose the game :().

Since I'm not crazy enough to force a KitB (especially since I want to give the new TWG Yoshi a chance to prove himself), I'll just have to vote for TWG Fox.
You say that my defense isn't solid...? TWG Fox's reasons for voting for TWG Pikachu are shoddy and have little or no base; he is merely assuming that he is a player who is "normally active," which TWG Pikachu has shown no indication of being (despite a few posts earlier; please do not be insulted TWG Pikachu), something which, at this stage, could endanger the humans (especially if TWG Falcon wasn't a wolf).
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 02, 2013, 05:44:11 AMwell excuse me princess for not using words like artificiality or contrived
They're not very complex words...

QuoteI see Pikachu as a normally active player. I don't exactly buy his reason to his inactiveness.
Well, I see him as somebody who's inactive "out-of-habit," as in a player who usually posts a few times in the game, or is lynched merely for being inactive.

QuoteI never said TWG Mario was a human. I just disagreed with the reasons the other people found him suspicious. I saw TWG Mario neutrally suspicious. I didn't think he had done anything that I'd see pointing that he's a wolf and also nothing to prove his humanity.
You were implying that he had less of a chance of being a wolf... your words exactly:
Quote from: TWG Fox on April 30, 2013, 02:04:22 PMAlthough his posts seem suspicious to some people, I myself don't consider TWG Mario any more suspicious than, for example, you DK. Most people seem suspicious in their first games and I wasn't an exception.

Quote from: TWG Yoshi on May 02, 2013, 01:18:40 PMOkay, read the thread. I'm ditching the whole in character thing. You're welcome.
I gave up the poor spelling/punctuation when the game got into full gear (or was starting to).
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 01, 2013, 09:18:14 PMWell, if he puts Pikachu the second lowest in his suspicion list and you add my suspicions, I think there's more shiz pointing at Pikachu than Link. There's still a good amount of stuff pointing at Link's humanity. That's why I'm voting for him.
You seem to be trying to lynch an inactive player just because he is/was inactive (or, comparatively inactive).
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 01, 2013, 09:18:14 PMTWG Link, I'll respond to your suspicions after I have more time to check wtf most of those words mean. Next time making an accusation, try to speak English plz.
Quote from: TWG Samus on May 01, 2013, 07:16:00 PMSo are we going to do the no-one-vote-and-then-scramble-the-hour-before-the-phase-ends thing again or are people actually going to discuss the game? No one has been in the chat since when we lynched Falcon
I, for one, have been busy. Though, I do encourage discussion, especially if TWG Falcon, was not, in fact, a wolf (lest we be led like lambs to the slaughter).
Quote from: TWG Pikachu on May 01, 2013, 01:55:06 PM(i've made 3 posts before this, excuse you)
I started typing that both before you came back, but finished after. Please excuse me if I have to study. ::)
I think it would've been a more logical statement as: "We hope you were a wolf, but we can't tell right now," because he was wolfed.
However, the wolves DO know each other, which contradicts what I overheard earlier. My statement was the result of a misunderstanding, then, I assume.

Also, reasons behind my accusation of TWG Fox:
Before TWG Falcon was lynched, your only significant posts were the below, both about the cardflip:
Quote from: TWG Fox on April 29, 2013, 04:42:24 AMWell as you can clearly see from the update, there isn't. I don't see why you'd ask such a question that has so obvious answer, except trying to seem humanish. It just strikes me as kinda thing what a wolf would say, since there's no way the host would change the game's mechanics Day 1.

ninja'd x5 because I started this post this morning and then I had to leave and I finished this now.
Quote from: TWG Fox on April 29, 2013, 01:14:52 PMActually, Yoshi's sentence "Since when is there card flip??", means that he was under the impression that there is no cardflip. And I didn't see Bowser saying anything about not knowing there's cardflip or not. Although I'm convinced that you were unaware of the lack of flippin' cards, I'm still kinda suspicious of you, considering all the Waluigi voting shiz and giving a defense that gives me explanations that I don't see are correct.
However, after TWG Falcon died, you seem to be pushing the TWG Pikachu lynch (which is pretty much your only suspicion that you've expressed), even though, to me, TWG Pikachu seems like a player who is naturally inactive (making only two posts, if I am not mistaken?).

You also mentioned TWG Mario, and how you thought he was a human (rather, you said that he was wasn't any more suspicious than somebody like TWG DK), which seems rather contrived (as in, giving a sense of artificiality), given that TWG Mario was wolfed. Also, your post was replying to DK's post... DK himself earlier mentioned the... what was it... seizure man strategy (which I would say applies more to DK than to you at this point, however)??

Also, to TWG DK: It would make no sense if both TWG Falcon and I were wolves (since you seem to think that he was a wolf??), especially given that he only lowered his suspicion of me (but still wanted to keep an eye on me) when I talked to him in the chat, and I told him about my somewhat confusing schedule this week. If either of us were a wolf, that would be a very dangerous thing to do; it would bring little or no reward, and has great potential to backfire.

It seems as if the only semi-reasonable reasons you have to want to lynch me are because of the reasons Falcon gave... which wouldn't make any sense if both of us were wolves (him because he wouldn't want to put a wolf partner at high risk, and me because I'm not dumb enough to try that if I were a wolf).

Quote from: TWG DK on May 01, 2013, 01:43:28 PMMy good friend, whilst I see what you mean about Pikachu, I am still more behind a Link lynch.  Let us weigh these two options.  Why would you choose Pikachu over Link?
Because TWG Pikachu is inactive and it would be smarter to lynch an inactive than to wolf them.

Quote from: TWG Pikachu on May 01, 2013, 01:46:52 PM(I apologize for my inactivity. Switching between 2 accounts is starting to irritate me, so that's why I haven't been posting very much!
Solution: Log in with one account on one internet browser, and log in with the other account on an internet browser you usually don't use. Both stay logged in.
Quote from: TWG Luigi on April 30, 2013, 08:12:44 PMI remember intercepting a chat in which Falcon said that wolves don't know each other.

So it is possible for wolves to wolf themselves?
That's exactly what I'm talking about, Luigi.
Everybody should post a little suspicion list, even if there's not much to go on. Unless you have significantly strong reasons, you don't necessarily need to give reasons.
1. TWG Fox: It seems as if TWG Fox has been lying rather low (e.g. doing things that can't necessarily be classified as suspicious, but seem to be in an attempt to hide). Also, voted for Falcon, if you count that as a reason.
2. TWG Samus: I get a bad feeling about TWG Samus.
3. TWG Yoshi
4. TWG Bowser
5. TWG DK (not sure between him and Waluigi)
6. TWG Waluigi (not sure between him and DK)
7. TWG Luigi: Hasn't done anything exceptionally suspicions except seem to want TWG Falcon dead, but not enough to vote for him.
8. TWG Pikachu: Has barely been active. O.o Seems like the kind of person who might be inactive "out of habit" so-to-say.
9. TWG Link: 100% chance of wuff.