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Topics - mastersuperfan

The Werewolf Game / TWG CXXIII: ADOFAI Postgame
July 04, 2024, 05:12:04 PM
TWG CXXIII: A Dance of Fire and Ice

The Ice Wolf wins.

Role reveal:
1. Oricorio: Human
2. BlackDragonSlayer: Human
3. ThatHiddenCharacter: Human
4. SpecsFlyer17: Human (Ice Seer)
5. XiaoMigros: Human
6. Nana1Popo2: Fire Wolf
7. TheZeldaPianist275: Ice Wolf (Fire Seer)

Action Recap

Night 1:
N1P2 burns THC.
TZP chills THC.
THC dies.

Day 1:
N1P2 is lynched.

Night 2:
TZP chills Oricorio and paints Oricorio blue.
TZP seers BDS green.
Specs seers Oricorio blue.

Day 2:
Oricorio is lynched.

Night 3:
TZP chills Specs and paints Xiao blue.
TZP seers Xiao green.
Specs seers TZP blue.

Day 3:
Xiao is lynched.
Since TZP is guaranteed to achieve parity by chilling the last remaining player he has not yet chilled (BDS), the game is called.
Projects / mastersuperfan's Aquatic Project Sheets
July 03, 2024, 08:58:38 PM
"Seaside Vacation" - [PS4] 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

"Jawbreaker" - [PC] OMORI


1. Arcanine, the Fire Wolf: Every night, can choose one living player to burn permanently and (from N2 on) one living player to paint red for that night only. The painted target is seered red by the Fire Seer that night (even if they are also painted by the Ice Wolf).
2. Ninetales, the Ice Wolf: Every night, can choose one living player to chill permanently and (from N2 on) one living player to paint blue for that night only. The painted target is seered blue by the Ice Seer that night (even if they are also painted by the Fire Wolf).

Players who are either burned or chilled, but not both, have their vote cut in half and are not told that they are burned or chilled. Players who are both burned and chilled die at the end of the night phase. Wolves are affected by these status conditions in the same way as humans.

The wolves are not told each other's identity and have separate wincons, but they may win together if they are the last two players alive.

3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human

Special powers:
  • Sear, the Fire Seer: At the start of the game, a player other than the Fire Wolf is chosen at random to wield the power of the Fire Seer (i.e. the Ice Wolf could also be the Fire Seer). Each night starting from N2, can choose one living player to seer. Seers red players red (even if also painted blue by the Ice Wolf that night) and other players green.
  • Icier, the Ice Seer: At the start of the game, a player other than the Ice Wolf is chosen at random to wield the power of the Ice Seer (i.e. the Fire Wolf could also be the Ice Seer). Each night starting from N2, can choose one living player to seer. Seers blue players blue (even if also painted red by the Fire Wolf that night) and other players green.

If both seering roles go to the same player, or if both seering roles go to wolves, then the seer role distribution is rerandomized.

Win conditions:
  • The Fire Wolf wins when (a) the Ice Wolf is dead and they have at least 50% of the voting power (or inevitably will by the end of the night), or (b) the Ice Wolf is alive and all humans are dead.
  • The Ice Wolf wins when (a) the Fire Wolf is dead and they have at least 50% of the voting power (or inevitably will by the end of the night), or (b) the Fire Wolf is alive and all humans are dead.
  • Humans win when both wolves are dead.

Host clarifications:
- N1 start.
- Instas are OFF. Lynching is required (no lynch is not an option). Phantoms are in play and will be awarded for any player who does not have a vote on a living player at day phase end.
- Real vote totals (e.g. including the halving from burn/chill) will be published following each lynch.
- Cardflips are off.
- First night phase will be 48 hours. Subsequent night phases will be 24 hours; day phases will be 48 hours.


1. Oricorio
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. SpecsFlyer17
5. XiaoMigros
6. Nana1Popo2
7. TheZeldaPianist
TWG CXXIII: A Dance of Fire and Ice

1. Arcanine, the Fire Wolf: Every night, can choose one living player to burn permanently and (from N2 on) one living player to paint red for that night only. The painted target is seered red by the Fire Seer that night (even if they are also painted by the Ice Wolf).
2. Ninetales, the Ice Wolf: Every night, can choose one living player to chill permanently and (from N2 on) one living player to paint blue for that night only. The painted target is seered blue by the Ice Seer that night (even if they are also painted by the Fire Wolf).

Players who are either burned or chilled, but not both, have their vote cut in half and are not told that they are burned or chilled. Players who are both burned and chilled die at the end of the night phase. Wolves are affected by these status conditions in the same way as humans.

The wolves are not told each other's identity and have separate wincons, but they may win together if they are the last two players alive.

3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human

Special powers:
  • Sear, the Fire Seer: At the start of the game, a player other than the Fire Wolf is chosen at random to wield the power of the Fire Seer (i.e. the Ice Wolf could also be the Fire Seer). Each night starting from N2, can choose one living player to seer. Seers red players red (even if also painted blue by the Ice Wolf that night) and other players green.
  • Icier, the Ice Seer: At the start of the game, a player other than the Ice Wolf is chosen at random to wield the power of the Ice Seer (i.e. the Fire Wolf could also be the Ice Seer). Each night starting from N2, can choose one living player to seer. Seers blue players blue (even if also painted red by the Fire Wolf that night) and other players green.

