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Topics - uberdragon

Nintendo / Game Review #1 Paper Mario TTYD
April 23, 2013, 08:01:57 PM
Okay. My last game review forum didn't work out so well, so I think I'll do it in this format in the hopes it works better. Please comment on other games you want to see the average rating is.

I don't want people putting a random number who have never played the game.
PC / Best Minecraft Creations
April 20, 2013, 08:40:44 PM
I need to pull this one off of my ipod, so it won't be up for a while, as I almost never connect to it to my computer. Anyways, lets see some of your images, but if you use someone else's creation, say it's your favorite from them, or just say it is by them.
Nintendo / Game Reviews
April 18, 2013, 07:34:24 PM
OK. Im going to start this topic, just pick any [nintendo] Game and write a review for others to see. Rate out of 10

I'll start with
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
Rating 10
This game is utterly amazing. The music fits everymood perfectly, and its challenging. There is a great storyline, and so many secrets, that you never find all of them unless you devote over 180 hrs min. to it. There is a huge overworld, and you can tattle (look up info on) any area, person, or enemy.
Nintendo really outdid themselves with this.
Nintendo / Time Trials in Mario Kart Double Dash
April 17, 2013, 09:25:37 PM
Do you guys think this is the best of the Mario Karts? I definitely do.

Best time trials.

And...Do you race a staff ghost when doing it?
I do. I'm going to look up my scores in a minute here.
Be honest. It's no fun when you make up statistics.
Nintendo / Paper Mario TTYD poll
April 17, 2013, 09:05:44 PM
Mine is definitely Bobbery. High HP, great attacks.
Request / [GCN] Luigi's Mansion - "Title"
April 13, 2013, 05:02:59 PM
Song no. 002
Will be adding a youtube link soon, so please wait while I find a good one.

Link to all songs in game. ↑

Peach goes shopping (02)
Prof. Frankley's theme (016)
Ms. Mowz's theme (036)

Will be adding more sooner or later

NOTE: If you need a youtube video for these, they have now been provided a few comments below by FireArrow.
Thanks for that!

I cant figure out how to add it in directly.
Please Help?
This is what happens: