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Topics - Toby

The Werewolf Game / TWG CIV: frikin sombra Post Game
April 22, 2018, 08:53:51 PM
TWG: frikin sombra Post Game

1. Sombra - Has a bunch of disruptive, annoying secret single use abilities as well as some passive abilities. 3 times at any time can guess who Katya is, if successful Katya dies immediately and Sombra gains and uses her Ultimate EMP ability.
2. Katya Volskaya - Is aware of all of Sombra's abilities
3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human

Out of topic communication is off access, although forum PMs ONLY are allowed.

This game is basically a Manhunt. Sombra is the hacker from Overwatch, think about this if you want to try guess what abilities she has.

Sombra wins when there is only 1 human left.
Humans win when Sombra is dead.

Human role PM
You are Human.

Your TWG Account name is:
Remember to send any will updates and PMs to me.

Points to remember:
At any point in the game, players can post and update me on their 'will'. If you die, I will reveal your will to the topic with your death update. When you post your will to me, please send it to me either on Discord, or PM it to me on the forums. If you would like to see your current will, PM me and you will receive it.

If you send any PM's to other players this game please please please remember to also send the PM to me, remember that Discord or any out of topic communication is not allowed in this game at all, including private messages on discord. Forum PM's are the only out of topic communication allowed.

1. Maelstrom
2. Olimar12345
3. Trasdegi
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
5. BrainyLucario
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. blueflower999
9. mikey

Night 1
Day 1
Night 2
Day 2
Night 3
Day 3
Game Over

Role Reveal!
1. Maelstrom Human
2. Olimar12345 Human
3. Trasdegi Sombra
4. ThatHiddenCharacter Human
5. BrainyLucario Katya Volskaya
6. Dudeman Human
7. BlackDragonSlayer Human
8. blueflower999 Human
9. mikey Human

Game Actions
Night 1 Actions:
Guess BrainyLucario as wolf (correct)
Gains EMP
Wolf Dudeman
Hacks mikey's vote onto mikey
Read BlackDragonSlayer's will:
"If I die tonight, lynch Noc pls"

Day 1 votes:
Vote Count:
Maelstrom - no vote      

Olimar12345 - Maelstrom/mikey//blueflower999
Trasdegi - blueflower999/no vote

ThatHiddenCharacter - Trasdegi/no vote

BlackDragonSlayer - mikey
blueflower999 - Trasdegi

mikey - ThatHiddenCharacter/Trasdegi/Maelstrom/BlackDragonSlayer/blueflower999

Maelstrom - 0   

Olimar12345 - 0
Trasdegi - 1 (blueflower999)
ThatHiddenCharacter - 1 (BlackDragonSlayer)

BlackDragonSlayer - 0
blueflower999 - 2 (Olimar12345, mikey)

mikey - 0

Seemed like blueflower999 would have been lynched with 2 votes, but mikey's vote was hacked and was actually on himself, meaning there was a 4 way KitB and mikey got super unlucky.

mikey was lynched.

Night 2 Actions:
Wolf Olimar12345
Hack blueflower999's vote onto blueflower999
Read blueflower999's Will:
" "

Day 2 Votes:
Vote Count:
Maelstrom - ThatHiddenCharacter   

Trasdegi - no vote

ThatHiddenCharacter - no vote

BlackDragonSlayer - ThatHiddenCharacter
blueflower999 - Maelstrom

Maelstrom - 2   
(blueflower999, BlackDragonSlayer)
Trasdegi - 0
ThatHiddenCharacter - 1 (Maelstrom)

BlackDragonSlayer - 0
blueflower999 - 0

Maelstrom was lynched
Sombra hacks and edit's Maelstrom's will to:

Night 3 Actions:
Wolf BlackDragonSlayer
Hack and disable BlackDragonSlayer's will
Read Maelstrom's will:
" "
End Night Phase ASAP

Day 3 Votes:
Vote Count:   

Trasdegi - blueflower999
ThatHiddenCharacter - trasdegi
blueflower999 - trasdegi

Trasdegi - 2 (blueflower999, ThatHiddenCharatcer)
ThatHiddenCharacter - 0
blueflower999 - 1 (trasdegi)

Trasdegi was lynched
Game Over. Humans Won.

Overall Game Analysis
So overall I think my game worked pretty well. I did make a slight error in balancing when changing the total player count that Sombra would get an insta win with the hacking vote ability in final 3 situation, which was not intended, and fixed fairly so that the ability was still beneficial for Sombra and it was beneficial for Sombra to have guessed Katya at the point they did and not any other time, and fair for everyone else; I disabled the use of the ability on Day 3.

Overall participation in the game was okay to a point. It was looking very well up until mikey died. Olimar and BDS still did well in activity, although Olimar was wolfed before Day 2, and BDS couldn't exactly discuss with himself. Unfortunately, if the activity in TWG is only  so active as the most active player, then it's not going to be good, and TWG will end up dying on NSM again. Please make sure if you sign up for a TWG you are looking to be an active player, you should ideally have no less that 5 posts every phase that provide game content, but that's really scraping the barrier. Please don't behave as if signing up for TWG is a burden, because of it is to you, then maybe you shouldn't sign up! TWG is supposed to be a fun game of deceiving and reading players and forming suspicions together with convincing arguments or night action results. Some players provided nothing to this game, and while I understand everyone has different circumstances and things can be unpredictable, if they are predictable and contributing mostly nothing to a game could be possible, please do not sign up. Just as a host it is quite disheartening when you put effort into running a game and not everyone in showing that same interest and taking your efforts for granted!

But with overall game balance, this game was perfectly balanced. The mystery aspect of it was quite fun to have, although I expected more speculation on the abilities. The mystery abilities was maybe a bit too difficult of a concept for some of the human players, but it was nice to introduce that aspect of TWG to everyone.

I'm pretty happy with how the game was overall.

Phase by Phase Analysis
Night 1:
Brainy decided to claim to Dudeman, not realising that one of Sombra's abilities, were that she receives logs of all PM's. Upon realising this, Brainy attempts(?) to back out of their claim by saying they're not allowed to post abilities, but at this point everything was out in the open, their pants were down and they probably could have been more reckless and revealed everything as they had already revealed a few of Sombra's abilities to Dudeman, so at this point, Sombra was aware that Brainy wasn't trying to catch them out and waste a guess, they were actually Sombra.

