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Messages - Clanker37

Quote from: Bespinben on March 05, 2015, 02:33:21 PM2.) I see you have a new arrangement up! I hate to burst your bubble, but I actually already did this one a while back:
If you're ever unsure if a song has been done before already, just use the "Search" bar.
I don't think it's a problem if two people arrange the same songs. Indeed, it would be more useful for new arrangers to start on simple songs that others have already arranged as they practice at arranging. Perhaps they could even cross reference their arrangements with the old one to determine their weaknesses.

I dislike the attitude that NSM has towards people doing multiple arrangements of the same song. OK yes, the better arrangement will reach the site, but that does not in anyway diminish the other arrangement or its arranger in anyway.
Off-Topic / Re: Made mah day.
March 02, 2015, 08:37:08 AM
Quote from: Nebbles on March 01, 2015, 09:18:35 PMI guess I should put the "made plans to hang out with boy I like" in here too, heh. I can't wait!
That's great Nebbles! Make sure you have a good time!
Music / Re: Hexameron - An Invitation, an Adventure
March 01, 2015, 09:11:54 PM
On the basis of
Quote from: MaestroUGC on March 01, 2015, 08:52:15 PMif it doesn't work out at least you tried.
I am in
Quote from: Saria on March 01, 2015, 01:41:23 PMMaybe it's the idiots that are the problems we have to fix first. :o But I guess people would listen to them more because they want to find something to attack instead of just facing the real issue. Truly a shame.
Well it's like any issue, isn't it? Public perception is often shaped by the crazies of a group. Take Islam and Christianity for an example. In both religion you have the crazies (The one's who are part of ISIS and the one's who Bible bash against homosexuals especially if they've had abortions and are black), but, for the large majority, both people affiliated with these Religions are people who live down the street and have no problem with thinking similarly to them. Yet it's the media that goes on and on about how "Islam's threatening homes!" and "This Christian pastor wants to bring back segregation; and he's coming for your town!" It's the fear mongering which makes feminism seem a threat and therefore bad.

The problem I see with feminism, is that it doesn't have a direction. In the past, feminism was easy; "We want women to vote!" "We want to have women to be employed!" and this was an easy argument, since the end goal was clear. Now, because the aim of feminism to change the values that society holds of women, it's harder to not only explain the current feminist position, but also to properly target the issues that feminism has with society.

TL;DR: The media is still bad and the source of all evil. Feminism is hard to explain.
Quote from: Saria on March 01, 2015, 12:01:12 AMAs for anti-feminists, I think they just think feminists hate all men. Like Emma Watson said, "feminism" appears to have become too synonymous to "man-hating."
Yeah, that's what I gathered. Most of the anti-feminist stuff is titled along the lines of "Why feminism is bad," but turns out to be a tirade on a single feminist and why she, in particular, doesn't explain her position properly and therefore, she is bad. Totally painting an entire group with the same brush and many quotes out of context. It's unfortunate that feminism has gained the connotation that it has.

Oh, I've watched her speech. It was one of the most sane things I watched in the past few days. I didn't mean to imply that all feminists hate men, since that would be hypocrisy of the highest order, but I meant to convey my distaste for some really extreme feminist arguments. The worst, in particular, was one who claimed that all gay men are inherently sexist, because they hate vaginas therefore, they must hate women.

Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't actually read any feminist argument which I could call man-hating; only the arguments from the anti-feminists really made any point about man-hating...That annoys me.
The following is a rant for the purposes of making me feel better. I apologize for this act of selfish graffiti, but I need to be angry at something. Ignore it if you want to.

So I had to do research on feminism and gender equality for a book we're reading in English. After learning more about Gamergate and learning of certain Reddit communities, my faith in humanity has officially left for Mars. It's gone. Bye, bye faith. Like...I can't even comprehend the circumstances in which some of these people formulate their arguments because they are beyond the point of insanity. And it's both sides! Extremist feminists just bash on men, while anti-feminists lack basic social and human understandings that a fucking tree has. Why can't they just apply the "Treat everyone as you wish to be treated rule" to everything. It's not that difficult! The majority of us seem to manage it well. I swear, need to punch someone in their genitalia.

TL;DR: The internet makes me mad.
Nice arrangement! Kirby: Triple Deluxe was my first Kirby game and this song is one of my favorites!

