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Messages - TWG Link

Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 07, 2013, 07:32:46 PMSo all in all this leaves us with two options:

Luigi and Pikachu, both largely because they've been inactive and not very helpful to the human team.
I thought you said earlier that we weren't going to lynch an inactive, or was I mistaken??

Anyways, I would be more inclined to want to lynch TWG Fox TWG Luigi over Pikachu.
Quote from: TWG Pikachu on May 07, 2013, 05:00:26 PMFox and Link, stop arguing please! It's true that both of you are obviously trying hard to help the human team (or at least appearing to try hard...), but arguing back and forth like this isn't going to solve anything.

It's probable that both of you are humans just because you're debating so much to back up your own strategies and are showing genuine interest in the human team.

Who does that leave then? Bowser and Luigi. I sort of feel that Bowser has been trying hard for the human team all throughout this game as well. Which leaves Luigi, who would be my candidate for this lynch. Thoughts?
Thoughts: Our suspicions are splattered all over.

However, if there is only one wolf left, we have another lynch with which to get that wolf. Then again, there may not be just one wolf left. ._.
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 07, 2013, 02:06:46 PMIf they're wolves, that's their purpose. .-.
¡No me digas! But it's also not their purpose to be inactive to the point of blatant suspiciousness.

QuoteDid you quote the wrong post, since I don't get what you're trying to say. ???
No, it's the right one. You said that "You seem so worried that you'd be lynched today," and I responded with your quote about how "You'd only hurt your team if you'd give up and let a possible wolf live!" Essentially, I said that your rather absurd claim was unfounded.

QuoteWhat about them?
Let me rephrase that: "What were you saying about belief bias earlier??"
It's used as a type of rhetorical question, just in case it wasn't obvious enough.
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 07, 2013, 01:10:53 PMso basically by your logic the ones who are active are the most suspicious since inactives haven't done anything against their humanity
Not necessarily, no. It's just that Pikachu and Luigi (mostly Pikachu) seem like people who just "can't help" being inactive (I could name a few TWGers in specific, although I doubt it would help).

QuoteAlso calm your tits. I've never accused you for being a wolf. I've just made some psychological notices and tried to make you realise that there are flaws in your logic.
You seem so worried that you'd be lynched today. Little bit suspicious.

I think we should lynch an inactive one today.
I never said that you most certainly did; that's why I used "and/or."

Also, I believe you said earlier:
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 04, 2013, 02:41:15 PMMy simple point is that it's better that a possible wolf dies instead of you, a human. You'd only hurt your team if you'd give up and let a possible wolf live!
This is relevant, especially because it's possible that two wolves are still alive. There's no point lynching an inactive at this point when we run the risk of literally throwing the game away to the wolves, unless something else incriminates them (the inactive).

Quote(fuck it, I'm going to call this type of game a manhunt)
Menhunt. :3

QuoteTWG Pikachu, I'd recommend you to make a covering post of your thoughts and suspicions, maybe I'll remove my vote from you if you manage to convince me.
And what about belief bias??

Quote from: TWG Yoshi on May 07, 2013, 01:24:43 PMhaha
get it

Anyway, good luck.
Them feels. I feel 'em.
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 07, 2013, 11:34:20 AMWell I'm guessing Link succeeded in saving Termina.

It's a real shame, that place was creepy.
Does the look on my face look like I saved Termina? I'll just leave it at that.
I have an odd feeling that two of the wolves are still alive (if there were three, obviously, the game would be over already), which leaves the pairings as "Fox, Bowser, Somebody Else" and "Pikachu, Luigi, and Somebody Else."
Since I have no reasons to believe that Pikachu is a wolf (and not many significant reasons for Luigi), that currently leaves the most likely suspect as Fox (or some might even say Bowser :-X).

