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Topics - Mr.N

Fulfilled requests / [Wii] Xenoblade - "Gaur Plain"
August 26, 2011, 03:02:29 AM

Listen to this beautiful Song. I would love to play it on piano.

I don't think it'll be too hard to do. Some cords in the right hand and a simple left hand would be enough for me.
Perhaps the left hand could be more harmonic cords than this beat.

Please could anyone do this. It's such a phantastic melodie.
I made this request some months ago and someone said he would do it but I didn't get anything yet.
Now I make ask again:
Can please someone make me
"Lion King Caineghis"  from Fire Emblem
Here is the Song in original:
I made a request for Lion King Caineghis on August 24, 2009.
SirIngusBingus said he will do it.
Now my question:
Where can I find the sheet?
Sorry for that stupid question.
There are three Songs, which I would like to play on Piano, but I can't find them here or somewhere else.

1:Fire Emblem Parth of Radiance: Lion King Caineghis Thread
2:Fire Emblem Parth of Radiance: March Forward
3:Tales of Symphonia(GC): Zelos(Theme)

I would be very grateful if I can get the sheets for those three songs.