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Topics - MusicMeister47

Oh my gosh guys, this is such an incredible song and I always love hearing it. I've wanted to play it for so long. Could somebody please take a look? Also, feel free to have some fun with this! Make it tough, make it big and exciting!!!

Completed by Zeila I absolutely love this song. It takes so much of Kingdom Hearts and turns it into sort of a "It's hard, but you can do it" type of thing.
Request / [PS2] Kingdom Hearts - "Fragments of Sorrow"
November 25, 2014, 03:56:53 PM
I honestly can't believe I haven't seen this one yet. It seriously deserves an arrangement, whether solo or duet is up to you. Just... someone please try it!
Yeah, I know there's already a piano arrangement of this, but it doesn't seem quite right to me. I think we need a replacement of some sort. Believe it or not, seeing remix after remix all based on the same arrangement gets annoying. We need to shake it up a bit! Anybody agree?
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you remember my poorly thought out request of an arrangement of a song from a fangame? Well I'm trying again, but this time in a different, um, I don't know, forum? Isn't it technically the same forum though? Well whatever, here it is.
Also, if anybody wants to try out an arrangement for one more, that would be much appreciated. Here it is.
In my opinion, an incredible song. Here's an extended version.
In my opinion, a really good song.
Request / [3DS] Monster Manor - "Main Theme 1"
October 20, 2013, 06:59:20 AM
I tried this a while back, and nobody so much as glanced at it. And NO THIS IS NOT A FAN GAME. It's one of the streetpass games on 3ds.
I know this one's a little bit odd. I tried this once a while ago. I just think it's a really good song and I would kind of like to know how to recreate it. The piano version doesn't have to be great, just the right notes.
Completed by SlowPokemon

I'm probably getting annoying by now, but I swear I'll get this one right. This song is ridiculously good. As are most of the songs from this game.
Yes, this one is a little bit odd. These are really great songs though! Could somebody check it out?
I've given up on my last request because it would be difficult anyway. This is from the game Pokemon-Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue team. It plays in Thunderwave cave. Here's the music:
Request / [3DS] Monster Manor - "Main Theme 1"
August 25, 2013, 05:26:07 AM
Okay, in my opinion this is a really awesome song and I can't believe it's not already on here. It's definitely Nintendo, so it meets that criteria. It's one of the Streetpass games in the Streetpass Mii Plaza part of the Nintendo 3ds. Aaaaand that's all I have to say for now.