Trasdegi decides to wolf Dudeman as he was aware of some of Sombra's abilities (I guess). This was an ok wolfing, but doing it (sort of) removed the possibility people could have had that Dudeman was the wolf as he was the only one In contact with Brainy. I say sort of because then come day time mikey thought of the possibility Dudeman was still the wolf but had taken over another account, (which is actually sort of an idea I had for another Overwatch themed manhunt starring Tracer lol).

Day 1:
Seemed like blueflower999 would have been lynched with 2 votes, but mikey's vote was hacked and was actually on himself, meaning there was a 4 way KitB and mikey got super unlucky.

Throughout the day mikey was leading the conversations, with some nice activity coming from Olimar, and BDS chipping in too. But activity ended up being quite between some other players, which meant that a better consensus couldn't be had on who to vote for, which meant mikey's vote being hacked was HUGE for Sombra. If more people voted then this ability wouldn't have been so powerful, but humans got punished for not all voting and having a lynch with more traction. If more players were active then Sombra's ability wouldn't have been so powerful, it was intended so that humans would still get one of their top lynch candidates killed, but of course, the vote count wasn't high enough and the whole day fell apart due to a single vote change.

Night 2:
Olimar was wolfed, overall I think this was a good decision from Tras, between Olimar and BlackDragonSlayer, either option was good. Although he was picking off the most active players which resulted in the game sort of dying.

Day 2:
Maelstrom was lynched. The Olimar wolfing put a bit of pressure on blueflower, but they handled it well. Very little discussion happened, ThatHiddenCharacter didn't even appear, and Maelstrom really only popped in to place a vote. The Maelstrom lynch was fine, I agreed that it didn't seem like any rational human contributing to human cause would behave like that.

Night 3:
BlackDragonSlayer was wolfed. This killed most of the activity for the final 3. This or blueflower was probably the best wolfing for trasdegi,  it left ThatHiddenCharacter for the final 3, who I think between him and trasdegi, would have been the only lynch targets.

Day 3:
Final 3; trasdegi lynched. Again barely any discussion happened. blueflower cased his vote with no discussion onto trasdegi. This confirmed ThatHiddenCharacter as human as he had not wolf rushed it. This was pretty poor play on blueflower's human part I feel, it's always best to discuss all options before jumping in, and if ThatHiddenCharacter had been the wolf, that quick vote would have cost humans the game. If Trasdegi had posted his defence quicker, or ThatHiddenCharacter had been more reluctant to case the final vote (which he should have, he had time to wait), then the outcome may have been different? But blueflower did provide a very strong defence and trasdegi had only put up points showing his suspicion towards ThatHiddenCharacter.

Human Victory

Player Analysis
Maelstrom Posts: 9
You ended up getting really busy this game which was unfortunate, although you seemed to be the only one initially interested in making some sort of guesses as to what Sombra's abilities could be, although I wish you were more vocal on it! When you seemed to get a bit of time you didn't really say much in your posts, though I figure you probably didn't read the entire topic? You coming in just to vote for ThatHiddenCharacter without explanation really didn't look good for you, and I figure that helped towards your lynch.

Olimar12345 Posts: 75
Really really naughty this game. Aside from that your activity was pretty good. You contributed a lot to discussion, which helped activity a lot, and at the beginning of the game you seemed to be trying to bait out a Katya guess which I was really happy with! I really really LOVED your analysis of your hacked post ".... Really?" you looked back on all player's history to see if they used any "...." instead of "..." and you ended up catching the wolf in a group of 3! Although this on itself was not strong enough to lead a lynch on, as it could potentially be a ploy to catch someone else out, it would have been nice for you if you looked back on maelstrom,blueflower and trasdegi and analysed their game posts to see if you saw anything out of the ordinary or suspicion worthy. Also when mikey asked players to reveal any PM's with Brainy, you had one but didn't reveal it, thought it was a little odd not to, especially when you admitted to having one, but you played it off as if it wasn't actually brainy and you got mixed up instead. I figured you thought it may have made you look bad, but I think going back on yourself and saying you actually didn't receive anything looked worse. OH and it was you that picked up on the fact Trasdegi only quoted part of his hacked post (the part that looked bad) instead of the entire post, this was a really good pick up from you, which he didn't actually make a response to, so if you were able to follow up on that, I think you would have put a lot more pressure on him and maybe caught him out!! Overall well done performance, though I wish you played more sportsmanship like, as I was close to just replacing you out based on your antics. Despite this, it was almost a tie between you and mikey but MVP
Trasdegi Posts: 19
You played very well this game!! I do agree that your posts do seem quite excited, though you didn't even post much so I'm not sure how mikey got this read on you or why he thought you were being too active (though he has played with you longer than I have). You seemed to address a lot of points towards me in topic, seeming as though you weren't sure of the sombra role, I think this could have came across as odd behaviour from you, especially because you did it quite a few times, though I noticed what you were doing, just be careful you don't do it too much or else it comes across as forced lol! You also made your mistake with this post but you did a good job of covering it up and pretending it was a hacking!! Though this point in the game was the only time hacks were used, and someone did pick up on the point that you only quoted the part of your post that looked bad when saying you were hacked, rather than quoting the entire post, which I think came across as a big wolf tell. I understood with your concern of using the hacking posts ability too frequently, as with english not being your native language you didn't want to get caught out. And you very much did end up getting caught out but doing "...."!!!! I noticed that you looked back on people's posts to try and make the hack look genuine which was a smart idea, but your little slip with the "...." put a lot of suspicion on you, however it wasn't referred back to you in the Final 3, so i guess people forgot about it, or thought it didn't amount to much. Overall your actions throughout the game were very good, though I think your Dudeman wolfing could have been better, he had looked suspicious for being the only person in contact with Brainy before their death, although I do think suspicion on him would have dropped later, I think there maybe would have been a better option. You do get an Honourable Mention though. Well done!

ThatHiddenCharacter Posts: 10
You were like extremely inactive this game. I wish you would provide a lot more to the topic, especially since there was no out of topic communications, it would have been helpful for everyone. You have to remember that as a human, you want to be actively hunting the wolf, you can't wait for everyone else to do that for you!! Also, providing your own content will help everyone else get a better read on you, which in turn helps you proactively help the humans. You didn't even make an appearance Day 2, although I'm not sure if this was due to login issues?? Well done on getting the right decision in the final 3; though you could have been more cautious with your voite, you had an extra hour to decide and only listened to a defence from blueflower, it doesn't hurt to use your time wisely and wait a bit longer!! You did make a pretty good post here and I was looking forward to seeing more of this from you! However your lack of activity, again maybe because of login issues(?) (although i wish you asked me about this), overall resulted in you not participating too much to the game. But well done on securing human victory nevertheless.

