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Piano Arrangements / First arrangement
April 17, 2019, 07:36:30 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm working on my first full-fledged piano-arrangement, which at I wish to submit at some point, and I am interested in getting some feedback on what I have right now. I have some issues with getting everything to work in Finale notepad 2012, since I made the original score in Noteflight.
The piece I'm working on is "Lion King Caineghis" from the Fire Emblem Path or Radiance game.

This is what I have right now: MIDI, .mus and PDF.

I couldn't manage to add measure numbers, remove the Pno bits, hide rests or add a 8vb part, but maybe that is not possible in the free version of Finale. Also I didnt figure out how to add the '[' to specify certain parts to be played with the other hand.

For the musical aspect, in the middle part (where the bass is not played in octaves) I am having some trouble figuring out all the voices, so there might be some missing or wrong. Sometimes parts of voices were knowingly left out for playability. There still are multiple voices, but everything should be playable, albeit difficult sometimes. The bass in octaves are supposed to be played an octave lower, but I left it like this for now to make it more readable.

Anyways, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about it.


P.S. I'm also working on 'a Messenger' from the same game, and have made an instrumental version of 'Hey, Cid!' from FF IV, which I might make into a piano version as well.