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Messages - TWG Luigi

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Well this sure is an interesting turn of events, ey Mario?


Quote from: TWG Link on June 14, 2014, 03:39:43 PMOlimar is TWG Luigi.

Well that took you long enough. Fank, bitches.
Yay, I-a get to live! And I posted more than Yugi did! frivolous frivolous frivolous

I say that we try to kill off the real accounts and make this a real mystery game! the frivolousity would be yes!
Didn't finish my post because I was almost done and worried about the phase end making the vote invalid.

The reason I went with Link over Falcon is twofold.  First off, I trust the player behind the Link vote more than I trust the people I'd expect to let me lynch Falcon.  Pikachu's been unable to make the past two wolfings (yes I checked and the account did not get logged into until after the start of the phase).  He's been most available when there was the least wolfing.  It's possible that he has a partner orchestrating the wolfings, but that partner's limited to being either Falcon, DK, or Yoshi.

Second, the case against Falcon (and really everyone else) is weak and I'd be ready to largely drop it if he could give me a good answer as to why he said he thought I was glaringly suspicious.  I guess I'm a little suspicious of his peak of activity during the time when there was a potential missed wolfing.  But I think Link really was dumbtelling.  He was the first person to suggest that the missed wolfing was on purpose, which I think is beyond someone who describes themselves as "new," especially given how infrequently it occurs.  It's possible that Link is actually inexperienced and an experienced wolf partner suggested something.  But I think it's more likely that Link was lying about being inexperienced in the first place given that his discussion about the chatroom suggests he knows something about the community.

Ninja'd by the update.  Unfortunate that we didn't win.  If both these lynches were wrong we can't make a wrong vote for the rest of the game.  That's a tall order.
After reconsidering, I'll go with TWG Link.  I don't feel great about this, especially since it's a blindside, but eh.  Here's why.  My case against Falcon is rapidly deteriorating.  The fact that he did not have the ability to make the wolfing last night wipes off a list of potential partners, most notably Kirby.  I'd still like an explanation for why he was originally going to vote for me yesterday.

I usually don't like dumbtelling arguments because there's a good chance in a game like this that Link's just messing around.  His posts suggest to me that he's lying.  In addition to what Pikachu brought up about how quickly he came up with the possibility that the missed wolfing was intentional, Link also asked about a chatroom and said he was worried about the regular one checking IPs or something.

QuoteBecause I am fine with something like a server chat but I am afraid that some of you might be able to tell who is who from IP Addresses or something similar.

This is exactly why we stopped using the original chatroom with these accounts.
Strongly reconsidering my vote and will be in the chatroom.
Of the two is prefer a Falcon lynch.  I also have a really bad gut feeling about DK.  TWG Falcon.
I'm less sold on Falcon after last Night's events.

I checked to see who logged onto their accounts and who did not.  The following four people were unable to make the wolfing:

TWG Falcon
TWG Ness
TWG Pikachu
TWG Samus

If I had to vote right now, though, I'd still end up voting for Falcon if only because I have reason to believe that most of the rest of the game is human and there's nothing from him.  If he can answer why he thought I was "glaringly suspicious" before he can do something to alleviate that suspicion.  I'm also looking for ideas from other players.