If both seering roles go to the same player, or if both seering roles go to wolves, then the seer role distribution is rerandomized.

Win conditions:
  • The Fire Wolf wins when (a) the Ice Wolf is dead and they have at least 50% of the voting power (or inevitably will by the end of the night), or (b) the Ice Wolf is alive and all humans are dead.
  • The Ice Wolf wins when (a) the Fire Wolf is dead and they have at least 50% of the voting power (or inevitably will by the end of the night), or (b) the Fire Wolf is alive and all humans are dead.
  • Humans win when both wolves are dead.

Host clarifications:
- N1 start.
- Instas are OFF. Lynching is required (no lynch is not an option). Phantoms are in play.
- Real vote totals (e.g. including the halving from burn/chill) will be published following each lynch.
- Cardflips are off.
- First night phase will be 48 hours. Subsequent night phases will be 24 hours; day phases will be 48 hours.


1. Oricorio
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. SpecsFlyer17
5. XiaoMigros
6. Nana1Popo2
7. TheZeldaPianist

Welcome to the 10th NSM Arrangement Contest!

In a crushing victory, the theme for NinSheetMusic's 10th arrangement contest is...

Take an intense track and make a relaxing arrangement of it!

Additionally, this arrangement contest has a secondary featured instrument requirement: every arrangement must use the FLUTE as one of its instruments! I expect most people to use the standard Western concert flute, but... if your heart desires, you can use another variant, like a piccolo or a wooden flute! Just check in with me beforehand so that I know you're not using, like, a clarinet or something.

The submissions are in! We have 11 arrangements for this contest! You can find them here:

Arrangement Contest No. 10 Submissions

Currently Planned Timeline
  • Sign-up and song choice deadline: Sunday, July 10
  • Submission deadline: Sunday, August 21
  • Judging and popular vote timeline: Sunday, September 25
  • Results announced: Saturday, October 8

Overview of Contest Theme and Guidelines

The theme is relaxification! Take any intense/high-energy/high-tension/upbeat/fast/etc. video game track and make a cozy, relaxing arrangement to chill out to! There's a lot of leeway in which track you pick, as long as it's not something that most people would already consider relaxing! If you're unsure about your track choice, feel free to check in with me about it.

Your submission should be a very substantial, creative re-arrangement—i.e. change the instrumentation, tempo, mood, structure, and even melodies, rhythms, and harmonies if you so wish! Add interesting new parts and features that match your vision of the relaxing re-arrangement. But, also make sure your arrangement is still easily recognizable as a re-arrangement the original track!

The featured instrument is a flute! i.e. You'll be required to use one in your arrangement. The flute should play an interesting role (i.e. not just adding generic harmony buried under other instruments). But that doesn't mean it should have the melody the whole time (it probably shouldn't!)—you can have it switch to ornamented countermelodies, harmony parts, etc. tl;dr Make the flute an interesting and integral, but not overbearing, part of your arrangement!

Choosing the instrumentation can be hard. If you're newer, I recommend trying to use between 4 and 10 instruments for your arrangement. Don't feel pressured to make an arrangement with tons of instruments—many arrangements that have done well in the past have used 5, 6, or 7. Often less is more, and you can flesh out each instrument better. However, if you feel strongly about trying to make a grandiose arrangement with lots of parts, there's no one stopping you (but make sure it's still relaxing!).

You should make your arrangement in Finale or Musescore (or, heavens forbid, some other notation software of your choice). It's not just about the sound—aspects like visual and technical presentation, i.e. engraving practices, articulations, clear instructions, playability are part of the score! It should be something that a group of real musicians could very well play if they wanted to.

Judging Rubric

Relaxation Theme (10 points): How effectively does your arrangement transform a high-energy track into a relaxing one, while still remaining recognizable as the original? Is the arrangement substantially different in intensity/mood from the original? Do your choices of voicings, instrumentation, tonality, etc. enhance the relaxing nature of your arrangement?

Featured Instrument (5 points): How effectively do you use the featured instrument throughout your arrangement? Does it play an interesting, varied role without being overbearing? Does it enhance the way your arrangement satisfies the main contest theme?

Musicality (15 points): Independent of how well it satisfies the theme, is your arrangement enjoyable and engaging to listen to? Do your choices of harmonies, chords, form, etc. make sense and work together to create a cohesive piece of music?

Presentation (10 points): The technical notation and engraving side, consisting of the following components:
- Is the score neatly formatted, with all information labeled? No need to follow the submission guidelines or nitpick over precise alignment fixes, but please make sure it looks nice and include: arrangement title, subtitle with original game and track title, composer, arranger, copyright, and measure/page numbers.
- Are all parts legible, playable, and notated correctly for each instrument? (e.g. transposing instruments correctly transposed, instrument-specific articulations correctly expressed)
- Does the score have enough articulations and performance directions? No need to go overboard, but it should be clear and detailed enough for a live group of musicians to play if they wanted to.

