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Topics - master_gamer38

The Werewolf Game / TWG XXV: Player Sign-ups
December 28, 2011, 12:16:30 AM
Just putting this up so that the signups can get started.


1. Winter
2. blueflower999
3. vermilionvermin
4. Wrydryn
5. xK-NiGhTx
6. SlowPokemon
7. spitllama
9. popo
10. gzgregory
11. davy
12. Dude
Since this is the only game that was posted. This is the game that shall be played.

TWG: Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous Frivolous

Wolf (Frivolousness) - Has the power to wolf.
Wolf Shaman (Frivolity) - Has the power of the Seer.

Wolf does not know Wolf Shaman.  The Wolf makes all wolfings.  The Wolf:Human ratio will remain as 1:# of Humans, so long as the Wolf does not know the Wolf Shaman.  The Wolf Shaman may be wolfed by the Wolf.  The Wolf may only send in one guess about who the Wolf Shaman is at any given time to unite with him.
If the Wolf dies without finding the Wolf Shaman, Humans will win.  If the Wolf dies, but he has found the Wolf Shaman, however, the game will continue with the Wolf Shaman acting as the Wolf.

1. SlowPokemon
2. shadowkirby_64
3. askalice23
4. SuperFireKirby
5. Jub3r7
6. Dude
7. MaestroUGC
8. gzgregory

The player list is as posted. Mashi will take over as host at this point. Enjoy.

PMs have been sent out at random (Both Players and Roles).  The Human PM is "Human" without quotes.  Likewise, Wolf and Wolf Shaman PMs are "Wolf" and "Wolf Shaman" without quotes, respectively.

Players should send me every single chat log they've had in this game and should also add me as BCC or To to every PM they send.

Night Phase 1 ends tomorrow (Monday, September 26th, 2011) at 9PM EST/8PM CST/7PM MST/6PM PST/6PM AST/4PM HST.
Yes, it was necessary for me to put all those time zones up, even if no one lives in some of them.  This game must be as frivolous as possible.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XX: Host Sign Ups
September 22, 2011, 10:51:44 PM
The players:
1. SlowPokemon
2. shadowkirby_64
3. askalice23
4. SuperFireKirby
5. Mashi
6. Jub3r7
7. Dude
8. MaestroUGC
9. gzgregory

One of you will host. The problem with this is that there will be an odd number of players in your game. This can create issues with balance on some games. That will be a challenge to overcome. If no one steps up. I will step in to host a man-hunt.

The dead-line for submission of games is Sunday, Sept 25rd at 12:00 AM EST. I will do my best to update as soon as I can to that time. After which, the voting for the games will begin. Votes will be given a day, potentially two days, to be voted on. Then the game will start that night.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XX: Player Sign ups
September 19, 2011, 10:35:32 PM
"Wait what? Player sign ups? But who is hosting and what game is it!?"

We're gonna try something new. Rather than losing people trying to find the remaining players for a game, we're going to get the players first. After we have players, there will be a host sign up among the players that signed up. In the case that there is no one who wants to host, or no one can fit a game to the amount of players, I will host a game.

I'm also going to keep this to a strict time frame. I have the intent for the game to begin next week Monday at the very latest. Player sign ups for a few days and then a quick host sign ups. Since this is a limited time frame, we should not lose activity due to not knowing when its going on. I'm going to put a tentative end date for player sign ups for Friday September 23rd at 12:00 AM EST. This is Thursday night this means. I am willing to extend through Friday if needed however.

If we do not get enough players, it may be time for TWG to take another break here at NSM.

So, recap version. If you wanna take time to play a fun game and enjoy yourself for the duration of next week. Type the word "IN" in bold in this topic by Friday, Sept 23rd at 12:00 AM EST.

Current players:
1. SlowPokemon
2. shadowkirby_64
3. askalice23
4. SuperFireKirby
5. Mashi
6. Jub3r7
7. Dude
8. MaestroUGC

(Look at that lonely list, you should reply with "IN" to make it less lonely.)
The Werewolf Game / TWG XVII: Duos
June 10, 2011, 03:03:33 AM
1. winterkid09
2. drpamplemousse
3. gzgregory
4. SlowPokemon
5. MaestroUGC
6. askalice23
7. SuperFireKirby
8. Dude
9. shadowkirby_64
10. Jub3r7
11. universe-X
12. fingerz
13. Mashi
14. Super Zombie

Wolf Duo - Works together with another Wolf Duo to wolf someone each night.
Wolf Duo - Works together with another Wolf Duo to wolf someone each night.

Wolf Duo - Works together with another Wolf Duo to wolf someone each night.
Wolf Duo - Works together with another Wolf Duo to wolf someone each night.

