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Messages - Olimar12345

is where's the star suposed to reapeat at the end? (just wondering-have'nt played that game in a while)
ur pokemon music is great!
I think it sounds fine
yeah, (im looking at it right now) i had trouble with the bridges-thing(whatever) too. i must have listened 2 it like 50 times and still didnt get it...
Yeah, roy was pretty cool-
My main 3 characters r Marth, Samus, and Olimar
Pirate theme 4 metroid prime sounds better
thats ok-i dont think it sounds that good either... u can do ures (u r free 2 do what u want with mine)
Here's what I've got so far...
I think it looks good
the FLUDD tutorial was really good!
Piano Arrangements / Re: Palagerini's Arrangements
April 25, 2008, 03:21:56 PM
yeah, u cant change the time signature in the middle of a song on notepad...
well i guess they r pritty impossible...
The yoshi/baby mario court was really good!the title music(except for a few key points)was good too!
Nintendo / Re: Mario Kart Wii
February 25, 2008, 07:36:25 AM
Waluigis stadium's on the next one? awsome! that's like my favorite one!!!  ;D