Some thoughts, however:
-I assume, by the lack of a proper tempo function, that you are using a fairly poor version of Finale.
-Bar 1 - First G in the RH should be an octave lower. This is an arpeggio.
-Bar 4 - 19. If you listen closely, you can here the use of an accordion-like instrument on each second quaver beat (On each 'and' of a beat ie counting in quavers 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and). I would advise you to include it so as to attempt to mimic the energy of the original piece. You may have to slow it down with Audacity to really hear it.
-Bar 21 - 44. You could use the same rhythm as you I suggest for bars 4 - 19, but it is entirely possible for you to recreate the guitar line. It would be fast and look difficult, but entirely playable. It's up to you.
-Bar 12 and 23 - 28 - All need 8ve's so it looks nicer. This could also be done at bar 23. I'm assuming that your lack of 8ve is due to your use of a lower version of Finale.
-Bars 6, 8, 12 and 14 - The last two notes of the bass line need some harmony. These are chords.
-Bars 29, 13, 33, 35, 37, 41 and 43 - Rhythm groupings - The rhythm groupings n the right hand look incorrect. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it is correct to have a quaver, crotchet then quaver in one rhythm. I may be incorrect. However, in the case of this piece, due to the staccato like articulation it would be perfectly acceptable for you to replace the third quaver (the one tied to the second) with a rest in all of these cases.
-Bars 23, 24, 35 - 36 and 37 to 44 - There's missing harmony in the Right Hand. You have the top notes of the harmony, but you need the rest. These places are specifically bar 23, beast 2 3/4 and 3, just the F and the E. Bar 24, beats 2 and 3, G, F and E. Bar 35 from beat 3 1/2 onto most of bar 36. 37 to 44, all of the bottom harmony is missing.
-Bar 21 - I would argue that the first two notes aren't tied and that they are separate.
-General improvements could be made to the whole piece with articulations particularly staccatos and slurs.
-Copyright- Kirby Triple Deluxe was developed by HAL Laboratory, not Nintendo. Also it should be (Obviously not as a hyperlink though)

Phew! Look what I can do when I'm supposed to be studying. Overall, it's a good arrangement and there's not a lot wrong with it. It just needs those extra bits to make it shine.

Quote from: Yug_Guy on February 27, 2015, 09:23:59 PM-Oh boy... 1) Is there a code for that in Maestro? I'd really like to know it. 2) So what you're saying is, I need to write the music again, but instead of dotted eighth notes and what have you, write in regular quarters and eights and just swing it

1. Guess what? You get to write out the rhythm again! As far as I know, there isn't a code for this.
2. Kind of. What you have done is where the original has swung quavers. you have put even semi-quavers. So you need to double all the rhythmical values so that where you have semi-quavers now, you have regular quavers. The Swing! function will make all the quavers swing for you.
3. Once you have done 2) I will take a look at it and add the Swing! function if you like.

If you can fix the rhythm, post it here and I will take another look and will advise/maybe fix any problems you have with the Tempo function, harmony or music spread.  might also add some grace notes you left out.

With regard to the dynamics: It is a requirement for every NSM arrangement to have some form of dynamics, even if it's a lonely mf. For thie piece, I would perhaps start with f for the intro, then move to mf or mp during the A section, crescendoing into either f or mf in the B section (depending on the choice for the A section) then cresendoing in the last 2 bars to ff or f. Dynamics are paramount if you want colour and spark in your arrangements.

Welcome to NSM! It's good to see some Super Mario 3D World stuff. Here are my thoughts:

-Formatting. I hate it, but it must be adhered to. Composers should be Bold. Arrangers italics. Also with multiple composer names, try to make them cascade in a list rather than going across the page.
-Tempo marking should be a function rather than just text.
-The music should be spread out more. There are some notes which clash visually with others making it unclear. (Bars 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 etc.)
-No Bar numbers to speak of.
-The rhythm needs to be entirely rewritten. The fact is that this is a jazz piece with swung quavers. Thus, you need to have one of these at the start. But the way you have written it has these should be swung quavers represented with semi-quavers, hence every rythmic value needs to be doubled (There by making Crotchet = Minim, Semi-quaver = quaver etc.). Depending on your version on Finale, you may need to get someone to give you the Swing! function.
-No harmony to speak of at the section which begins at bar 18. This problem is not unique to this section either as there are other places where you have missed some harmony in the melody.
-Dynamics. Use them.
-Articulations. Use them more. E.g. Opening bar would benefit from staccato.
-Bar 24, last note in the Right hand. An Eb not a D.

Despite all this negative criticism, it's a very good first arrangement. I think you have massive potential; if you're willing to work for it. If you need any further explanation of what I said above, or someone to help, please do not hesitate to ask. There will always be someone willing to help. Happy arranging!
Quote from: mariolegofan on February 27, 2015, 07:55:59 PMIs he psychotic? He made an account of all of us!
He didn't make a fake account for me :( I haven't felt this unloved since that time I wasn't offered drugs at school.
Given their recent struggles in popularity (see Wii U launch sales), I was not surprised when Nintendo underestimated the demand. But then again, I'm not an economist or anything, so it might have been calculated. It certainly hasn't tainted Nintendo as much as I'd expect.
Okey dokey, let's see here:

-You are correct; I would say that it's in C minor.
-Bar 18 - You're missing a lower Eb in the right hand chord. I'm guessing that you left it out because it would clash with the left hand, in which case, that is incorrect. It's quite an acceptable and playable bar with the Eb (though the player would have to move their thumb by beat 2, but for this piece, that's not difficult)
-Bars 1 and 2: Either somehow make the percussion playable, or don't include these two bars. Two empty bars at the beginning of a piece is entirely redundant.

Apart from that, nice arrangement!
Piano Arrangements / Re: Olimar12345's Arrangements
February 26, 2015, 01:57:56 AM
Quote from: mariolegofan on February 25, 2015, 08:47:24 PMI was going to but have been working on other replacements.
Are you talking to yourself again?

Nice arrangement Olimar! I didn't know that the Tetris theme was a traditional Russian folk song.