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Topics - alleysandgullies

Music / Clock Town First 7 Notes
December 13, 2017, 02:13:24 PM
Hello, a&g again,

Ok, I have discovered a similarity between Majora's Mask Clock Town theme and the famous baseball tune "Take Me Out to the Ball Game". It is just 7 notes, but they are the main notes of each song.

The first notes of the chorus to TMOttBG are C, C, A, G, E, G and D (song is in C major scale). Clock Town's theme is in the key of D major, except for the third day which is in the key of B minor (which is essentially D major). Now, shifting each of the TMOttBG notes up by 2 gives you D, D, B, A, F sharp, A and E (which means the song is now in D ). Both the newly transposed Ball Game song and the Clock Town song are in the same key, but to change it up, the final five notes of the first 7 notes of Ball Game (B A F# A and E) are changed to C# B A B G, in order to differentiate the two songs.

As to whether it was an intentional similarity, I would say yes. There are a lot of Links (pun intended) between Majora's Mask and baseball:
-Three strikes and you're out? You only have 3 days before the world ends.
-The goal of both games is to get back "home", going through the days/bases.
-The Bomber kids seem to be wearing baseball attire that children usually wear
-There is a baseball minigame in A Link Between Worlds, a game in which you can find Majora's Mask in Links house, hinting at the future MM 3DS remake.

I just thought this discovery was really interesting, not sure if anyone has noticed it before.

Also sorry for the bad English music terminology, I am a music theory noob.