Popular Vote (10 points): What do others think of your arrangement? The popular vote will be conducted after the submission deadline, with higher scores if your arrangement ranks higher in the vote!

TOTAL: 50 points


  • mastersuperfan (that's me!)

  • braix
  • cacabish
  • InsigTurtle
  • MaestroUGC
  • Static
  • XiaoMigros

  • If you have a check mark by your name, that means you've submitted your arrangement!
  • Atcero ✅
  • Bloop ✅
  • Code_Name_Geek ✅
  • DaBluePipe
  • Dekkadeci ✅
  • Fantastic Ike ✅
  • Kricketune54 ✅
  • ✅
  • meeow
  • NineLives ✅
  • Olimar12345 ✅
  • PokeMaestro
  • Radiak488417
  • Samusthedude
  • Th3Gavst3r ✅
  • Tobbeh99 ✅
  • Trasdegi
  • Whoppybones

Links to Past Contests

Here are some links to earlier contests, for consideration:
Arrangement Contest No. 1 in A "Praeludium"
Arrangement Contest No. 2 in C "The Grand Dance"
Arrangement Contest No. 3 in G minor "Going Solo"
Arrangement Contest No. 4 in F diminished "Nightmarish Visions"
Arrangement Contest No. 6 in G# Phrygian "Bossification"
Arrangement Contest No. 5 in E-sharp "Variable Mix"
Arrangement Contest No. 7 in D-double-flat minor "Seasoning"
Arrangement Contest No. 8 in B# "Mix"olydian "Amalgamation"
Arrangement Contest No. 9 in C-triple-flat major "An Odd Time for a Contest!"

What's happening right now?

The contest is over! Thank you so much to everyone who participated, and we hope to see you come back for the next one!
Hello, hello! After more than four years, we are finally bringing back NinSheetMusic's next arrangement contest! I would say "you know the drill," but it's been so long that y'all probably don't even, so here's how it's gonna work!

The gist: Arrange a VGM track of your choice for a larger instrument ensemble based on the theme that gets picked by popular vote!

- Brainstorm and vote on a contest theme (~1 week)
- Sign up to arrange or judge (~1 week)
- Arranging happens! (~6 weeks)
- Judging happens! (~2 weeks... ideally)
- Results!

In this topic (or in the corresponding Discord channel): Suggest themes for the contest! In my eyes, the best themes will ideally be those that:

1) allow arrangers to select from a wide variety of VGM tracks
  • So a theme like "take a vocal song and make an instrumental arrangement" would not be ideal because it severely limits the tracks that people can choose from. But something like "take an instrumental track and make a vocal arrangement with your own lyrics" would be cool!
2) don't completely constrain the instrumentation or form of the arrangement
  • Choosing the instrumentation and form of the arrangement is part of what makes the arrangements all unique and memorable. So, while it's perfectly healthy and probably likely for a particular theme to work better with some instruments or musical forms over others, it might be best to stay away from "arrange for string quartet" or "arrange in sonata-rondo form."
3) and encourage re-arranging many different musical aspects (tonality, chord progressions, instrumentation, melodic and rhythmic lines, form, dynamics, and so on) that all work together to enhance the theme.
  • Some of the previous themes like "bossification" (contest 6) and seasonal variations (contest 7) were, in my opinion, some of the best themes because they didn't constrain any one musical aspect, but rather encouraged arrangers to make lots of different creative decisions to create a new, cohesive piece of music. If you want to make a track sound like a boss theme, or like a winter theme, there are so many ways to do that—let your creativity run wild!

Here's the running list of themes so far, starting with the ones that were suggested before in the Discord's #arrangement-contests channel. I'll update this list with more themes that people continue to suggest, although at my discretion I may not include all of them to prevent the list from getting too long.

UPDATE: Voting is open now! To vote, DM me (either forum PM or on Discord) with a ranked list of ALL seven contest themes listed above, i.e. denoting 1, 2, 3, etc., 7 for each one (1 being the one you want the most and 7 the one you want the least). Only people who are interested in arranging/judging in the contest should vote (it's okay if you're not yet sure, this is mainly to ensure that the selected theme reflects the preferences of those who are participating). ALSO: In your DM, please also include whether you like the featured instrument idea (see below), dislike it, or are indifferent to it.

Voting will close at 11:59 PM EDT, Friday, July 1, barely less than 5 full days from the time of this post!

