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Topics - tikito

Help! / Playability help! Buuuuuu..
June 30, 2010, 08:22:07 PM
Errr, I don't know how to start this...

I love this website! So I thought I'd try and arrange something for it, but you see, I don't play piano T____T
(I actually only play saxophone and bassoon  :P) Buuuut buuuuut, yeah.
I made an arrangement of Eclipse of Time from Lost Oddysey by ear (I'm still not finished though!) but I have noooooo idea if it's playable, so I just stuck all the notes in there!

this is to much to ask for, but how do I make it playable?!?!?!

Messy arrangment is messy.
Hope this works...
Completed and on site (Individual ocarina songs)

Can someone please make sheet music of this piece~? It's a montage of all the orcarina songs that you play in the game~