Now, before I impulsively vote make my well-thought out vote from data gathered throughout the game, I think it might be a good idea to have some discussion (aside from Bowser and/or Fox instantly accusing me of being a wolf and lynching me exactly that way DK was lynched).
Quote from: TWG Luigi on May 05, 2013, 08:27:07 PMPlus, logging into these accounts is annoying.
SOLUTION: Use different internet browsers for different accounts. E.g. If you use Mozilla Firefox for your regular account, log into the TWG account from another internet browser. If you select the option to stay logged in, then both of the accounts will... remain logged in!!
Quote from: TWG DK on May 05, 2013, 06:59:15 PMLink, forgive me for not making myself more clear.  I meant that you should consider the possibility that neither Falcon nor I were wolves.
I already have. If you were in the chat, you would've seen that. Of my four possible "wolf combinations," only two had you, and one of them was shared with TWG Falcon.

However, it IS somewhat likely that at least one of you is a wolf. If you're not a wolf, then I'll know who is.

Depending on who is wolfed tonight, I'll most likely know who the wolf/wolves are during the day phase. And if I'm wolfed, you'll definitely know who the wolves are!! :-X
Quote from: TWG DK on May 05, 2013, 03:48:35 PMLink, please consider other options other than me and Falcon.
You and Falcon?? ??? Don't you mean just you?

QuoteEveryone, choose your vote wisely.  You kill me, and there are three wolves left alive, we lose the game.  This lynch is very important.
Yes, I know that. However, I have a feeling that at least one wolf is dead. If you're not a wolf, than I'm fairly certain that I know who the others are.
There's a reason why.

Quote from: TWG Fox on May 05, 2013, 03:09:25 PMTWG DK didn't cast a vote on Falcon since he couldn't come back at NSM until the phase's end, but he put Falcon on top of his suspicion list and I think he said he would have voted him. Idk if this information matters but who cares
I pretty much just said that. ._.
And another thing I forgot to mention!!

It's HIGHLY unlikely that both TWG Falcon and TWG DK are wolves, since TWG DK is one of the people who got TWG Falcon lynched, if I am not mistaken. Since I don't believe that TWG Falcon is a wolf, I'm more inclined to believe that TWG DK is a wolf (and that is my vote).
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 05, 2013, 02:42:27 PMI've got you now, bitch.

My argument can just as easily be pulled off Samus as a wolf. In the scenario I mentioned, Samus is a human, but she's the only one who knows that she's a human. The others have no idea. And this means no one else could say is she a human or not. Only Samus can.
Nice try, pequeño. Unless you can present solid evidence that TWG Samus was a human, the scenario would make no sense. If Samus were a wolf, it would mean that I would be correct. Thus, my answer still stands.

QuoteYou know you just going in circles when my previous quote can still answer your question:
QuoteYou're completely missing the point: All it is (at least in "normal" situations) would be killing another human (another productive human).
I said, and have said earlier, that I'm not entirely certain about TWG DK, but TWG Samus had little to no reasons to vote for him, at least so close to the end of the phase. What I'm saying is that a human probably would have voted for TWG DK earlier, in an attempt to actually get something productive done, instead of merely being spiteful, which was all the vote appeared to be, under current circumstances. What TWG Samus did is not just an attempt to stay alive (or course, a wolf might try to "stay alive" too, in the same situation).
I could easily use the same "Belief Bias" argument on you and cause us to get absolutely nowhere. ^-^


Otherwise, though, I'm not sure what to make of that picture, TWG Fox. As Our Beloved Host mentioned, there was no time zone. However, DK has a good explanation as to why he was on at that time, and he can prove his alibi (it doesn't eliminate any other evidence, though).
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 05, 2013, 01:28:30 PM
i couldn't find the simple wikipedia link for you so this will have to do

You need to make room in your head for the thought that Samus could've been a human. This is the reason why you don't get the logic. Your point doesn't match the reality, since you can't confirm that the "another human" is a human!

