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Messages - WaluigiTime64

Desire for constructive criticism, perfectionism, periodic lack of activity (with included depression!), creativity limited by inspiration and motivation...

You sound like... me. A lot like me actually. You're even a Touhou fan too what the heck.

Glad to hear you're feeling more optimistic right now. That means it's also a good time to get yourself deeply and heavily invested into either what you're doing now (performance), or something less familiar (arrangement, composition), because you seem to be more in the mood. You've certainly come to the right place for it too. We're all music nerds here (in varying fields), willing to pitch in if you have any questions.

I myself am somewhat helpful for composition and arrangement abilities. I'm also a very honest critic, if need be (I'm super busy right now though rip). Those things being said, I did quite like that composition you posted. You seem to have a good grasp of composing, particularly concerning atmosphere. It feels a lot like a Touhou "Ending" (not "Staff Roll") theme to me, and it follows that feeling really well, though you never specified what it was supposed to be anyway. If you feel like getting back into composing, I'd enjoy taking a listen to what you have to make.

Despite the similar experiences, I really can't add much else right now. Just keep doing improving and stay motivated.
How long do we get to make a sheet? I'm busy, so my production rate will be much slower than usual.

Also does it have to sound directly like the original structurally, or can we arrange a minute-long piece into a 3 minute thing?
I'm not necessarily for a change right now (believe it or not). I think those with MuseScore should care enough about formatting to format their MuseScore sheets, then ask someone to format an xml to look (mostly) like it, excluding a few errors and such (which would be a learning experience for the arranger). The whole system just can't handle any one good solution, but we can attempt minor things, and it's good if each arranger finds their own workaround too.

Just make sure that as a non-Finale user you really try to push your formatting abilities.

Also what Maelstrom said is mostly correct, surprisingly including Reason 5 (for the most part).
not really a huge fan of Reason 3 though
Honestly, I'd be fine with being asked to format people's sheets if they needed it. There's not many people that do, and it's not hard at all to do. If people actually just used the formatting thread, maybe about two people would be all we need to get people's sheets formatted.

The obvious problem then is that it slows down arranger development (trust me, I know), and unless it's regulated in a particular way, those arrangers who ask for formatting aren't going to develop formatting abilities. That's the main issue with this idea, and a main issue in the whole problem of using certain filetypes and programs.

Also Latios212, to say that Finale is a better program for developing arrangement skills: No. That's not true at all. It's a terrible program for developing that stuff, given its ancient code and just how annoying it is to use. If anything, it'd deter arrangers. The thing that makes our current system effective in that aspect is not to do with Finale at all. It's effective because of the community aspect and the submissions system, NOT because we force people to use an annoying, old program. Finale is not better for that. The only reason MuseScore doesn't have a good rep with you people is because the MuseScore website is hot garbage.

I'm not giving any good solutions here lol, but I just didn't agree with some bits.
obligatory post saying that i like touhou music and i need to update my arrangement thread because my old sheets suck

Welcome to NinSheetMusic.
Quote from: Dekkadeci on July 07, 2018, 10:50:44 PMmetric prefixes
Wow I never made that connection (probably because I'm used to the prefix being spelled "Deca"), but cool to know.
i uh... nvm
That's probably because he knew I was making a sheet for the GBA one but it might've helped if he asked again because really I'm not getting anywhere with that particular one any time soon. I'd prefer if he did it anyway lol.

If that isn't the reason then I'm not sure.
Plus MIDIs don't account for playability at all.

Also using a MIDI from somewhere else and making sheet music based off it isn't exactly nice, and doesn't help develop musical abilities at all, hence why NSM prefers to have the arrangers also be the transcribers.
Site News / Re: Update, Friday 15th of June 2018
June 15, 2018, 04:20:51 PM
aaaaaaah it won't be the saaaaaaame

Even if you're not going to be an updater by status, I'm glad to hear that you'll still be around to help out and answer questions. Your knowledge in music theory has really helped us all out already, and we'll still be sharing around that wisdom until the end of NSM (probably).
Woo lookin' pretty snazzy.

Check it again though. I noticed at least one error.
what's sport
I never know how to write these things...

Well, thank you Jamaha, for keeping this website up for so long. It means quite a lot to us.

And thank you Latios, for taking up the responsibilities of being the administrator. Looking forward to interesting changes in the site in the (hopefully) near future.
Quote from: Latios212 on June 04, 2018, 04:28:45 PMOoh, interesting. Love this song. As usual, I never imagined this working out well for solo piano when I thought about arranging it but you've done a great job!
Thanks! I'll be honest, I didn't see this working out for a long time either, until I sat down and thought about it.

Quote from: Latios212 on June 04, 2018, 04:28:45 PM- Hypermeter is nice and all, but I don't think it warrants having these unsightly two-measure systems. Speaking of the intro, don't you think it's a bit misleading to leave out the first couple of bars, even if there's nothing pitched playing?
Fixed the second two-measure system, but not yet the first. It'd be fixed if I knew a good way to fill in the empty measures at the start. I can see where you're coming from with the "misleading" element. Would really appreciate a suggestion!

Quote from: Latios212 on June 04, 2018, 04:28:45 PM- The left hand of the first section (and when that comes back later) worries me a bit. Do you intend for the pedal to be held for four measures at a time? That would blur the melody to a bad effect. I would suggest not tying the whole notes for that long.
I made the chords half as long, which is a bit more reasonable I think. Very good point.

Quote from: Latios212 on June 04, 2018, 04:28:45 PM- How about filling in some of the silence by including some of those really neat jazzy chords when the right hand is doing nothing in the first section? :P Same with the last section, you could try including a bit more of the riffing/chording instead of having blocks of two measures with only bass in them.
This takes me back to how I originally tried the first section. I originally was just going to use the piano part for the LH, but then I got really lazy trying to figure out the chords, and the tonality was screwed anyway, so that's how I ended up with what I have now. I've put the chords back in though, now in the RH.

Quote from: Latios212 on June 04, 2018, 04:28:45 PM- End the 8va at the barline in 68, instead of arbitrarily before it.

Quote from: Latios212 on June 04, 2018, 04:28:45 PM- I think it's really cool what you did with the left hand beginning at 37. I like it.
Thanks! Definitely the hardest part of this piece (in terms of arranging and performing).