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Topics - Ricky

Help! / Help with arrangement and a question
September 02, 2013, 08:59:54 AM
So I've been arranging this:

However there are a couple issues I have due to the limitations of Finale Notepad and I hope someone here can correct them. To begin with I want the tempo direction to be "Andante con moto (quarter note=c. 102)" rather than the standard tempo that is there now. Secondly I can't seem to be able to edit the Company copyright Year thing at the bottom. It should be "Level-5 Copyright 2010". Also the fermatas slow down the whole bars which is pretty wierd, I just want the fermatas (short fermatas if available) to take effect on the places they are notated (obviously). Another thing needing to be fixed is that I want a poco rit. rather than rit. at the few last bars. Finally, is there a way to add pedal in Notepad and is it ok if I keep the text describing the pedal usage or should texts describing the playing be avoided?

Also, a question: Which version of Finale is good enough to handle all the things needed for these sort of arrangements?
Help! / Instrumentation recognition help thread
May 29, 2013, 10:58:04 AM
This could be a general thread for instrumentation recognition "issues" so feel free to stick it if you think it's proper.

Either way, I'm posting it because I need some help. I know it's probably not crucial to recognize all the instruments in a piece to make a piano arrangement but my approach is to transcribe all the instrument parts seperately anyways and I think it's a good practice. So, anyways, I want some help with this piece:

- So in the beginning at least there's some kind of drum being played offbeat. Any idea what kind of drum this might be?
- At 00:04 and 00:08 the last beat (in 3/4 time) seems to be accented with some kind of string instrument/s, possibly played pizzicato or played as staccato with bow. My guess is that it's a viola but could be wrong.
- At 00:09 a melody part starts. My guess is that it's some kind of mallet instrument playing. My guess is that it's a vibraphone. I don't think it's a xylophone or marimba because the decay on these is shorter.
- At 00:23 onwards, is it still one guitar playing or does a second guitar appear?
- At 00:45 there's a woodwind instrument playing the part. The question is which one. It seems to be too low for a flute and possibly too low for an oboe too. So a clarinet seems about right? Also, is it a triangle being played?
- At 00:54 there's another woodwind playing. Which one?
- At 01:02 there seems to be a mallet instrument playing. The same as before or is it maybe another one? Also there seem to be singing voices a few seconds later. I think I can hear tenor and alto voices.
- At 01:40 it seems to be a piano played with pedal. Right?

Anyways, that's it for now, I know it's detailed but help with whatever you can/want.
Music / Recognizing instrumentation/orchestration
May 06, 2013, 04:21:06 AM
So I wonder if you guys have any tips for practicing recognizing instrumentation/orchestration. Some instruments are quite easy to distinguish as long as you are slightly familiar with how they sound (because they sound more unique, piano or harpsichord for example). However for it's harder to tell whether it is a cello, viola or violin playing if it's the same range. Or even harder: distinguishing between different types of the same instrument, for example Bb Trumpet and C Trumpet. Also, how do you tell if for example a group of violas and cellos are playing in unison (and not for example only violas or violas and violins and so on). These are just few examples but anyways, some of you seem to be great at this (for example Olimar). So what's the secret? How can I practice this type of ear training?
Off-Topic / What do you study/work with?
March 28, 2013, 03:29:27 PM
I'm curious what you guys and girls either study or work with. Feel free to include as many details as you want. I will start.

I've noticed that many of you either intend to study music or already do study music. Well, I'm not that lucky I guess. I'm at my 2nd year of my electrical engineering studies. The education is in total 5 years out of which everyone studies pretty much the same courses during the first 3 years and the last 2 years consist of a master that you choose (and specialise in a narrower area). I'm considering choosing either a master with focus on the environment or a master with focus on electrical power engineering. So why did I choose my education? Well, ever since the 8th or 9th year of elementary school (in Sweden we have 9 years of elementary school, 3 years of upper secondary school and ofc higher education for those that want) I've been wanting to do something about the issue of environmental destruction and global warming. I thought I could do the most by choosing upper secondary school education focusing on technology and so I did. I realised that the best choice after that would be electrical engineering. After all the main issue (in the global warming problem at least) is how we convert energy (sadly by burning coal or oil in many cases) and there's also the issue of how to store and transport the energy and so on. So batteries, grids, photovoltaic cells etc. are things that need to improve.