BrainyLucario Posts: 10
So you made a big mistake by not reading Sombra's abilities. As Katya, it was crucial to not do anything out of the ordinary in order to remain unguessed, but I guess it was unfortunate you didn't see Sombra's abilities to read PM's. Claiming to Dudeman was also extremely risky, but I presume you wanted to try and share Sombra's abilities with a human. Once you realised that Sombra could read PM's you had already got yourself in trouble, you would have been best revealing her abilities rather than trying to back out of the mess. Oh well!

Dudeman Posts: 8
So Brainy wanted to claim to you immediately for some reason, and I guess you tried to dissuade them from doing so. They ended up being Katya and getting killed off for it anyway so it wasn't much help. You didn't get to perform much as you were killed off Night 1, which sucks, but you did manage to help the humans before you died by showing your conversation with Brainy, which helped a bit.

BlackDragonSlayer    Posts: 45
So you were pretty active, which was good! I noticed a lot of your posts to be quite short and missing much reads. You really only provided your thoughts on olimar and tras, and it was really only stating you leaned slight human on them. Most of your posts seemed to be towards or in response to nocturne, though you didn't really seem to read him yet, though maybe you didn't get the chance, his death was a surprise. Overall, thankyou for the activity, and you did create discussion to boost activity, but you could have provide more of your thoughts and suspicions on the game, especially before the possibility of your death. (although I understand with low activity there wasn't much to work with on the remaining players)

blueflower999 Posts: 20
You were very quiet this game, though I think Maelstrom mentioned you might be busy with school stuff. Throughout the game you seemed certain of Maelstrom's humanity and defended him well, but then you changed your mind later on and lead to his false lynch. I thought you defended yourself well against accusations put on you.

mikey Posts: 134
You were crazy active, but again you sort of failed to provide substance to your accusations. You were actually very very quick to pick up on the oddities with Trasdegi, and actually if you had been alive Day 2, I think you might have pushed for him more? Or you might have kept him cleared like you did later on day 1. You came up with many good thoughts this game, bringing up account hopping was a good idea, although you felt so strongly about it which I thought was odd. Account hopping is a very risky ability, and the possibility of it ever happening in a manhunt day 1 is very very very very very low, I would understand it further into the game, but day 1 just seemed a bit too soon for it to be  as heavily considered as you were pushing for it to be so. You did good in ruling out Trasdegi as being 'not tras' I liked that, however, although correct, I think in your head you gave him human points for that, but they should have just been Tras points. Your activity helped other players to gain some reads on you, and it promoted activity between everyone else. Overall you pretty much lead the topic, but again, you provided very little reasoning when you gave points, which was a shame, because no one could really go back and refer to them, or agree with you. Though you did provide your reasonings that Tras was more 'excited' or 'active' that usually, (due to potentially being the exciting role of Sombra) which was a good pick up so well done, but you seemed to drop this later. When you died there wasn't much talking afterwards which sucked. But overall you played pretty well, though you did vote 5/7 players Day 1, so being a bit jumpy would be an understatement. However, despite this, you did well so Honourable Mention

Game Result
Human Victory

Thanks for the game everyone!

The Werewolf Game / TWG CIV: frikin sombra
April 14, 2018, 12:20:42 PM
TWG: frikin sombra

1. Sombra - Has a bunch of disruptive, annoying secret single use abilities as well as some passive abilities. 3 times at any time can guess who Katya is, if successful Katya dies immediately and Sombra gains and uses her Ultimate EMP ability.
2. Katya Volskaya - Is aware of all of Sombra's abilities
3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human

Out of topic communication is off access, although forum PMs ONLY are allowed.

This game is basically a Manhunt. Sombra is the hacker from Overwatch, think about this if you want to try guess what abilities she has.

Sombra wins when there is only 1 human left.
Humans win when Sombra is dead.

Human role PM
You are Human.

Your TWG Account name is:
Remember to send any will updates and PMs to me.

Points to remember:
At any point in the game, players can post and update me on their 'will'. If you die, I will reveal your will to the topic with your death update. When you post your will to me, please send it to me either on Discord, or PM it to me on the forums. If you would like to see your current will, PM me and you will receive it.

If you send any PM's to other players this game please please please remember to also send the PM to me, remember that Discord or any out of topic communication is not allowed in this game at all, including private messages on discord. Forum PM's are the only out of topic communication allowed.

1. Maelstrom
2. Olimar12345
3. Trasdegi
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
5. BrainyLucario
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. blueflower999
9. mikey

Account Names (in same order as player names):

1. TWG Bowser   
2. TWG DK   
3. TWG Kirby   
4. TWG Mario   
5. TWG Master Chief   
6. TWG Samus   
7. TWG Snake   
8. TWG Sonic   
9. TWG Tingle   

Sending Roles and TWG Accounts out now, you'll figure out who is who easy enough.

lol jk

Night 1
Day 1
Night 2
Day 2
Night 3
Day 3
Game Over

It is now Night 1. Night 1 ends Sunday 8pm GMT +1.
The Boy's Forest of Tears - Evaluation

The Participants:

01. Mashi
02. Davy
03. Bird
04. BlackDragonSlayer
05. Bubbles
06. Mariolegofan
07. SlowPokemon
08. MaestroUGC
09. Dude
10. Liggy
11. Fank009
12. TheZeldaPianist275
13. K-NiGhT
14. FireArrow
15. Mr. Tanooki Suit
16. Contranegative
17. Mr. E
18. Vermilionvermin


Humans Won!

Game Setup
01.    Box Keeper
02.    Box Keeper
03.    Box Keeper
04.    Box Keeper
05.    Box Keeper
06.    Box Keeper
07.    Seer
08.    Guard
09.    Bodyguard- Can survive only one Night Kill
10.    Human
11.    Human
12.    Human
13.    Human
14.    Mason

15.    Wolf-  ~ Have 4 little red boxes between them
16.    Wolf-
17.    Wolf-

18.   Third Party Role     - Each night can choose between a role block or a seer
                 - Takes 2 night hits to kill
                 - Has a nightly kill
                 - Has 1 little red box

Role Reveal
01. Mashi – Box Keeper 5
02. Davy/Thiannon – Human 12
03. Bird – Mason 13
04. BlackDragonSlayer – Wolf 17
05. Bubbles – Third Party Role
06. Mariolegofan – Mason 14
07. SlowPokemon – Human 11
08. MaestroUGC – Human 10
09. Dude – Wolf 16
10. Liggy – Wolf 15
11. Fank009 – Guard
12. TheZeldaPianist275 – Box Keeper 2
13. K-NiGhT - Seer
14. FireArrow - Box Keeper  4
15. Mr. Tanooki Suit – Box Keeper 1
16. Contranegative – Box Keeper 6
17. Mr. E – Box Keeper 3
18. Vermilionvermin – Bodyguard