List of themes to vote on:
  • Re-arrange a track in the style of another track/composer/soundtrack/series
  • Make a relaxing arrangement of an intense track (i.e. de-bossification?)
  • Take a track associated with a particular biome and re-arrange it to sound like another biome instead
  • Mash up a track with a non-VGM Christmas song
  • Arrange a track in a jazz style
  • Arrange a track as a rock ballad
  • Arrange a track as a mash-up between two different genres

Quote from: Featured instrument ideaOne more thing! One idea Insig and Maestro had before when brainstorming for the contest was that, at the start of the arranging period, the judges announce a featured instrument that every arrangement must include in some capacity. This would be in addition to the normal contest theme. So, for instance, it might be that every arrangement must include a violin. This would be a way to constrain the orchestration styles a bit (but not too much) to make the submissions easier to compare during judging (as opposed to comparing a string quartet vs. rock band instruments). It might also be interesting for arrangers to figure out how to incorporate the featured instrument into the contest theme. Thoughts on this? Please discuss if you have opinions for or against this idea!
[PC] OMORI - "Stardust Diving"

Suggestions about the LH part on this one is appreciated; I just came up something that worked when I playtested it, but there might a better possibility, especially with the last section.

If I have time tonight, I might arrange another thing... I stayed up to do one more

[WiiU] Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - "Wonder Space"

No idea what's going on with the accidentals in this one
Project Archive / mastersuperfan's Halloween Sheet
October 10, 2021, 08:09:36 PM
[3DS] Paper Mario: Sticker Star - "Boo Night Fever"

Site News / Update, Saturday 31st of July 2021
July 30, 2021, 07:23:53 PM
An unpleasant vibration reaches my ear.
A wrong note, a dissonant interval.
The cacophony of my fingers tripping over each other.
No matter how many times I try,
It never sounds good.

I play. I stop.
The music lingers in the air,
Marred by clumsiness.
It should be a masterpiece. But to me, it's unbearable.
I try to remember why I wanted to learn at all.
But no matter how far back I reach,
I can't find the answer.

But what's this? A new sheet?
Cautiously, I open it up.
Yet more notes upon notes,
Just like the last. But this one is different.
Chords shine on the page like vibrant colors. Rhythms take form like flowing brushstrokes.
The image stirs up the faint memory of an old song.
A melody sparks inside my head.

And before I realize it,
my fingers begin to move again.

[SW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons
"2:00 A.M." by Whoppybones
"Outing (Waiting)" by Kricketune54

[MUL] Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!
"Candy Hearts" by Latios212
"My Song, Your Note" by mastersuperfan

[ARCADE] Donkey Kong 3
"Music from Donkey Kong 3" by Nine Lives

[SNES] Final Fantasy IV
"Inn" by Lumaga

[NDS] Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
"Eternal Bond" by Libera

[N64] Mario Party
"Magma Mountain" (Replacement) by cacabish

[NES] Mega Man
"Boss" by
"Guts Man Stage" by

"Lost At A Sleepover" by PlayfulPiano
"Remember To Be Patient" by PlayfulPiano

[SW] Paper Mario: The Origami King
"The Elastic Entertainer" by mastersuperfan

[GCN] Pokémon Colosseum
"Friendly Battle" by Kricketune54

[GBA] Pokémon Ruby Version & Pokémon Sapphire Version
"Battle Tower" (Replacement) by Latios212

[NES] Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
"Password" by Lumaga

[NES] Shadowgate
"Twilight" by Atcero

[GEN] Sonic the Hedgehog 3
"Hydrocity Zone Act 1" (Replacement) by Cashwarrior1

[GBC] The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages & The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
"Level 2 (Wing Dungeon)" (Replacement) by Tobbeh99

[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
"Madame Couture" by Cashwarrior1

[GEN] ToeJam & Earl
"ToeJam Jammin'" by Nine Lives

[PS2] We Love Katamari
"DAN DON FUGA (Canon of Kings)" by Purple1222119

[SW] Xenoblade Chronicles 2
"Sea of Clouds" by JZ

[PS1] Xenogears
"Where the Egg of Dreams Hatches" by Libera

[N64] Yoshi's Story
"Page Themes" (Replacement) by Bloop
"Tall Tower" by Bloop
Project Archive / mastersuperfan's Color Sheets
July 16, 2021, 03:25:20 PM
"The Silver Peaks of Froenborg" – [3DS] Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
[Files] [Original]

"Invincible Rainbow Arrow" – [MUL] AI: The Somnium Files
[Files] [Original] [Original (Instrumental)]
Site News / Update, Thursday 27th of May 2021
May 26, 2021, 04:18:09 PM
Broke: the other 4450 sheets already on-site


[PSVita] Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
"Spiritual Boy" by Samusthedude

[NES] Final Fantasy III
"Battle 2" by Yug Guy
"This is the Last Battle" by Yug Guy

[N64] Harvest Moon 64
"Title Theme" by Code_Name_Geek

[NDS] Kirby Mass Attack
"Tree to Tree" by

[SNES] Kirby's Dream Course
"King Dedede" by

[PC] Len'en 3: Reactivate Majestical Imperial
"Walking a Road that Ends in Futility" by BlueKirby

[3DS] Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions
"Everyone, Attack!" by WobbliestGem

[PC] Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
"Pardoner's Dance" by Maelstrom

[MOB] NieR Re[in]carnation
"Breathe" by Libera
"Homesick" by Libera

"Title" by PlayfulPiano

[SW] Paper Mario: The Origami King
"Olivia's Plea" by XiaoMigros
"Tranquil Pipes Teahouse" by mastersuperfan