Now I'm very interested in music too. Why don't I study music instead? Well, the thing is that I've only got into in music when I was like 15 years old (and I listened to hip-hop then). I did like music before then (for example when I played video games) and I admired people in my surroundings that could play the piano or something else. I just didn't have the enviroment for music I guess. EIther way when I was 16 I've started playing piano and in the beginning I was totally lost, not knowing what I should be doing and in a sense I've always been a little lost in my piano playing but I think I'm currently on the right track. Either way slowly my interest for hip-hop faded away as the interest for classical music grew stronger. I've learnt reading notes, I've started learning music theory (especially from Lypur's music theory series), I've started doing ear training. A little more than two years ago I've started reading The Oxford History of Western Music (I finished the books in about 10 months or so) which further got me into classical music and I've gained an even better understanding of music. A few years back I came to the realisation that I want to compose and since then I've been getting closer and closer to my goal. I've started hearing original music ideas in my head about two years ago and all I need is a good ear and I can start working on actual compositions.

It seems like everyone who composes says that they started to play an instrument when they were like 7 years old or even younger or maybe even started composing back then. It can be somewhat discouraging but I won't give up. I believe almost anyone can compose if they got the right circumstances (knowledge of music theory, a good ear, let ideas flow etc.). Either way I will keep working on music theory, ear training and start composing asap. I do intend to study music some day in the future when I'm done with my electrical engineering education. Maybe I can take some music courses in the meantime. My future job will probbaly not be in music but it most certainly is and will be a cool hobby.

I guess what I wrote there would be more suiting in the introduction thread but either way, your turn.
Music / What are you listening to right now?
January 30, 2013, 09:18:37 AM
Surprised there isn't a such topic yet (at least on the first few pages). Either way, I will start:

Shostakovich's symphonies are truly exciting and amazing.
Music / Help with ear training
November 26, 2012, 02:01:33 PM
Basically I'm trying to figure what's the next step in my ear training practice should be. Several years ago I've practiced some ear training and pretty much managed to learn recognizing intervals. About a year ago however I've decided to start practicing ear training daily and that's what I've been doing almost everyday. About a year ago I've also started a yearly subscription at Theta Music Trainer which is a very nice site with lots of ear training games. Either way I've been practicing ear training in many different ways, for example with short melodic segments, rhythm, chord progressions and even perfect pitch (through a method called Pitch Paths, I haven't gotten good enough at it yet) etc. A few weeks ago I've found a site called Melody A Day where you can find Finale files with hidden melodies but with starting points (such as key signatures, time signatures, starting tones) etc. given. I've worked through all the melodies in the lesson plan ( and I have improved my melodic dictation skill alot.
Just a few days I've decided to give a try to transcribe this video game music piece: . I've managed to figure out the structure and some other basics but most of it (especially all the different kinds of drums you can hear) is hard for me to write down by ear. My original plan was to start working on transcribing video game music while working on learning instrumentation/orchestration theory (I've recently started doing exercises in the book "Instrumentation and Orchestration"). My main goal in ear training is to get a very good ear in order to be able to write down musical ideas from my head which ofc means I also should be able to use my ear to write down pieces that have already been written (such as different kinds of video game music).

I however want to hear some tips from you guys as you are much more experienced with transcription of music and have probably been in some kind of similar situation (i.e. maybe been able to write down melodies but having trouble writing down more of the details). So what should I do? Should I continue with the piece and try to figure things out even if it will take lots of time? Should I take a break and work on some other (maybe easier) video game music piece? I play piano so maybe transcribing piano music (without focusing on the instrumentation) is the right step for now? Any ideas for pieces to transcribe as a start (the whole package, not just the melody, as long as it's not pop/rock etc. it's fine (i.e. I only want to work with folk, classical, video game, film/TV music))?
Request / [PS2] Dark Cloud - "Yellow Drops"
October 24, 2010, 11:59:45 AM
Since none accepted my request of songs from Dark Cloud and Dark Cloud 2 back when I posted it except for Matataki Village (thanks Deku Trombonist) I'm making a new request, this time it includes songs from several games other than Dark Cloud.


