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Messages - TWG Samus

To be honest, it's kind of a pain to switch back and forth between my normal and my TWG accounts, and I could understand if some of us, myself included, only came on here to post if they had to, under normal circumstances.

However, now isn't normal circumstances because the wolfing was missed. This is really difficult to go off of because the wolves could be legitimately inactive, or it could just be that they're trying to get us to target the inactives.

I'm going to remove my vote on TWG Ness because he's active now, and I'm sort of at a loss for who to vote for. Guess I'll just safety on TWG Samus for now.
Bowser, I agree. It's getting old. Please stop.

TWG Ness needs to show up. Inactives should be our prime target due to the no wolfing, and unless he makes a post soon, I wouldn't be surprised if he just wasn't paying attention.
Samus reporting.
omg hes still not posting

I hope you guys see this. I dont care how busy you are, if you make an accusation within the last hour of the phase you better be there to reconsider. DK
Ok, so as of right now its been almost a half hour, the phase is almost over, and DK still hasn't answered my question. Cool. So I'll post my defense, not that it would keep me from being lynched.

Quote from: TWG DK on May 02, 2013, 06:06:15 PM7. Samus- Not as inactive as Pikachu, but thus far you have shown yourself to be perfectly content to follow the leads of others.  You would be a strong lynch candidate, for the reasons Yoshi put forward.
This entire quote contradicts itself. "you have shown yourself to be perfectly content to follow the leads of others." This implies that I just agree with everyone else without making any accusations of myself as to stay unsuspicious. "You would be a strong lynch candidate, for the reasons Yoshi put forward"  The reasons that Yoshi put forward? That sounds like you're
Quote from: TWG DK on May 02, 2013, 06:06:15 PMperfectly content to follow the leads of others. 

I'm not actually accusing you of following others leads, since it's just silly when only a few people are even active. In one phase, how many different players are actually suspected at once? Not all of them, I can tell you that. If only one or two players are suspected strong enough to make a post about it, then obviously another player would agree with that player since there isn't much to choose from. The suspected player was being suspicious enough to draw attention, so why wouldn't they agree if no one else was being suspicious? Do you want me to suddenly suspect someone like Luigi just because no one else has yet? Of course this doesn't apply in all TWGs, but when only half the players are doing anything remotely noteworthy, it makes sense that players would agree on some things. This is Day 2, the second time we have a chance to lynch someone. On Day 1, I remember myself pushing for a Falcon lynch. Why now when I agree with lynching Pikachu not only for being inactive but suspecting someone who hasn't done many suspicious things would I be considered someone who bandwagons?
Quote from: TWG DK on May 02, 2013, 06:06:15 PMbut thus far you have shown yourself to be perfectly content to follow the leads of others.
Before I make my complete defense, Can you explain this please? I don't really know what you're trying to say

QuoteOn top of everything I have already stated, the bolded phrases in Samus' post strike me as a tad bit odd.  My vote remains.
With your logic, an active player must stay active forever to not draw suspicion to themselves. Just because I haven't posted a lot this phase doesn't mean I've become "inactive". Frankly, I don't think I posted any more or less in the other phases. Do I have to comment on every little detail to prove myself as active?

As for the bolded parts in my post:
Quote from: TWG Samus on May 02, 2013, 05:54:53 PM(besides myself of course)
Really? Do you honestly find this at all suspicious? I said that if I quickly joined the game as a human, the last person I would think to be suspicious would be Waluigi and myself. Obviously I wouldn't think myself, since I am positive that I'm a human

Quote from: TWG Samus on May 02, 2013, 05:54:53 PMI would vote for Yoshi but he just got in the game and I'd like to see more from him
This one is just because I'm not a complete asshole who would kill someone within 24 hours of them joining a game. Sure they might have acted slightly suspicious, but they are just getting into the swing of things. However, if the Yoshi that made that chat log was the same Yoshi that joined in the very beginning of the game, I would definitely place my vote on him.

I'd like to point out that everyone seems to be assuming that a wolf would be inactive at this part in the game to draw suspicion away from themselves. However, that doesn't really apply right now. That "rule" was said before, alerting the wolves, so it would seem silly for every wolf to be inactive now when everyone seems set on inactive=wolf
Quote from: TWG Yoshi on May 02, 2013, 05:40:44 PMTWG Yoshi: Hmmmm.

TWG Yoshi: Rereading the thread I think we should go for Samus, actually.

TWG Yoshi: She hasn't posted anything actually useful to us this phase.

TWG Bowser: Faking activity to avoid "inactive lynches", you think?

TWG Yoshi: Possible.

TWG Yoshi: Like, look at her last four posts.

TWG Yoshi: Okay, Waluigi at least has a suspicion list this phase.

TWG Yoshi: I'm voting for Samus, I guess.

TWG Bowser: Alright.

Samus, for reasons outlined above.
"these guys are fighting, and no ones interrupting them. o wait this player isnt either totes wuff"

im laughing

Anyway, I wasn't too keen on a Pikachu lynch at first. Inactive or not, of all the people to place a hesitant vote on for "acting a little strange", Waluigi would be the last person I'd choose (besides myself of course). I know he said it was just until more stuff happens, but its been a whole day and plenty of things have happened to rethink the vote

Honestly I'm more suspicious of Yoshi at this point for reading the thread and automatically thinking Falcon was definitely a wolf. I know I voted for him, but it wasn't exactly a "this guy is definitely a wolf" but a "this guy is making some poor choices and hes really the only one whos POSTING ANYTHING". I would vote for Yoshi but he just got in the game and I'd like to see more from him

maybe if i didnt lynch falcon people would be discussing things more and something would actually be accomplished :/
So are we going to do the no-one-vote-and-then-scramble-the-hour-before-the-phase-ends thing again or are people actually going to discuss the game? No one has been in the chat since when we lynched Falcon
The wolves knew each other in the host sign up thread, so I'm assuming they do in the game too.

Quote from: TWG DK on April 30, 2013, 08:06:49 PMWhat do you mean by this, O savior of Hyrule?  Unless the wolves wolfed themselves, the probability of which is exceedingly low, our beloved plumber is certainly a human.

I like this statement not one bit.  Hence, I move one eye off Waluigi and onto you.
I thought that was a little weird too
Whats an "NSM variant" ??? Is that a new video game character?

seriously though, thats the whole point of a mystery game
Do I still get a death post even though I was lynched? It was a KitB...

At least I went out with a bang. Time to go help nebbles with her studying
not really mister you need to try harder