[SW] Part Time UFO
"Treasure Island - Ruins" by Maelstrom

[NDS] Pokémon Black Version 2 & Pokémon White Version 2
"Virbank City" by Latios212

[GCN] Pokémon Colosseum
"Title Screen" by Kricketune54

[GBC] Pokémon Pinball
"Options" by Th3Gavst3r

[GCN] Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness
"Jovi is Sad" by Kricketune54

[NES] Shadowgate
"Battle to the Death" by Atcero

[SW] Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
"Crisp Climb Castle" by ManOfDucks

[Wii] Super Mario Galaxy
"The Toad Brigade" (Replacement) by XiaoMigros

[GB] Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
"Wario's Castle" by Nine Lives

[PC] Symphonic Rain
"Lycéenne" by Latios212

[PC] The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
"General Shop" by Atcero

[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
"Title Theme" by Cashwarrior1

[GB] Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
"Stage Theme I" by Nine Lives

[MUL] Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
"Blue Bird Lamentation" by mastersuperfan
Today, we are proud to present to you the fourth and final update of the replacement project that started all the way back in May 2020, with 15 more brand spanking new replacements.

Through the efforts of this nine-month project, we've replaced a total of 128 old sheets on-site with new, polished arrangements. There's still a lot more work to be done, but this massive undertaking has been a big step for bringing NinSheetMusic up to our current standards of quality.

Happy playing, everyone!

[N64] Diddy Kong Racing
"Darkmoon Caverns" (Edit replacement) by Nine Lives
"Dino Domain" (Edit replacement) by Nine Lives
"Spaceport Alpha" (Edit replacement) by Nine Lives
"Walrus Cove" (Replacement) by Nine Lives

[SNES] Donkey Kong Country
"Treetop Rock" (Replacement) by Nine Lives

[SNES] Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
"Snakey Chantey" (Replacement) by Nine Lives

[SNES] EarthBound
"Because I Love You" (Replacement) by Latios212
"Pokey Means Business!" (Replacement) by Maelstrom

[SNES] Final Fantasy V
"The Decisive Battle" (Replacement) by Static
"The Final Battle" (Replacement) by Static

[NDS] Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
"The Grand Finale" (Replacement) by Rubikium
"The Grand Finale" (Two Pianos) (Edit replacement) by Rubikium

[NDS] Pokémon HeartGold Version & Pokémon SoulSilver Version
"New Bark Town" (Replacement) by Latios212

[GCN] Super Smash Bros. Melee
"Fountain of Dreams" (Replacement) by Zeila

[GCN] Tales of Symphonia
"Full force" (Replacement) by Zeila

In addition, Tobbeh99 and the updating team worked to edit the on-site sheets for The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. The following arrangements have been polished up:

[GB] The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
"Animal Village"
"Boss Battle"
"Fishing Under the Bridge"
"Game Over"
"Level 2 - Bottle Grotto"
"Level 4 - Angler's Tunnel"
"Level 5 - Catfish's Maw"
"Miniboss Battle"
"Mr. Write's House"
"Richard's Villa"
"Southern Face Shrine"
"Sword Search"
"The Ghost's House"
"Trendy Game!"

Tobbeh99 has also revised the following of his own arrangements on-site:

[3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf
"K.K. Bazaar (Aircheck)"

[NES] Castlevania

[GBA] Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
"Dark Covenant (Theme of Death)"
"Successor of Fate (Theme of Juste Belmont)"

[Wii] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
"Eternal Bond"

[SNES] Final Fantasy IV
"Red Wings"

[GBC] Pokémon Crystal Version

[GBA] Pokémon Ruby Version & Pokémon Sapphire Version
"Victory Road"

[PS1] Wild Arms
"Courage (Dungeon)"
"Courage (Dungeon) (Four Hands)"
"To the End of the Wilderness"
"Wh-What? (Zed's Theme)"

[PS2] Wild Arms 3
"A Person's Warmth"

[GBC] The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Oracle of Seasons
"Zelda Awakens"

[PC] World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
"A Siege of Worlds"


[MOB] Among Us
"Main Theme" by mastersuperfan

[NES] Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
"Riddle" by

[N64] Conker's Bad Fur Day
"Count Batula" by Renaud Bergeron

[PS2] Drakengard
"Twelfth Chapter - In the Sky" by Libera

[N64] Earthworm Jim 3D
"Fear the Forest" by Nine Lives

[NES] Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon Darkness
"Dark Forest of Hidon" by Atcero

[3DS] Kirby: Triple Deluxe
"Reflected Laughter" by Kricketune54

[SWITCH] Luigi's Mansion 3
"B2: Boilerworks" by Rubikium

[GCN] Mario Party 4
"Boo's Haunted Bash" by cacabish

[GCN] Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
"Sanctuary Fortress" (Replacement) by Maelstrom

[NES] Monster Party
"Title Screen" by Yug Guy

[SWITCH] Super Mario Maker 2
"Castle (Super Mario World) (Night)" by Th3Gavst3r

[MUL] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
"Death Mountain" (Replacement) by Latios212

[MUL] Trivia Murder Party
"List of the Dead Song" by Zeila

[PS1] Vagrant Story
"Abandoned Mines Level 2" by Static

There isn't an official name for this track. The most common results I see online are "Main Theme," "Main Menu," "Menu Theme," and "Main Menu Theme," but I don't really like the sound of "Main Menu Theme"... but I can include the word "Menu" if people think that would be better, I guess. (This is the only music in the game anyway, so it's not like omitting the word "Menu" is going to introduce any ambiguity.)