Night and Day Actions
Night 1 Actions

Bubbles kills BDS.
Bubbles Role blocks Bird.
Bubbles gives box to Mariolegofan

Knight Seers Verm
Fank guards Bird
Verm Bodyguards Bird

Contranegative sends a box to Mr.E
Mr.E sends a box to Contranegative
Mr.E Bodyguards Bird

Wolves kill Mashi (BDS sent in PM)

Day 1 Votes

Bird - Mr. Tanooki Suit
Bubbles - Slowpokemon
SlowPokemon - Liggy
MaestroUGC - Vermilionvermin
Dude - Dude
Liggy - Vermilionvermin
Fank009 - Vermilionvermin Maestro
K-NiGhT - Slowpokemon Liggy
Mr. Tanooki Suit
Contranegative - Slowpokemon
Mr. E - Vermilionvermin Mr. Tanooki Suit
Vermilionvermin - Davy Liggy Mr. Tanooki Suit

Mr. Tanooki Suit - 3
Slowpokemon - 2
Liggy - 2
Vermilionvermin - 2
Dude – 1

Night 2 Actions

Bubbles sends a box to Contranegative
Bubbles roleblocks Vermilionvermin
Bubbles kills MaestroUGC

Vermilionvermin bodyguards Bird
Knight seers Slowpokemon
Fank guards Knight

Contranegative bodyguards Fank
Contranegative sends a box to Mr. E
Mr. E sends a box to Contranegative

Wolves kill Bubbles (sent in by Liggy)
Liggy seers Thiannon

Day 2 Votes

Bird  - TheZeldaPianist
Bubbles - TheZeldaPianist
SlowPokemon -
Dude - Contranegative
Liggy - Slowpokemon
Fank009 – FireArrow, TheZeldaPianist
K-NiGhT - TheZeldaPianist
Contranegative – K-Night
Mr. E - Fank
Vermilionvermin –

TheZeldaPianist – 4
K-Night – 1
Fank – 1
Contranegative – 1
Slowpokemon - 1

Night 3 Actions

Dude Bodyguard Liggy
Wolves wolf Mariolegofan (sent in by Liggy)
Liggy seers Verm

Fank guards K-Night
Verm bodyguards K-Night
K-Night seers Bird
Bubbles Roleblocks Verm
Bubbles sends a box to Contranegative
Bubbles Kills Fank

Contranegative sends a box to Mr.E

Day 3 Votes

Thiannon -
Bubbles – K-Night
SlowPokemon -
Dude - Bubbles
K-NiGhT - Contranegative
Contranegative – K-Night
Vermilionvermin –  Bubbles K-Night

K-Night – 3
Bubbles - 1

Night 4 Actions

Vermilionvermin Bodyguard Bird

Mr.E sends a box to FireArrow

Liggy sends 4 boxes to FireArrow
Wolves wolf Thiannon (sent in by Dude)

Bubbles seers Vermilionvermin
Bubbles Kills Liggy
Bubbles Gives box to contranegative

Day 4 Votes

Bird  - Contranegative
Bubbles - Contranegative
SlowPokemon -
Dude - Contranegative
FireArrow - Vermilionvermin Contranegative
Contranegative – Slowpokemon
Mr. E - Vermilionvermin Bubbles Slowpokemon
Vermilionvermin – Contranegative

Contranegative - 5
Slowpokemon – 2

Night 5 Actions

Wolves wolf Bubbles (Sent in by Dude)
Wolves choose to do nothing with boxes

Bubbles seers Dude
Bubbles kills Bird
Bubbles gives a box to Bird

Vermilionvermin gives a box to Bird

Bird bodyguards FireArrow
FireArrow gives a box to Bird

Day 5 Votes

Bird  - Dude
SlowPokemon -
Dude – Slowpokemon Mr. E
FireArrow -
Mr. E - Slowpokemon
Vermilionvermin – Mr. E

Slowpokemon – 2
Mr. E – 1

Night 6 Actions

Wolves Wolf FireArrow (sent in by Dude)
Wolves attempted to seer Bird

Vermilionvermin Bodyguards Bird

Day 6 Votes

Bird  - Dude
SlowPokemon -
Dude – Slowpokemon Dude
Vermilionvermin – Dude

Dude - 3

Secrets of the Game

What did "I won't be happy with anyone who steals leftover boxes." mean?

If you had leftover boxes I wouldn't count your action. For example; if you received 4 boxes and used a seer (which costed 3 boxes) then I wouldn't give you your seering result since you had 1 box leftover. Things became awkward when people received boxes and did nothing with them because the whole "I won't be happy with anyone who steals leftover boxes" thing became nonpunishable. Sadly, the wolves weren't able to take advantage of this when they found out what it meant (by night 2). If the humans were more organised with the boxes they could have gave someone who was wanting boxes to be sent to them, a load of boxes, hopefully getting them a total of more than 5 boxes which would have meant all the boxes which would have been sent to thus person became useless since the dearest ability was the vigi.

What was the role reveal based on?

Roles were revealed if the player died during the night. They weren't if the player died during the day.

In the stories who were 'Player X' or 'Player Y'?

On the player list, whatever number you had on there, that was your player number in the story.

Did the stories mean anything?

Nope, they were just to get the minds of people going. I tried to get people to think that perhaps the stories gave the players a clue, but really, they meant nothing.

Why did Mashi flip as "Box Keeper 5" when no one else knew what number of Box Keeper they were and why did FireArrow just flip as "Box Keeper"

To get you guys thinking, to get you talking, to get you confused.

What did the crosses on foreheads mean? And how were they determined?

The crosses on foreheads meant that you would be taken away at the start of the next day phase. They were determined at random. The amount of players that would have crosses on their foreheads was already known.

What did the 'Burning's' mean? And how were they determined?

The Burning's were just a scare mechanic to get you guys thinking the worst, but really they meant nothing. Who dies a little fire burn? They were determined at random. The amount of players that would have been burned were already known. The fact that Bird posted first and was burned first was just coincidence.