Dark Cloud- Wise Owl Forest On-site
White Knight Chronicles- Nordia Tunnel
White Knight Chronicles- Greede, the Capital of Freedom

Demon's Souls- Old Monk
Eternal Sonata- White Mirror
Music / The Fundamentals of Piano Practice
February 21, 2010, 02:18:34 AM
I found a book on the internet called The Fundamentals of Piano Practice, I've read through it once and read some of the parts again. According to me it seems like a very good method of learning piano with lots of interesting methods. Some claim that this book has helped them while others complain that this book is wrong. I've only played piano a little more than one year so I don't really know. So have any of you heard about this book or maybe even read it? If not, try to check it out. What do you think about this book?

Anyways, here are the links, the book divided in different sections:

The whole book in .pdf format (more updated):
Completed by DekuTrombonist

I'm requesting sheet+midi for this song. Here's the song on Youtube:

Music / Digital Piano
September 25, 2009, 11:39:43 AM
I've played keyboard for about a year and I feel like it's time to get a digital piano. What I'm missing in the keyboard is 88 keys (got 61), harder keys and a realer piano sound. I'm mainly thinking about getting this one:

It costs about 13000 Swedish Crowns (1298.03 Euro, 1904.21 USD).

Is there point in getting a better digital piano/why would I need a better one?

Sony / Rumours: Dreamcast games for PS3 and PS2 emulator?
September 25, 2009, 11:30:29 AM
It seems like there are rumours that Dreamcast games will be sold at Playstation Network. Also, maybe the nicest rumour is that a PS2 emulator might come to Playstation 3 and that PS2 games will be sold on PSN. Check it out here:
Request / [PS1] Dark Cloud - Multiple Songs
September 07, 2009, 05:54:18 AM
What's the limit? I read somewhere that it's only six songs. So I will start with 6 of them (all from Dark Cloud), you can tell if it's ok if I request more later.

Main Theme (Bossa Nova):

Matatagi Village:

Owl Forest:

Broken Promise:

A Sinking Ship:

Aero Drop:

So, check them out and tell which you are able to do, if you can't do sheet for a song I can request another one.
I'm a big fan of the Dark Cloud series and I love the both games. I know there are already some sheets for Dark Chronicle but it would be nice with more of these and it would be very nice with at least a few Dark Cloud songs. I have no idea of the time signatures or tempos but I found a play list with Dark Cloud songs:

I also found a playlist with alot of Dark Cloud songs:
Music / Synthesia
August 30, 2009, 07:39:23 AM
I don't know if anyone here knows about Synthesia and how useful the midis on the site are for it. I'm not advertising, I just want to let you know what it is and discuss about it.

Synthesia, previously known as piano hero is a computer program/game. It's basically a game where you see falling piano notes and can play them. You can either play the song automatically and just watch the notes fall or choose You Play and try to hit the right notes to get a score. You can use the computer keyboard but it's much better if you use a synth, keyboard or digital piano that can be connected to a computer (with a midi cable or midi usb cable). You can use any midi file for Synthesia.

However, the free version doesn't got everything, for certain things such as the practice mode and sheet display you have to buy a learning pac, it only costs $16 atm. It's worth to buy it according to me. On the other hand the game/program is still in development and there is a huge number of features to be added. One of them is sheet only display that would allow you to play with a sheet music display on the whole screen, it will be released sometime after version 0.7.0. But now there's mainly only the metadata editor left for the 0.7.0 version to be released.

But of course, you need to check it yourself to see how it works. So the link is:

With your large selection of piano only midi files for games makes Synthesia very useful. It's the best midi site ever in my opinion.

Have you heard about Synthesia? What is your opinion?