Also, the RH rhythms are mostly approximations. I didn't want to introduce 32nd-note divisions, so I wrote what I thought was the closest fit with 16th-note divisions.
Site News / Update, Tuesday 4th of August 2020
August 04, 2020, 08:19:27 AM
Morning update, bright and early! Today, we're proud to announce that we have officially increased the number of sheets on-site by a whopping 0.7%.

Enjoy these 30 brand-new sheets!

[NES] Air Fortress
"Title Screen / Prologue" by Jacopo Tore & smasher220

[3DS] Bravely Default
"Wicked Flight" by Latios212

[NDS] Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
"The Gears Go Awry" by Atcero

[GCN] F-Zero GX
"Infinite Blue (Big Blue)" by Static

[3DS] Fire Emblem Awakening
"Duty" by Libera

[SWITCH] Fire Emblem: Three Houses
"Recollection and Regret" by Libera

[GCN] Kirby Air Ride
"Light" by mastersuperfan

[MUL] Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work
"Theme Song" by Nine Lives

[PC] Lucy -The Eternity She Wished For-
"Light" by mastersuperfan

[GCN] Mario Party 4
"Fortune's Turn" by cacabish

[MUL] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
"The Calm Before the Storm" by Zeila

[WiiU] Paper Mario: Color Splash
"The Juggler (Piano)" by Radiak488417

[PS2] Persona 3
"The Voice Someone Calls" by Samusthedude

[PS2] Persona 4
"Traumerei" by Samusthedude

[MUL] Persona 5
"Our Beginning" by Code_Name_Geek

[GCN] Pokémon Colosseum
"Normal Battle" by Kricketune54

[3DS] Pokémon Sun & Pokémon Moon
"Trainers' School" by Radiak488417

[SNES] Secret of Mana
"I Closed My Eyes" by Yug Guy

[SWITCH] Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
"Autumn (Alternate)" by Code_Name_Geek

[WiiU] Super Mario 3D World
"Final Curtain for Meowser" by amc

[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
"Inside the Deku Tree" by Sidon327

[PC] To the Moon
"Once Upon a Memory (Piano)" by Latios212

[PC] Touhou 17: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
"Electric Heritage" by Maelstrom

[PC] Umineko When They Cry
"Organ Short #600 Million in C Minor" (Replacement) by McDucky

"Path Complete" by Yug Guy

[DC] Wacky Races
"Battle Theme" by ShyYoshiGuy
"Snow La Coasta" by ShyYoshiGuy

[Wii] Xenoblade Chronicles
"Mechanical Rhythm" by Maelstrom

[PS2] Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht
"U.M.N. MODE" by Static

[PS4] Yakuza 0
"Theme of Serena" by rcpercussionist
Project Archive / mastersuperfan's Replacements
June 13, 2020, 08:56:12 PM
And so the Ace Attorney series shall be purged from the NSM Audit.

[NDS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • "Cross-Examination ~ Allegro 2001" - Original
  • "Maya Fey ~ Turnabout Sisters' Theme 2001 - Original
  • "Suspense" - Original
  • "The Steel Samurai, Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo" - Original

[NDS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All
  • "Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2002" - Original

[NDS] Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
  • "Cross-Examination ~ Moderato 2007" - Original

Since I use v26, articulations may appear wonky when a MUSX file is opened in non-v26 Finale, especially since some sheets have manually adjusted articulations.
Project Archive / Replacements Update
May 30, 2020, 05:48:10 PM
Hello and welcome back again to another special NSM arrangement project! This time around, the theme (as decided by you all) is REPLACEMENTS!

To streamline the process and organize feedback, we'll be doing things a little differently from the last project. Here's what you should do if you're interested in participating:

Personal Arranger Threads: This time, everyone will have a separate arranger thread in order to segregate feedback more effectively. Here's what you should do:
  • Create a new thread in this board (the newly created Projects board) and include your username/arranger name in the title (e.g. [username]'s Replacement Project Sheets). You will be using this one personal thread for the entirety of the project.
  • In the first post, maintain a running list of the sheets you have submitted, along with links to the original tracks (preferably via YouTube).
  • All sheet-related feedback and discussion should go in the corresponding personal arranger's thread. (General questions about the process can go here.)