Player Analysis
You were wolfed Night 1 which was a shame. You were wolfed so hopefully Bird and Verm would argue and one would be lynched. Most of your posts seemed to be joke posts but you did offer some good points. You were against people claiming to Verm which I thought would have been a good idea if I was in your position. You were for the idea that people claim to Bird but if I remember rightly, you didn't claim to him? You also didn't send in an action which was shameful of you. You broke one of the rules of editing and should be slaughtered with toenails for it. The post you made after included some good info, it would have been nice to show a suspicion list or offer some stronger thoughts, although you did quote your PM and it did seem likely you were human anyway, maybe you should have screen shot it too.

You posted once and that was to drop out, I shall eat your toes off.

You joined the game late, which isn't always easy. I was actually quite disappointed in you! I expected you to come up with some cunning and intelligent plan but you didn't really do much. You seemed to just agree with everyone and apologize for not being helpful, heh. You did however speculate about the setup of the game a little and try picture what the roles could be, you reminded players that it was balanced by 'freaking Manti' but no one seemed to take notice. Next time it'd be nice if you helped more with lynches. I was looking forward to you having a strong case against someone but apart from being wary of Contranegative a little, it never really happened.

Throughout the game you made strong opinions and made good decisions. Whenever a decision was made, you were there to make it. You didn't trust Verm's claim and I suppose you agreed that we needed an alliance. You pretended someone had PM'd you saying that they were a mason but in actual fact you were a mason yourself. I would have liked you to maybe help Mariolegofan more and although he didn't message you, you should have insisted on helping him. I don't understand why you revealed him but hey ho. You didn't seem to understand the rules with the boxes in the game which was a bummer. I expected you to maybe co-ordinate the boxes better from Night 1 since they were meant to be the main focus of the game. Although activity let everyone down, I didn't really see you attempt anything. You seemed to look into everything which was nice; I liked how you were curious at every mystery that was presented. You had a nice alliance going that was almost infiltrated by Bubbles! Sadly when you were taken away from the game K-Night was lynched and surprisingly enough it wasn't because of the wolves! You suspected people for letting the lynch go by when in actual fact they turned out to be human. Somehow you led the humans to a victory on the last phase when Dude wolfed FireArrow and you came to the conclusion that Verm was a bodyguard and SlowPokemon was too inactive to send in Night Actions. You played pretty decently and made the right decision on the last phase. Due to the lack of understanding of the games main mechanic, you've been awarded an HO instead of MVP!
Honourable Mention

No! No! No! After seeing how you played as a wolf on that game on LLF and even managed to get MVP, I was excited to watch you play. As soon as I saw those PM's you were sending to the other wolves though I knew exactly how you achieved it! The evaluations and speculations you were making were quite remarkable. The effort you put in and showed were quite admiring. Nice work! The only thing I'd say was wrong was possibly the wolfing choice. Mashi mentioned he didn't believe Verm's claim because he wasn't sure if special powers would even exist (he even said he didn't have a special power) and although he did happen to be a box keeper you maybe should have taken into consideration the posts he was making as many were 'joke posts'. The wolfing was fine in the end since he was a box keeper but you didn't know that at the time!

You did well bud. You killed 2/3 wolves and seer'd the third which was nice... but you weren't human. You ended up probably saving the humans from losing the game, which isn't that bad since you couldn't have won anyway, but had you still been alive, it would have been bad. Once you found out that you had been targeted once and that you did seem pretty human in the game, you probably should have tried to act a little strange, suspicious even to try and avoid the wolves from wolfing you. You seemed to have a good understanding of the game too which was also nice. Had there not been any other killers in this game I would say you would have won it. Just next time try to be more wary of the roles in the game.
Honourable Mention

You were confused a lot. You posted little but that's okay since it's your first game. You asked me a lot of questions that I host can't really answer. I don't really know if you asked Bird them like I said since I didn't see any PM's between you two really. Apart from possibly being a Wolf with Bird and Vermilionvermin you had one of the best possible roles you, yourself could have possibly had. You didn't have to send in a night action, which is nice and simple for your first game and you had a very experienced mason partner who also as a bonus, was part of the TWC! Apparently, unless Verm made it up you said you thought Bird might be a wolf. I told you Bird was human and he was your partner! You should of maybe asked me if it made Bird a human 100% guaranteed, because it did. You ended up being wolfed for some reason but hey ho. Next time maybe read through the rules more thoroughly, read some past games and talk to the TWC if you are confused about anything that I can't help with.

Game ban please?

You were pretty quiet, didn't offer much, played as some sort of distressed character. Didn't post too often. Started a fire later on in the game, shame on you. Next time try to be a little bit more helpful.

You did pretty well. You lay low throughout the game and seemed to go unnoticed for a lot of it. You made a few silly errors and almost gave yourself away but people thought you were just being Dude for it. I couldn't tell if some of them were on purpose though (like switching for SlowPokemon in that last minute lynch) because people seemed to think that would be the kind of trouble a wolf wouldn't want to get in to. You were a nice partner for Liggy and I think he enjoyed working with you. You might some strange choices for wolfing's on your own but that was ok. I think you probably would have won the game had you not wolfed FireArrow though that last phase. Why did you do that? I'm really interested to know why. Were you just giving up? When people decided that you were the wolf you went down with dignity and slammed the hammer on yourself making the game end shorter than it would have needed to. Nice work, you're a cool guy, suck my toe! ;)

You began the game with claiming a normal human. Once you noticed how people were acting strange with it you decided to claim as a loner, which made sense. Had you claimed something like a box keeper or a miller suspicion would arise, but you risked it and went for loner, which I liked. You seemed to keep quiet in the thread but be active in the chat, which is always a nice strategy as a wolf. You were active through PM's and even managed to keep the mind-set of a human when discussing ideas. You said not to claim to Verm, not because you were worried that it might have put you guys under pressure but because you didn't think he was trustworthy. Your wolfing's were pretty good and your team work with Dude was great. You two played well. The humans didn't suspect a thing from you and even when Bubbles killed you and you flipped wolf, they still thought you were a loner. You set the wolf team up nice so when you had died Dude was able to glide through the game if he kept down low. If Dude had maybe chosen a different wolfing target on the last phase you guys would have probably one! Oh well.
Honourable Mention

You seemed to understand the game well, which was nice. You seemed to pick up on the fact that role reveals only occurred on Night deaths. During day 1 you voted Verm for not dying during the night, which was odd reasoning. Even though you did disagree with him claiming it was dumb to vote him. Don't you realize that if everyone followed that logic the wolves would maybe listen to you and not kill him? You seemed to lay down low through the game but you did alright. When K-Night claimed you realized it was a horrid idea (which it was). You always seemed to be one step ahead of everyone and played a good game. Bubbles eventually killed you Night 3 which was a shame; I was interested in seeing you possibly work out a plan for the boxes.