Guardian Duo - Works together with another Guardian Duo to guard someone each night.
Guardian Duo - Works together with another Guardian Duo to guard someone each night.

Duo Sensor - Works together with another Duo Sensor to determine a pair of players.
Duo Sensor - Works together with another Duo Sensor to determine a pair of players.

Seer Duo - Works together with another Seer Duo to seer someone each night.
Seer Duo - Works together with another Seer Duo to seer someone each night.

Human Duo - Works together with another Human Duo to find and eliminate the wolves each night.
Human Duo - Works together with another Human Duo to find and eliminate the wolves each night.

Human Duo - Works together with another Human Duo to find and eliminate the wolves each night.
Human Duo - Works together with another Human Duo to find and eliminate the wolves each night.

Each person will know one other player's role from the start (and only one other player's role). This includes the 4 wolves. There are two separate duos. Only one wolfing would occur per night however. Whichever wolf duo sends in a PM first is the one I take. Even so, the two wolf duos do not know each other to discuss who to wolf. Meaning, they could accidentally wolf each other. (Which, as a host, I would find hilarious.) For every duo, the ability would disappear when one of the two in the pair is killed. In the case of the wolves, when there are two wolves left, if they were not already a duo, they would be made into one so they could continue to wolf again.

Also, once there is only a single wolf left, there would be no more wolfings. This is because there is no duo. At that point, the game plays out with only lynching for kills.

Sorry for the extremely late start on this however. I've been busy helping with a summer camp all week, plus musical rehearsal, and my friends and I have gotten extremely addicted to Risk and have played until 4-5am every night this week essentially.

Even though I've had all this extra time, I still suck with stories. Whoever wants to write one can.

Now, sorry for the delay, but...

It is now Night One. Night One ends at 11:00pm CST on Saturday, June 11, 2011.

The Werewolf Game / TWG XVII: Duo signups
May 27, 2011, 10:11:58 PM
I have yet to think of a story to fit in with this. So for now, just a role list.

Wolf Duo - Works together with another Wolf Duo to wolf someone each night.
Wolf Duo - Works together with another Wolf Duo to wolf someone each night.

Wolf Duo - Works together with another Wolf Duo to wolf someone each night.
Wolf Duo - Works together with another Wolf Duo to wolf someone each night.

Guardian Duo - Works together with another Guardian Duo to guard someone each night.
Guardian Duo - Works together with another Guardian Duo to guard someone each night.

Duo Sensor - Works together with another Duo Sensor to determine a pair of players.
Duo Sensor - Works together with another Duo Sensor to determine a pair of players.

Seer Duo - Works together with another Seer Duo to seer someone each night.
Seer Duo - Works together with another Seer Duo to seer someone each night.

Human Duo - Works together with another Human Duo to find and eliminate the wolves each night.
Human Duo - Works together with another Human Duo to find and eliminate the wolves each night.

Human Duo - Works together with another Human Duo to find and eliminate the wolves each night.
Human Duo - Works together with another Human Duo to find and eliminate the wolves each night.

Each person will know one other player's role from the start (and only one other player's role). This includes the 4 wolves. There are two separate duos (2 wolfings per night potentially). Meaning, they could accidentally wolf each other. (Which, as a host, I would find hilarious.) For every duo, the ability would disappear when one of the two in the pair is killed. In the case of the wolves, when there are two wolves left, if they were not already a duo, they would be made into one so they could continue to wolf again.

This is the general idea of it. I'm going to allow the signups to be open for a while. And then I'll balance it when I know how many people intend to play.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XIV: Postgame.
April 14, 2011, 09:27:13 PM
All I have to say... Wow.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XIV: Winterkid's Game.
March 16, 2011, 04:40:01 PM
When he is ready.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XIV: Host Signups
December 14, 2010, 06:54:06 PM
Welp. You guys know how this go. If you wanna sign up. Post a game with a title, an intro story, and role list. Pretty simple. I'll probably end up posting a game as well. But I'm starting to really miss playing.

If you're interested in hosting, and don't have a game idea. Leave a message. We may be able to work something out.

Also, Slow and WK. Your bans are each a game long. You both shouldn't be banned for 5 games. But, taking a break to watch and reread rules isn't a bad idea either.

Before I forget. Activity needs to start being more common. Phantoms last game were pitiful. There was WAY too many. If it continues to be a problem. There will be consequences.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XIII: ??? Post Game
December 06, 2010, 03:34:27 PM
So, first of all. Players.

twgplayer1 was Universe-X
twgplayer2 was SuperFireKirby
twgplayer3 was jake3343

twgplayer4 was Dude
twgplayer5 was drpamplemousse
twgplayer6 was Concerto No.20 in D minor
twgplayer7 was SlowPokemon
twgplayer8 was Mashi
twgplayer9 was winterkid09

twgplayer10 was askalice23

So, how many people guessed the players right? I know I did!