Killing a what seems to be a helpful human but could just as easily be a wolf is a better option than giving up and let a yourself, a confirmed human die. Besides, who says Samus could have not been as helpful as DK, maybe even more? You need to face the fact that your beliefs have holes in them!
You know you just going in circles when my previous quote can still answer your question:
QuoteYou're completely missing the point: All it is (at least in "normal" situations) would be killing another human (another productive human).
I said, and have said earlier, that I'm not entirely certain about TWG DK, but TWG Samus had little to no reasons to vote for him, at least so close to the end of the phase. What I'm saying is that a human probably would have voted for TWG DK earlier, in an attempt to actually get something productive done, instead of merely being spiteful, which was all the vote appeared to be, under current circumstances. What TWG Samus did is not just an attempt to stay alive (or course, a wolf might try to "stay alive" too, in the same situation).
I could easily use the same "Belief Bias" argument on you and cause us to get absolutely nowhere. ^-^
My argument is no more "holey" than yours, especially since yours is based around the "100% chance" that TWG Samus was a human.
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 05, 2013, 12:38:52 PMOk, I'm listening.
Since apparently you don't want to look through my 40+ posts; I understand... Here are a few quotes and/or statements that summarize it:
Quote from: TWG Link on April 30, 2013, 07:29:35 PM2. TWG Samus: I get a bad feeling about TWG Samus.
Quote from: TWG Samus on April 30, 2013, 08:25:18 PMThe wolves knew each other in the host sign up thread, so I'm assuming they do in the game too.

Quote from: TWG DK on April 30, 2013, 08:06:49 PMWhat do you mean by this, O savior of Hyrule?  Unless the wolves wolfed themselves, the probability of which is exceedingly low, our beloved plumber is certainly a human.

I like this statement not one bit.  Hence, I move one eye off Waluigi and onto you.
I thought that was a little weird too

Quote from: TWG Fox on May 05, 2013, 12:46:14 PMActually, it is if a human is in danger to get lynched. If a human is lynched instead of a human it doesn't help. But if a wolf is lynched instead of a human it helps.
You're completely missing the point: All it is (at least in "normal" situations) would be killing another human (another productive human).
I said, and have said earlier, that I'm not entirely certain about TWG DK, but TWG Samus had little to no reasons to vote for him, at least so close to the end of the phase. What I'm saying is that a human probably would have voted for TWG DK earlier, in an attempt to actually get something productive done, instead of merely being spiteful, which was all the vote appeared to be, under current circumstances. What TWG Samus did is not just an attempt to stay alive (or course, a wolf might try to "stay alive" too, in the same situation).

QuotePsychologically from what I've seen on the thread, you seem to be under the impression that you believe DK is a human without a doubt being a wolf or that Samus was a wolf without a chance being a human.
About DK: Not entirely. There's just not enough at DK to draw a definitive conclusion.
About Samus: Samus has shown, based on his/her actions, that there isn't much reason to believe that he/she (not sure which to use!!) is a human (in addition to my wariness).
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 05, 2013, 11:45:26 AMTWG Link - You seem to be convinced that Samus was a wolf, because of her last ditch effort to lynch another player. This makes no sense, whatsoever. You're say if she were, in fact, a human, she would've voted for a wolf, because humans don't vote for each other. Any player who doesn't want to die will try anything to keep themselves alive. The fact she voted for DK doesn't prove she's a human or a wolf; it just proves she didn't want to die.
You don't understand, do you?
1: Remember how I said, earlier in the game, that we only have three night-day cycles to find a wolf, if we don't get one at all? Blindly lashing out at another player when you're going to die isn't helping the human team at all.
2: Looking over TWG Samus' post, there didn't appear to be any significant reasons to vote for TWG DK (at least during the previous phrase). The only thing he did was not answer the questions presented to him "in a timely manner," so-to-say. Just earlier, TWG Samus was supporting a TWG Pikachu lynch.
3: That's not the only reason why I'm convinced that TWG Samus was a wolf.

Quote from: TWG Fox on May 05, 2013, 12:30:41 PMTo be honest, I was pretty much bluffing when I said I'd be voting for you, Bowser if you wouldn't come up with a defense. I just wanted you to get active, which seems to have worked perfectly! At this point I feel it's much better to lynch someone who you have actual reasons to vote for instead of an inactive.
Sneakysneaky way to draw all the players out. ;)