You posted once which was to apologise for inactivity and say you trusted Vermilionvermin's claim. You also didn't send in any Night actions. Along with the other inactives, you can suck my toe.
Possible game ban?

At the beginning of the game you seemed to think that Box Keepers weren't human and I'm not sure if you ever did figure out they were human. I noticed you seemed to put extra effort into the game and you showed a lot of your ideas throughout. You ended up claiming randomly that you were the seer. Why? Bird was already being guarded by the guard so I don't understand why you came out and just expected to be guarded. Bird could have shared your information for you. You then later on claimed that Contra was Red for some reason and since Bird wasn't there to back you up you were lynched for some reason. I suspect everyone guessed you were lying.

You missed out on 6 Night Actions and seemed to be confused with the boxes. Just ask questions if you're confused. Bird told you to ask me a few things and you said you would, but I never received any PM's. You started off questioning Bird's claim, saying he'd need verification from his partner, which he later gave. Honestly, you were either going to believe his mason claim or you weren't. He could have just been a wolf and used his wolf partner as a fake mason partner, but hey ho, it was alright to question him. You became inactive for a while but you explained it was because of a virus you caught, which is alright. I was glad you caught up and done some speculation on the game. You trusted Verm, SlowPokemon and K-Night which was good and had decided to ignore Liggy for the time being. You said you wouldn't like to explain why you thought K-Night was human, which was pretty suspicious and strange. I'd question that immediately. You should of just not said that altogether. It brings unnecessary suspicion. People may have thought you were a wolf trying to act like you two were specials or some crazy shiz. You started to become really active which was nice and Bird included you in some sort of alliance, but then he later suspected you to be a wolf. Eventually Dude Wolfed you on the final night.

Mr. Tanooki Suit
I don't think you posted at all. Thank goodness the dimwit humans lynched you day 1. I saw you be active elsewhere and you didn't even have the decency to PM me over LLF or NSM.
Possible game ban?

You started off asking for Normal Humans to claim which could have been an easy way for the wolves to sneak in as confirmed humans and even have narrowed the amount of players down to just specials and box keepers so the wolves would have easy kill targets. You were lucky that only Liggy claimed (who was a wolf) but then he changed his claim to a non-overriding loner afterwards. You were very quiet throughout the game, only 15 posts. You did posts more than others though and most of your posts did have good quality in them. You suspected K-Night for coming out early, which was fine, but then it bit you in the but when you pretended you were red and got you lynched a few day phases after. During the game you and Mr. E seemed to have a sort of alliance going, you'd send him a box, he'd send you one too. A lot of the time you didn't do anything with the box you received though. Why? You seemed to be confused with the game a bit and how the boxes worked. You should have just asked questions. I can only tell you the answer or say I can't answer it.

Mr. E
You started off with a very logical post about the humans not being able to trust Vermilionvermin. All your posts were nice and very thought out and from a logical point of view.  You were very active throughout the game and I was interested in watching you play. You were active through chat which was a bonus too! You sent in an action almost every night which was nice and used your boxes too. You had a clear understanding of the game which was great and you seemed to help others a bit too. During the game you seemed to begin an alliance with Contranegative somehow and you guys came pretty close throughout the game which could have looked incredibly suspicious in certain people's points of view. When Contranegative was taking heat from K-Night's fake seering you seemed to stand up for Contranegative and you did well in protecting him! Unfortunately K-Night was actually the seer but you still stood up for a human anyway which is what counts! You ended up getting lynched the next day phase though, oh well.
Honourable Mention

You started off with claiming to be a bulletproof bodyguard. It was a nice decent claim but why did you claim? They humans had no way of trusting you. I suspect you were just power hungry wanting to form your own alliance? Anyway, the claim ended up being pointless since no one trusted you and Bird claimed later as a mason which was apparently more believable. You had a nice plan with the other mason sending a PM to Sir Awesomesauce but I kind of felt awkward not knowing if it was against the rules or not. Nevertheless it was an interesting plan and I was looking forward to it being carried out whether it was against rules or not. Unfortunately the humans didn't go through with it!  You decided that everyone should trust Bird anyway, although there wasn't really anyway to know if he was telling the truth or not. That logic wasn't bad, but not good either, it was risky him coming out so I guess you presumed it was too much of a risk for a wolf to take. After taking suspicion from your bodyguard claim you seemed to just lie down completely, which wasn't that bad but I didn't see you exactly picking yourself back up later in the game. You seemed to rely on Bird a bit, which was alright but I would of liked you to voice your own opinion too, wolves tend to 'obey their master' and I would have picked you up on that had I been playing myself.  During the game you questioned Mariolegofan about being Birds mason partner. Although it seemed a bit late to even question Bird about not being human since he knew all the roles, better late than ever, eh? Mariolegofan seemed really confused and from what I saw you didn't ask him to ask me about Bird possibly being a wolf or something which would have been nice to say. You played alright throughout the game and on the last phase you helped Bird make the correct decision to lynch Dude, nice work. It would have been nice to see you think of a good way to coordinate the boxes, maybe next time try be more wary of the game you are playing.

[In Progress]

If there are any questions you need answered feel free to ask them and I'll either reply to them in the thread or stick them in the secrets section for you to read.
The Boy's Forest of Tears

Welcome! This is my Forest! You might not know how you got here, but I'll tell ya, it wasn't easy! You've been teleported here with 17 other strangers who you know nothing about, you might think you know them, but trust me, you really do not.

The aim is to survive and only then will you be let out. Survive for how long you ask? Until the ones who cannot cry drop down dead. Some of you can collect Little Red Boxes from special trees. You people know who you are because you will have been told this:
"You are a Box Keeper. When the clock strikes [whatever time you have been told] your body will be taken over by a spirit. This spirit will guide you to your designated tree; the spirit will leave your body once the Little Red Box has reached your hands. Inside the box is a square of paper with the number 1 on it. You cannot open your own box, but you can open someone else's.

You may leave the forest when all the non-humans have been destroyed."

What you can do with the little red boxes:

You can give your box to anyone you want, but not yourself.  If you deposit any box you collected into the tree stump you may choose one of the following:
   -An amount of Four Boxes allow the user to use a Guard
   -An amount of Five Boxes allow a player to use a Kill
   -An amount of Three Boxes allow a player to use an Seer
   -An amount of One Box allows a player to use a Bodyguard
   -An amount of Two Boxes allows a player to use a role block

I won't be happy with anyone who steals leftover boxes.