Uploading Sheets: This time, all participating arrangers will directly upload and edit their submissions to the Dropbox folder. Here's what you should do:
  • PM Latios212 (via the forums or on Discord, Latios#8855) with your email address in order to gain editing access to the Dropbox folder.
  • When you have a sheet to submit, upload a MUS or MUSX file directly to the "Replacements" Dropbox folder. Replace the file whenever you revise the sheet. You will be responsible for keeping your sheets updated in the folder in response to feedback.
  • Do not move sheets into the Approved or Accepted folders; updaters will do that when necessary. (If your sheet is already in the Approved folder, however, you can re-upload any newer versions directly to the Approved folder.)

To avoid overlap between arrangers: Since we anticipate this being a fairly active project, please post in this thread which sheets you're planning on replacing, and check what others have posted as well. This way, we can minimize the incidence of multiple arrangers replacing the same sheet.

Deadline: We need to receive all submissions by (Saturday, June 13th) to ensure that we can check all the sheets in time.

Happy arranging, everyone!

DROPBOX FOLDER OF SHEETS  (view-only; PM Latios for editing access)

LIST OF SUBMITTED SHEETS (SPREADSHEET)  (view-only; maintained by updaters)
Bienvenue! Welcome to Château de NinSheetMusic! Here is today's menu:

Hors d'Oeuvres

[SNES] Kirby Super Star
"Dreaming of Food" by
An empty plate. You can dream about what food could be on it.

[SWITCH] Fire Emblem: Three Houses
"Hungry March" by Libera
A pan that's on fire. There's nothing on it, though.

[GCN] Animal Crossing
"K.K. Salsa" by Static
Good with tortilla chips, probably.

[GBA] Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
"Olive Ocean" by Rubikium
There are more olives in this dish than you would care to eat.

[PC] Touhou 3: Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
"Strawberry Crisis!!" by Maelstrom
The crisis is that we ran out of ingredients, so you'll have to order something else.

[N64] Pokémon Stadium
"Sushi-Go-Round" by Yug Guy
Our finest sushi, delivered via conveyor belt. If you don't grab it fast, it's gone forever.

[SNES] Kirby Super Star
"Peanut Plain" (Replacement) by Yug Guy
A single peanut on a plate. It's a really good peanut, trust us.

Plats Principals

[PS2] Monster Hunter
"BBQ Spit" by Th3Gavst3r
A wide array of delicious barbecued meats and sauces, mixed with monster saliva.

[MUL] Persona 5
"Big Bang Burger March" by Code_Name_Geek

[Wii] Kirby's Return to Dream Land
"Dangerous Dinner" by Latios212
Something we cooked, but it's on fire so we can't tell what we put in it...

[GB] The Final Fantasy Legend
"Eat the Meat" by
Eat it, or else you'll pay double.

[Wii] Kirby's Return to Dream Land
"Egg Engines" by mastersuperfan
Energy-rich eggs with enough calories to fuel giant killer robots.

[3DS] Fire Emblem Fates
"Fantastical Feast" by Libera
Like a fever dream, but with food in it.

[MUL] Stardew Valley
"Frozen Pizza and Eggs (Shane's Theme)" by Code_Name_Geek
Only the pizza is frozen, not the eggs.

[GCN] Animal Crossing
"K.K. Gumbo" by Th3Gavst3r
A large helping of our signature gumbo.

[NDS] Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
"Yoob's Belly" by Greg
Shroob Yoshi tripe.

Plats d'Accompagnement

[NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness
"Apple Woods" by Radiak488417
A selection of regular, Big, and Huge Apples (sorry, all our Perfect Apples were stolen).

[GBA] Kirby & the Amazing Mirror
"Radish Ruins" by
The radishes may be ruined, but they're still edible.

[SNES] Final Fantasy VI
"Spinach Rag" by Static
A piece of cloth that smells like spinach.

[Wii] Kirby's Epic Yarn
"Vs. Squashini" by Static
Squashini's head on a plate, served with a buttery garlic sauce.

[Wii] Rhythm Heaven Fever
"Working Dough" by Latios212
Two blobs of dough with happy faces on them. They're very bouncy.


[Wii] Wii Fit
"BMI Results" by Th3Gavst3r
Everything you don't want to see.

[SNES] Super Mario Kart
"Choco Island" by Static
Your mouth is watering just reading this.

[NDS] Kirby Mass Attack
"Fun Castle" by Latios212
A large castle made of various pastries.

[Wii] Mario Kart Wii
"Maple Treeway" by Sebastian
A gallon of delicious maple syrup.

[WiiU] New Super Mario Bros. U
"Meringue Clouds" by Rubikium
A creamy dessert with a fluffy, cloud-like texture.

[WiiU] Mario Kart 8
"Sweet Sweet Canyon" by Nine Lives
Twice as much sugar as the leading canyon brand.

[3DS] Kirby: Planet Robobot
"Time for Dessert!" by Rubikium
It's always this time.

[NES] Yoshi's Cookie
"Title Screen" (Replacement) by Latios212
Some Yoshi cookies. If you line them up, they disappear.

[Wii] Kirby's Epic Yarn
"Treat Land" by Rubikium
Includes mushrooms, musical instruments, and a haunted house.