Anyways, this game was pretty self-explanatory. Except for maybe the end. Why did I end it early. When at that point, only one wolf was live? Phantoms.

Phantoms killed the humans this game. At the end there, no matter who would have been wolfed, askalice could have voted, and gotten the majority because of phantoms. Both winter and dude had more phantoms than askalice.

Blah. I'm kinda disappointed how this game went. Who do you all think did the best?

As a sub note. WK and Slow, send me a PM or message me on IRC to discuss your bans. As a guideline, being mad at me for enforcing the rules isn't going to get you anywhere, and being overly-apologetic won't either. I'd like to shorten the bans, but you both need to give me reason to.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XIII: ???
November 23, 2010, 05:37:19 PM
??? ??? ??? ???

It is now Night One. The phase ends at 11:00 PM CST, on Wednesday, November 24th.

1. SlowPokemon
2. Concerto No.20 in D minor
3. drpamplemousse
4. askalice23
5. Dude
6. winterkid09
7. jake3343
8. universe-X
9. SuperFireKirby
10. Mashi

All of the PMs are out, with the new account information. There will be no discussion except by means of PMs. If you run into a problem. Let me know.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XIII: ??? Signups (PART TWO)
November 22, 2010, 08:33:08 PM
1. SlowPokemon
3. drpamplemousse
4. askalice23
5. Dude
6. winterkid09
7. jake3343
8. universe-X
9. SuperFireKirby
10. Mashi

Yay players! BUT WAIT!!! One player is missing! Who can it be!? Oh it's me!! WHY AM I NOT ON THE LIST!? It's because I'm going to be hosting this one. Nakah has given me permission to take over in hosting this game. So what happens with my spot? Well, first person to say IN that isn't already on the list will take the spot. After which, I'll send out account information. I have all of the accounts made.

So basically, just gotta take that spot, and this can get started!

As a sub note, I'm not writing a story for this one.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XI: Beyond Azincourt
October 02, 2010, 04:17:34 PM
Enjoy yourselves.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XI: Host Signups
September 18, 2010, 08:19:19 PM
Before this starts, I'm not going to allow a game like last time to occur. Therefore, there will be rules to being able to host. These are loosely based upon what Mashi said in the suggestion topic.

In order to Host, a player must prove to be experienced, knowledgeable, skilled and have the time to be a host.
This means:
  • A player must have played an ample amount of games. This means, at least 3 games played.
  • A player must have been active in said games. If you can't be active as a player, you can't be trusted as a host.
  • A host is more active than any player and needs to devote time every day.
  • An honourable mention, or showing constant skilled play in several games played.
  • An understanding of TWG fundamentals, terminology, and role specifics.
  • Able to constructively criticize and analyze players during the Post Game.
  • Able to prepare a post game, which requires much thought and analyzing of the players in the game.
  • Able to be a good sport, TWG is a team game, not a lone wolf

Another trait that isn't required, but would be really nice for hosts to have is good grammar and spelling.
The Werewolf Game / TWG X: Postgame
September 18, 2010, 10:11:38 AM
1. Dude - Wolf
2. drpamplemousse - Human
3. Jub3r7 - Wolf
4. ETFROXX - Human
5. SuperRiolu - Human
6. SlowPokemon - Human - Vigi
7. Askalice23 - Human
8. Nakah - Human
9. Jake3343 - Wolf
10. Concerto No. 20 in D minor - Human

Polygraph is still unknown.

Welp, this was horribly one sided, but two lucky vigis almost saved it. I don't have much else to say. I'll open host signups later tonight.
The Werewolf Game / TWG VII: Invader Zim Post Game
July 15, 2010, 01:51:16 AM

To start, I must say that, I'm somewhat satisfied with what went on, at least at the beginning. Assessment of players to start.

1. MaestroUGC - Human - Well, I didn't see you do much of anything. I'm sorry if I just missed it. But, maybe you figured out the whole thing early on. Gotta talk and post. TWG isn't going to get anywhere with individuals all against each other.

2. universe-X - Human - I'm going to advise that you sit out a game. Or play a game where you'd be with someone experienced. You're missing the points of this game. You need to take some time, and get a better idea of what's going on. If you sit out a game, and I'm hosting said game. Come talk to me, and we'll talk the game through.