Chit Chat, anyone?

The Unlucky ones:

01. Mashi - Box Keeper Number 5
02. Thiannon
03. Bird
04. BlackDragonSlayer - Brown Wolf
05. Bubbles - Third Party Serial Killer
06. Mariolegofan - Mason
07. SlowPokemon
08. MaestroUGC - Human
09. Dude
10. Liggy
11. Fank009 - Guardian
12. TheZeldaPianist275
13. K-NiGhT
14. FireArrow
15. Mr. Tanooki Suit
16. Contranegative
17. Mr. E
18. Vermilionvermin

I am currently teleporting the unlucky ones into my forest, however it is still Night 1. Night 1 will end on Wednesday 8pm GMT+1.
The Boy's Forest of Tears

Welcome! This is my Forest! You might not know how you got here, but I'll tell ya, it wasn't easy! You've been teleported here with 13 other strangers who you know nothing about, you might think you know them, but trust me, you really do not.

The aim is to survive and only then will you be let out. Survive for how long you ask? Until the ones who cannot cry drop down dead. Some of you can collect Little Red Boxes from special trees. You people know who you are because you will have been told this:
"You are a Box Keeper. When the clock strikes [whatever time you have been told] your body will be taken over by a spirit. This spirit will guide you to your designated tree; the spirit will leave your body once the Little Red Box has reached your hands. Inside the box is a square of paper with the number 1 on it. You cannot open your own box, but you can open someone else's.

You may leave the forest when all the non-humans have been destroyed."

What you can do with the little red boxes:

You can give your box to anyone you want, but not yourself.  If you deposit any box you collected into the tree stump you may choose one of the following:
   -An amount of Four Boxes allow the user to use a Guard
   -An amount of Five Boxes allow a player to use a Kill
   -An amount of Three Boxes allow a player to use an Seer
   -An amount of One Box allows a player to use a Bodyguard
   -An amount of Two Boxes allows a player to use a role block

I won't be happy with anyone who steals leftover boxes.

So who shall the unlucky victims be, eh?

01. Mashi
02. Davy
03. Bird
04. BlackDragonSlayer
05. Bubbles
06. mariolegofan
07. SlowPokemon
08. MaestroUGC
09. Dude
10. Liggy
11. Fank009
12. TheZeldaPianist275
13. K-NiGhT
14. FireArrow

Those who are currently in Purgatory:

01. Mr. Tanooki Suit
02. Contranegative
03. Mr. E
04. vermilionvermin
Off-Topic / Awkward Moments...
March 12, 2013, 08:54:31 AM
Since the last awkward moments thread is dead I've made a new one since I'm the most awkward person ever.

Post your awkward moments here!

I'll start.

Awkward moment when your maths teacher says, 'and the point that the 2 lines meet is called the point of inter-' and you shout out 'course!' Not realising what you just said...
TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way Post Game

Role Reveal

01. Waddle Bro              - Invisible Seer
02. Socialfox                  -
Invisible Semi Tracker

03. Bird                          -
04. Blueflower                -
05. BlackDragonSlayer   -
06. MaestroUGC             -
07. Vermilionvermin        -
08. Bubbles                    -
09. Liggy                        -
10. Shadowkirby            -
11. TheZeldaPianist       -
12. Spitllama                  -
Invisible Guardian
13. Jub                           -
14. Mashi                       -
15. Dude                        -
16. K-Night                    -


This game was terrible. It was quite fun to host at the start but you guys didn't talk much after that. All the humans gave up when Bird and Liggy died and that was really disappointing. This was a fun game but you guys didn't do much. I'll admit that losing the seer from the beginning was horrible but how do you think Manhunts work? RIGHT EVERYONE THE SEMI TRACKER PART, LISTEN! You guys were like 'Wut 2 do with the semi tracker?!'. The Semi Tracker was put in place so you guys could see who someone wanted seer'd and guarded, it was a real shame that the seer died though. I think if this game was to run again I'd put in an invisible vig. In Liggy's game there was an invisible vig but apparently it was horrible because the vig kept viging the invisible roles. You guys obviously weren't suppose to talk about who you were going to track but most people didn't understand this so just went for Mashi. No one looked into the tracking results (You may have mentioned them but you didn't find them suspicious, and Liggy, " ??? " doesn't count ;P).


What was that? Bird died and you all just dropped dead, not much happened after Bird and Liggy where gone so that decreased your discussion but it had no reason to! A lot of you guys where suspicious of people and had good reason to be but you didn't push for any lynches so who did? The Wolves did! At the end Maestro pushed for a Verm lynch which I didn't expect but he wasn't the only one who was suspicious of him! If you all have reasons to be suspicious of someone then post them!


You guys ran the game! You all worked together brilliantly and I loved your plan, let Verm do most of the work and we'll just lie around until something comes up. You all played well in the end, even if some were more active than others. You guys discussed a lot together and this helped the team well. I'm not sure why at the end you didn't rush on to Liggy to insta him (alliance with Mashi perhaps?) but heyo none of you died. The Mashi seering at the start really helped you guys a lot as you were basically guaranteed 1 wolf at the end as long as you got the smarties dead early. Well played guys!


Waddle Bro – You were wolfed night 1, hard luck. You did want to seer Verm, which was good, and well guard yourself, but pity it didn't work out.
Socialfox- You did not do anything really much mentioning. You didn't get lynched so congratz.
Bird – You were very active when you were alive and this was good help for the humans, you also managed to sort out the votes well by making a poll for the first night, good job! A shame you got wolfed night 2, pesky wolves! I don't know why you voted Dude, if it was just a safety it was a little silly, it gave the wolves an easy lynch.
Blueflower- You had a clear understanding of the game and that was about it.

BlackDragonSlayer- Well, you were suspicious of Verm from the start so that was good, you didn't try get him lynched though, you just placed a vote on him which was really suspicious, you should be fighting to lynch him! At the beginning you didn't let Mashi's seer change your mind about him and that was good. When it game to suspicion lists you were really strange, anyhow..
Honourable Mention

MaestroUGC- You
didn't do much, you just voted for Social most of the time. You didn't vote at night at all or pay attention much until the end when you pushed for a Verm lynch. You'd get an MVP if you voted during the night a few times and voted someone other than social you'd get an honourable mention or MVP but meh.