[SNES] Super Mario Kart
"Vanilla Lake (Beta)" by Static
A sundae that hasn't been fully prepared before it's served.

[NES] Kirby's Adventure
"Yogurt Yard Map" by
It tells you where you can find three feet of yogurt.

[WiiU] Yoshi's Woolly World
"Yoshi and Cookies" by Latios212
A selection of our finest Yoshi cookies. Not made of actual yarn.


[NDS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
"Godot ~ The Fragrance of Dark Coffee" (Replacement) by mastersuperfan
Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself... that is coffee.

[SNES] Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
"Let's Go Down the Wine River" (Replacement) by Static
Pairs well with any meal above.

[3DS] Monster Hunter Generations
"Proudly Serving Fondue, Bon Appétit ~ Ingredient Selection!" by Th3Gavst3r
Choose either cheese or chocolate fondue. Or both mixed together. For drinking only.

[ARCADE] Pac-Man
"Start & Coffee Break Music" by Static
A delicious piping hot cup of coffee.

[SWITCH] Fire Emblem: Three Houses
"Teatime Joy" by Latios212
An invigorating mint blend that revitalizes and refreshes all who partake.

Why am I eating this

[WiiU] New Super Mario Bros. U
"Acorn Plains" by
Have you ever seen Mario actually EAT one of these?

[3DS] Fire Emblem Awakening
"Agh! Won goph in mah mouph! Blech! Ptooey!" by Libera
Noisy, disgusting bugs that buzz around and crawl all over and bite you when—

[PS2] Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
"Alchemy Pot" by McDucky
Some combination of unknown herbs, elixir of immortality, and liquid mercury.

[N64] Banjo-Tooie
"Honey B's Hive" by Sebastian
A literal beehive. With the bees still in it.

[MUL] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
"Link's Memories: 'Silent Princess'" by Zeila
Raw flowers. Not an actual princess.

[PS1] Final Fantasy VIII
"The Salt Flats" by Static
Give me the salt.

[PS1] Final Fantasy VII
"Under the Rotting Pizza" by Static
It's rotten but still safe to eat... probably.

Dear valued customer, please enjoy our selection of fine jukebox tunes:

[GB] Kirby's Block Ball
"Cappy's Stage (Stage 1)" by

[Wii] Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility
"Cooking" by Code_Name_Geek

[GCN] Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
"Cooking With Zess T." by Sebastian

[SNES] Kirby Super Star
"Crash! Gourmet Race" by

[PC] Diner Dash: Hometown Hero
"Florence's Groovy Disco" by Static

[GB] The Smurfs' Nightmare
"Funny Funny (The Kitchen of Danger)" by Static

[N64] Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
"Goal Game" by

[SNES] Kirby Super Star
"Gourmet Race" by Latios212

[Wii] Wario Land: Shake It!
"Large Fry Cook-Off" by Static

[SWITCH] Super Mario Odyssey
"Peronza Plaza" by Latios212

[NDS] Cooking Mama
"Title Screen" by Latios212
Too often I feel that piano arrangements are too limiting, and that we could make something bigger out of an arrangement. And today I got this idea... why not a big-scale collaborative cover by the community of NSM? I think we would really be able to make a great piece of work as a community... that is, if we ever manage to get this finished. I doubt this will ever be finished in the near future, but perhaps at a time when we are more available, such as in the summer, this could potentially become a reality. (Key word: potentially.)

If we decide to go through with this, we'll need a person or people to arrange the music for all the available instruments. We'll also need a cast of instruments, so feel free to post what instruments you play.

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions for a theme to cover? (Preferably from a video game, since after all, NSM is about video game music.)

Worst case scenario, this thread just dies and becomes forgotten eventually... but best case scenario, we can make a great America video game music cover through this (potential) project.

Possible Participants:
  • mastersuperfan - Piano
  • braixen1264 - Acoustic Guitar
  • E. Gadd Industries - Piano
  • Olimar12345 - Bass Trombone, Baritone Horn, Melodica
  • Altissimo - Trumpet
  • Latios212 - Piano
  • Yug Guy - Piano, Drum Set
  • Zunawe - Trombone, Ocarina
  • cashwarrior1 - Hand Percussion
  • Sebastian - Cello
  • JDMEK5 - Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Bass, Harmonica, Banjo, Cuatro
  • Th3Gast3r - Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Mellophone
(I'm leaving out the ones that people are tentative on/not very good at, but if someone still wants to try one of your iffy instruments, feel free to post about it.)

(I say possible because, with the smaller scale covers that I'd like to get done, chances are not everyone is going to be involved in each cover. Arrangers are also needed for this to work, but those can be decided upon after the theme is chosen, unless someone wants to arrange no matter what.)

Possible Themes:
  • "And what if I can't? What if I'm not worthy of her ideals?" - Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Route 201 - Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum (Arranged by braixen1264)
Uh, I guess I can orchestrate stuff? Actually, I'm making orchestrations for a purpose, but I'll keep that purpose a secret. ;)

"Investigation ~ Core 2001" (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)

[MP3] [AIFF] [WAV]


Feedback is welcome and encouraged!

More to come!