3. Concerto No.20 in D minor - Human - Poor Concerto, dying night one. :(

4. Dude - Human - Suicide, really? I dun have much to say asides from, try next time!

5. JaMaHa - Wolf - I feel so bad for you. Wake up one morning, to a wall of posts with your name in bold on all of them. No chance to defend yourself, just instadeath for you. I'm surprised by you actually. I've never really seen you say that much but you did quite a bit according to what I've heard. We'll miss you while you're away.

6. askalice23 - Human - Well, you were wrong about JaMaHa being a wolf. But basically everything in that post of yours was right. You've got TWG down pretty well. Just, more grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling would be fantastic.

7. jake3343 - Human -
8. SuperFireKirby - Human - I feel so terrible for you. You die early on in every game. You never get a chance to actually do much, and because of that everyone assumes you are amazing. Which you might be, no one has seen. Hopefully in future games you'll last longer.

9. Nakah - Human - I don't really think I need to say much here. You know what went down, what should have been done.

10. ETFROXX - Wolf - Well played. Very well played. Need much more be said?

11. [Wrydryn] - Human - Ahhhh! If you could have only been earlier to vote. Be more active though, you're a good player.

12. pumpy_heart - Human - Nakah already said it, but solid alliances are a bad thing. You said if you would have stayed alive, you would have gotten it all figured out. Nah, I don't think so. There wasn't enough activity to do anything. Trusting ETF too much was a huge mistake.

Overall, I liked the activity up until JaMaHa died. After that point, it all kinda died. I dunno how many players learned how to pick out wolves without the use of a seer or sheer luck, but I'm hoping that some did. I really don't know what else to say about this game. Everything basically happened early on, leaving the end for a simple wolf win. Which, it was. I know all of you are able to discuss the game. So go ahead, discuss.
The Werewolf Game / TWG VII: Invader Zim
June 28, 2010, 09:29:15 PM
Log: #375829

To all that may see these logs. My name is Dib. I am part of a secret organization known as the Swollen Eyeball. I have heard a rumor of an Irken invader sent to take over the planet. My resources say that this rumor is true, and that the Irken invader is living close to me. From this point on, I will be having logs as often as new information comes in. I have a suspicion that the new student nam-- GAZ, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I'M TRYING TO SAVE THE EARTH FROM IMMINENT DESTRUCTION! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS NEED TO PLAY ON THE COMPUTER WHIL--

End Log

It is now NIGHT ONE. All PMs are out. Night one ends Tuesday, June 29th, at 10:00 pm CST. This is 11:00 pm EST.

1. MaestroUGC
2. universe-X
3. Concerto No.20 in D minor
4. Dude
5. JaMaHa
6. askalice23
7. jake3343
8. SuperFireKirby
9. Nakah
11. [Wrydryn]
12. pumpy_heart

1. Wolf (Zim)
2. Wolf (Gir)

3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
The Werewolf Game / TWG VII: Sign Ups
June 22, 2010, 08:13:02 PM
Invader Zim

Log: #375829

To all that may see these logs. My name is Dib. I am part of a secret organization known as the Swollen Eyeball. I have heard a rumor of an Irken invader sent to take over the planet. My resources say that this rumor is true, and that the Irken invader is living close to me. From this point on, I will be having logs as often as new information comes in. I have a suspicion that the new student nam-- GAZ, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I'M TRYING TO SAVE THE EARTH FROM IMMINENT DESTRUCTION! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS NEED TO PLAY ON THE COMPUTER WHIL--

End Log

1. Wolf (Zim)
2. Wolf (Gir)
3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human

This is a manhunt. We need activity for this to work out. I'm probably going to have the day phases be 48 hours, and night phases as 24 hours. So, that gives plenty of time to have posts in the forums, and discussions to be going on between people. For this, everyone needs to come on to talk to people in some way. As you sign up for this, post at least one way that you can be contacted.
The Werewolf Game / TWG VII: Host Signups
June 19, 2010, 10:40:13 PM
Everyone is open to host. Post your game, and we can vote on which game to play. The games must follow the following format as my example game below. If wanted, I will host the example game below.

Invader Zim

Log: #375829

To all that may see these logs. My name is Dib. I am part of a secret organization known as the Swollen Eyeball. I have heard a rumor of an Irken invader sent to take over the planet. My resources say that this rumor is true, and that the Irken invader is living close to me. From this point on, I will be having logs as often as new information comes in. I have a suspicion that the new student nam-- GAZ, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I'M TRYING TO SAVE THE EARTH FROM IMMINENT DESTRUCTION! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS NEED TO PLAY ON THE COMPUTER WHIL--

End Log

1. Wolf (Zim)
2. Wolf (Gir)
3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human

Let the Host Signups commence.