Vermilionvermin- You were really, really good! You were the captain of the wolves and each night you made sure there was communication between you. You done a few things suspicious that no one picked up on which was lucky. When Bird looked like he might get one of you lynched you wolfed him, this dropped activity down and the humans
didn't have any discussion going so it was a good choice!
Overall MVP

Bubbles- You did good, you were the least suspicious of all the wolves which was really interesting! You kept low but not inactive. You had a clear understanding of the game.
Honourable Mention

Liggy- You played well but you were lynched too early by that pesky Verm! You argued well but just not good enough, you
didn't have much suspicions for anyone to go on.

Shadowkirby- You ran the game.

TheZeldaPianist- Nice game you played! Surprised this is your first, have you played anywhere else? Very well done! You done a few suspicious things but you'll learn from them, this was a tough game so don't worry about the loss!

Spitllama- You
didn't do much, and you didn't prove your innocence, which was a shame since you were the guardian.

Jub- Pretty inactive, not much to say.

Mashi- Was pretty disappointed with your activity this game but oh well! When you were seer'd there
wasn't much else for you to do. You could have tried to lead some easy lynches because no one could go against you!

Dude – You didn't really do much, you were pretty inactive. Really not sure why you were lynched, not sure at all, if you paid a little more attention to what was going on at that point you could have saved yourself by voting someone else other than Jub (Shadowkirby), that would have brought it to a kitB and you may have got a wolf lynched!

K-Night- You were really quiet, you only really voted then left it at that. You were wolfed because they thought there was no chance you could be lynched so I suppose you looked human.

Night Voting Graph
The Werewolf Game / TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way
January 06, 2013, 12:37:40 PM
TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way Sign-Ups

01.   Wolf
02.   Wolf
03.   Wolf
04.   Wolf
05.   Invisible Guardian
06.   Invisible Seer
07.   Invisible Semi Tracker
08.   Human
09.   Human
10.   Human
11.   Human
12.   Human
13.   Human
14.   Human
15.   Human
16.   Human

The Invisible guardian is told they are a Human.
The Invisible seer is told they are a Human.
The Invisible Semi tracker is told they are a Human.
The Human is told they are a Human.
The Human is told they are a Human.
The Wolf is told they are a Wolf.
The Wolf is told they are a Wolf.

An Invisible Guardian is a role in which each night EVERY player will vote for someone to be guarded, whoever has the most votes will be guarded that night. This keeps on going until the invisible guardian is killed.
An Invisible Seer is a role in which each night EVERY player will vote for someone to be seer'd, whoever has the most votes will be seer'd that night. This keeps on going until the invisible seer is killed.
An Invisible Semi Tracker is a role in which each night EVERY player will vote for someone that they would like to know who they voted for to be seer'd , guarded and tracked. This keeps on going until the Invisible Semi Tracker is killed.

Wolfs know each other.
Cardflips will occur.
The username of the player that was guarded during the night phase will be posted in the Night Post.
The username of the player that was seer'd during the night phase will be posted in the Night Post.
The username of the player that was tracked during the night phase will be posted in the Night Post.
The order of action is, Voting > Seer/Guard/Track > Killing
Please send me any pm's and logs you have with someone.

Human Pm
QuoteYou're a Human.
Wolf Pm
QuoteYou're a Wolf.

The Wolves are....

01. Waddle Bro
02. Socialfox [Phantom x1]
03. Bird
04. Blueflower
05. BlackDragonSlayer [Phantom x1]
06. MaestroUGC [Phantom x1]
07. Vermilionvermin
08. Bubbles
09. Liggy
10. Shadowkirby [Phantom x1]
11. TheZeldaPianist
12. Spitllama
13. Jub [Phantom x3]
14. Mashi [Phantom x1]
15. Dude
16. K-Night

For players' reference, here is a similar game that was run about a year ago.  It's not the exact same roles but shares some of the mechanics.  Liggy did a great job with it!

Chat Link

It is now Day 4, Day 4 ends Saturday 9pm (GMT+0). Good Luck!
The Werewolf Game / TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way Sign-Ups
January 05, 2013, 02:19:29 PM
TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way Sign-Ups

01.   Wolf
02.   Wolf
03.   Wolf
04.   Wolf
05.   Invisible Guardian
06.   Invisible Seer
07.   Invisible Semi Tracker
08.   Human
09.   Human
10.   Human
11.   Human
12.   Human
13.   Human
14.   Human
15.   Human
16.   Human

The Invisible guardian is told they are a Human.
The Invisible seer is told they are a Human.
The Invisible Semi tracker is told they are a Human.
The Human is told they are a Human.
The Human is told they are a Human.
The Wolf is told they are a Wolf.
The Wolf is told they are a Wolf.

An Invisible Guardian is a role in which each night EVERY player will vote for someone to be guarded, whoever has the most votes will be guarded that night. This keeps on going until the invisible guardian is killed.
An Invisible Seer is a role in which each night EVERY player will vote for someone to be seer'd, whoever has the most votes will be seer'd that night. This keeps on going until the invisible seer is killed.
An Invisible Semi Tracker is a role in which each night EVERY player will vote for someone that they would like to know who they voted for to be seer'd , guarded and tracked. This keeps on going until the Invisible Semi Tracker is killed.

Wolfs know each other.
Cardflips will occur.
The username of the player that was guarded during the night phase will be posted in the Night Post.
The username of the player that was seer'd during the night phase will be posted in the Night Post.
The username of the player that was tracked during the night phase will be posted in the Night Post.

01. Waddle Bro
02. Socialfox
03. Bird
04. Blueflower911
05. BlackDragonSlayer
06. MaestroUGC
07. Verthousandvermin
08. Bubbles why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9.
09. Liggy
10. Shadowkirby
11. TheZeldaPianist123
12. Spitllama
13. Jub118118
14. Mashi
15. Dude
16. K-Night

For players' reference, here is a similar game that was run about a year ago.  It's not the exact same roles but shares some of the mechanics.  Liggy did a great job with it!
Forum Games / Guess the Picture!
December 22, 2012, 02:06:06 PM
Guess the Picture!

Every so often I will post a picture that has been distorted, what you need to do is guess what it is!

Some of the pictures might be hard so I'll be looking for a specific answer!

Here's an example:

What is it?

It's a dog!!!!

If you like you can message me a distorted picture, but remember to include the original image!


Bubbles -2
SuperFireKirby -2
Jompa -2

Current picture:

Sony / Anyone play Uncharted 3?
November 25, 2012, 09:40:21 AM
Anyone play Uncharted 3? If you do whats your favorite characters? What rank are you?

If you like add me on ps3, WeeMicky1